New 100g tank diary!! Will need help along the way

REALLY need some help--- I'm getting 100 lbs of live sand and lr. My dad said that if I put the live rock in while it's cycling it will kill it and everything off it. I've always heard it helps start the cycle.
FOR MY CYCLYING.. Should I put in all the live rock and live sand as long as I have salt water? Or do like my dad says and not put either, only put it when it is all cycled. Very confused on this


Active Member
Do you already have live rock in there? If so, how much?
How long has the tank been cycling for? What are the current water parameters?
What have you been using to cycle the tank (fish food, live fish, etc.)? What's currently in the tank?

scott t

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mus1cizmythang http:///forum/thread/386986/new-100g-tank-diary-will-need-help-along-the-way/20#post_3402210
REALLY need some help--- I'm getting 100 lbs of live sand and lr. My dad said that if I put the live rock in while it's cycling it will kill it and everything off it. I've always heard it helps start the cycle.
FOR MY CYCLYING.. Should I put in all the live rock and live sand as long as I have salt water? Or do like my dad says and not put either, only put it when it is all cycled. Very confused on this
Yes you can put both in the tank, you will have some die off from putting it in an un-uncycled tank but it will help with the cycle as long as this is a new start up. If you have critters in there already you do not want to add it until you get them out of there, because it can cause you have to have a new cycle which can be harmful to fish and other critters in the tank. AND Yes you must have Saltwater in the tank..
Probably going to catch flak for saying this, but...
You can speed things up quite abit by getting a couple cups of live sand from an existing tank. Depending on your set up you can also put some dirty filter media in your filter. This will jumpstart your system and drastically shorten cycling time. Just make sure the stuff comes from a healthy, trusted set up.
I dont have any live rock or live sand in there right now. I want to put some in there because i have heard it helps you cycle your tank, but my mom and dad said it will kill everything off and be a waste of my money.
I just started cycling it yesterday.
I did a 5 gallon water change from my already cycled 30 gallon and put a tiny bit of the sand from the 30 into the 100, and I currently have a zebra turbo snail in there.
I dont know if this helps, but I also put this "beneficial bacteria" stuff i bought from the store? comes in a little red bottle.
Main point: I want to go buy this 100 lbs of lr and live sand, but my parents think it will all die off and be a waste of my money. If I put the lr and ls in there wouldnt it help cycle it? And not kill it off?
Scott, thanks. I think im going to put the live rock and live sand in so it will cycle it. And of course I know I need salt water....? ha
Sorry for so many questions.
Scott, you said some will die off but it will help with the cycle--- will some eventually grow back on the rock? I mean will i be stuck with JUST rock the rest of the time or will some stuff start to grow back on it eventually?

scott t

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mus1cizmythang http:///forum/thread/386986/new-100g-tank-diary-will-need-help-along-the-way/20#post_3402504
Sorry for so many questions.
Scott, you said some will die off but it will help with the cycle--- will some eventually grow back on the rock? I mean will i be stuck with JUST rock the rest of the time or will some stuff start to grow back on it eventually?
No it will not all die off, and yes it will come back my tank if you look at my Thread, its just new nothing but dry rock and sand in it, I did put live sand in the tank also 20#, and I am going to get 25# of live rock and throw it in there, yes there will be some die off on it but it will start the cycle and help it along and then some of the Bacteria will still be there, that's all that is on the live rock is the beneficial bacteria, so yes it will replenish itself..
Alright, thanks! Will update you all on how cycling is going and possibly post pictures.. Trying to get my two metal halide lights working.


Active Member
the number 1 thing in this hobby is PATIENCE
the number 2 thing in this hobby is PATIENCE
and you guessed number 3... LOL


Build a mini reef, nothing good or bad happens slowly, “nothing” you have to do the research, find a consistent message, and act. Patience is not an option, it’s a cop out. Yes, everyone is different, a ten gallon ½ circle is allot of drama, imagine the people who build a two gallon mini reef.
Put all the live rock and sand in there that you want. The more the better. All the live rock and sand has the beneficial bacteria on it and in it that your tank needs to get the cycle started and finished. You might have a little die off but you won't notice it.
I wish i could put in all I want. My dad disagrees, and of course I have to go with what he thinks.. haha. He says all the living critters will die off in there. Like hermit crabs, anemones, snails, etc. and he says its cruel... I disagree.
Yes, true. So here's what I have done so far on my tank:
Stained the stand and canopy
Rewired the lights and ballasts and all that
Cleaned the tank and ALL the gear
Filled the tank with ALL RO water
Got the 3 powerheads set up
Set up the overflow and sump
Set up the "squid"
Got my protein skimmer running
Put about 5g of my water from my already cycled 30g tank
About 3-4 scoops of sand from my 30g tank, and two big pieces of lr from my 30 gallon
Put 2 scoops of sand and two little live rock pieces in my sump
and the thing that SUCKS is im prrrrretty sure my 2 metal halide bulbs went out, and my VHO lighting is not working... so here I am stuck with no lights. 1 metal halide was working but I think it just went out today. :(


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Mus1cizmythang http:///forum/thread/386986/new-100g-tank-diary-will-need-help-along-the-way/20#post_3403077
and the thing that SUCKS
is im prrrrretty sure my 2 metal halide bulbs went out, and my VHO lighting is not working... so here I am stuck with no lights. 1 metal halide was working but I think it just went out today. :(
Welcome to my world...I have had nothing but grief with MH lighting, at the moment I have one side working on my Coralife Elite unit...I am planning to go T5s by the end of this month. I LOVE the shimmer of MHs on the water, but in the end I like light I can count on. I even considered having one side of the tank with the MHs and leave the other side with actinic only and get non-photosynthetic corals for that side....But like you ...what do I do when that other side decides to act up?
I have some 48" 2X175 MH with 2X96w actinic + ballasts.....retrofit, if you are intersted. side has a short and needs to be rewired. It's the unit I used before the Coralife Elite...It's always one side.