New 100g tank diary!! Will need help along the way

Ok, I am out of town in Colorado but I will Try to post pics of my tank and the little things on the rock. And I'm pretty sure the rock pictures will be blurry, haha. Theyre pretty small so it will be hard to get them.
Finally back in town!
Just got home and I'm really stressed. On top of running this 100G tank and cycling it as you guys know, I am also taking care of an already established 30g tank that I am trying to sell, and that tank was real dirty, my lionfish had nips on it, salinity too low, yada yada yah.
Anyways, updates on the tank:
The "things" we are trying to figure out definitely grew more, I will post pics soon promise!
I put the rest of the established sand in it (even though the living things are probably dead)
the tank is REALLY cloudy right now, which is why I can't post pics.
I am going to my LFS tomorrow to test the water and see what all happened.. Should be interesting.
question: Should I take that chunk of silverside out I put in, or just leave it?
Im almost POSITIVE the thing on the glass is aiptasia. It looks like it even to me. It just randomly appeared a couple of days ago and I thought that was definitely it :(
As for the things on the rock.. I have no idea. I searched online and thought maybe it could be a sponge? What do you guys think


I think it is aptasia too...and the rock stuff is sponge....pineapple sponge aka q-tip sponge....real name sycon sponge
harmless is the sponge...get rid of the other


SPonges ..yes they are fine
DO NOT RIP the aptasia have to kill can do this a few different ways,.....1...inject it with boiling water (didn't work for me) 2. inject it with lemon juice (didn't work for me) 3. Buy some Joe's Juice and inject it with that (WORKED FOR ME) or pickling lime....make a paste, and inject the pest with it (WORKED FOR ME)
lol...hope that helps you
Haha, okay so when you say "works".. how exactly do you know if it works? will the aiptasia wilt up or turn a diff color or what?
And I have no needles around the house that I could inject it with. Is that the only thing that would work?


Active Member
The sponges are fine.
No, don't rip it off the glass because in doing so you will release spores that will make them grow more in you tank. To get rid of them, either 1) siphon it out, or 2) get joe's juice and squirt it into the pest anemone
Questions: have the ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate levels spiked yet?
If so, take the silverside out!


I say works cause I have personally tried ALL Those methods.....and you know it works cause the aptasia shrivels up and dies....
you use something like this...can get them from a pharmacy or vet