New 100g tank diary!! Will need help along the way

I tested the params the other day and there was no ammonia, but there was nitrite and nitrate and he said he probably wouldnt put a fish in.. said the cycle would be done in about a week.
So im pretty sure I missed the ammonia spike. Should i take it out now?
And meowzer have you tried just siphoning them out? That would be alot easier to do..! haha


Originally Posted by Mus1cizmythang http:///forum/thread/386986/new-100g-tank-diary-will-need-help-along-the-way/80#post_3406493
I tested the params the other day and there was no ammonia, but there was nitrite and nitrate and he said he probably wouldnt put a fish in.. said the cycle would be done in about a week.
So im pretty sure I missed the ammonia spike. Should i take it out now?
And meowzer have you tried just siphoning them out? That would be alot easier to do..! haha
first of all....yo ucan not guess when your starting cycle will end...just test your water and when the ammonia and nitrate are 0...and remain 0 for at least a week.....then you can think about adding CUC....not fish yet.....
AND can not just siphon them out....they will release spores and spread....easier does not work in this hobby.....believe have to do it right


Active Member
take the silverside out, what are your parameters (numbers)?
and squirt something into the aiptasia before it spreads!
Yes, I know you dont know when your cycle will end, but he said just on estimate come back in a week and that my nitrates and nitrites should be 0.
And as for the aiptasia do you think I could inject boiling water with lemon juice? If so, I think ill try that and with a turkey baster cause it is all I have right now. It wouldn't hurt to try, right?
And traveler, I couldn't find my silverside. I looked all in my tank and it wasn't there. I guess it got broken down?


Moderator can try it....all I said was it didn't work for has for some....BUT do not be surprised if it comes back....
do you not have your own test kits? IF NOT....I suggest you get them...this way you can test your water daily and log the changes...then you will know EXACTLY when the levels got where
Well, I have some pretty old KH/Alk, Phosphate, and Calcium tests. Do they like expire and not work after awhile? I got them with the tank and they guy said he didnt know if they worked cause they were kind of old.


YES, they expire......look for dates on the bottles or box..maybe you should just get new ones anyway
Yeah, they're all expired.. :( so what type of test kit do I get? One that tests ammonia, nitrite, nitrate? any brands recommended? How much do they run?


You can get an API master kit that test ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph for about $18.....IMO that is a good kit for your basics.....later you can get other tests when they become necessary


just gotta add something if they move. everywhere they move they will leave a piece of tissue that will in turn to grow to a new anemones and cause much more trouble so it best to hit soon and fast, also be prepared and watch for new ones to show up if its on your glass it has moved from a rock and more than likely will have more pop up soon.
keep an eye out for them.


Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///forum/thread/386986/new-100g-tank-diary-will-need-help-along-the-way/80#post_3406529
sorry meowzer I'm gonna have to have the API vs. Seachem argument with you, again... sorry!
Yo uare allowed to have your opinion just as well....BUT.....the API test IS (not just my opinion) a decernt test fro the basics....and I wil lsay that some of the test that come with the Seachem test (which costs $30) are not necessary
SO..IMO (and others) the api basic kit is sufficient for those 4 basic tests


I never care for the API tests yeah they are cheaper than some of the other ones out there.
Now I go off in another direction and use FasTest by instant ocean. But everyone has a test kit that they like. I usually have 2 different brands and alternate usage of them to double check numbers. The other tests *sorry meowzer* is seachem. although they are expensive.
just my 2 cents.


Don't apologize's everyones opinions and results that matter.....the api has worked well for me for the basics, and salifert for the others...I have never heard of fasTest...hmmmmm
BUT I gotta go with what has worked for me