New 100g tank diary!! Will need help along the way

This is only the left side of my tank as the other side doesnt have a metal halide bulb-- have another ordered and on its way. Other side doesnt look so good! Still have lots more corals and fish to come, along with a bulb and probably some VHOs too.


Active Member
Just so you will know, pickling lime is sold in the housewear dept where they sell mason jars for canning. I have also seen it at the grocery stores.
Thanks traveler! :) i have 9 hermits, 2 snails, and a true percula clown! shes HUGE.. she came with the frogspawn and that was like her anemone, but when she got into my tank she just swam freely. Although as I see right now shes kind of housing in the mushrooms? Weird...
And thanks Teresa.. Had no idea where that was, as did all the workers in Walmart..


Active Member
That clown is a beauty! But moniter her (or him lol) with the mushrooms because they might not be too happy with hosting the clown.. but you should be fine!
What are your water parameters? Moniter them closely, too.. and do a water change tommorow.. always good to do after adding some new additions!
Also, that frogspawn is huge from what I can see! How big is it in real life?
I'm glad that your not overstocking your tank at all, your corals will be very happy! They all look great right now!
Keep me posted! Good luck- tank looks great!
Thanks you! My little sister named her Martha, haha.. Don't know why. She's really weird though. She kind of picks a place and stays there for days. That was her place she had started today, but a few days ago it was the corner of the tank. Should I move her? Cause if i just put the net near her she will basically pick a new place.
I tested my params the other day and everything was fine including salinity-- i know that doesnt say much but the LFS doesn't give exact numbers. (Like I said, I have my own test kit on its way.)
I can do a water change tomorrow!
The frogspawn is huge in real life too. I'd say its about 4 inches in length and 7 inches in width! I've tried to get "Martha" to go in there but I guess she doesnt like it as much in this new tank.
Yes, I am going to wait probably a week? or so before adding anything else-- dont want to over do it. Even though its VERY hard not to..
Thanks for your support! Just checked my tracking and looks like my metal halide bulb and test kits are shipped.. Bulbs should arrive probably tomorrow, and the test kit in a couple of days-a week


Active Member
Martha.. I love it lol!!!
No, please don't move your fish around!!!! Martha find a place where she is comfortable! As long as the mushrooms aren't shrivled as you said, they are doing good!
Glad you ordered your test kits.. they should really be a big help.. better than everything is "good" lol...
When you do your water change make sure that you use either RO/DI water, tap water with water conditioner, or distilled water.. and make sure that you have the salt being moved/miixed by power heads for at least 24 hrs. before you put it in your tank! Make sure that the salinity of the replaced water is correct!
I love that frogspawn.. he is huge! And beautiful!
Wait at least 3 weeks before you add ANYTHING new (livestock-wise) in your tank! I know how hard it will be, but we all want to make sure that everything is doing good before we add anything else.. trust me on this!!!!
I love your tank! It looks amazing!
Haha Martha is chillin in the frogspawn now..
And as for water changes, I know that. I use all RO water for my water changes. We have an RO system. And I've never heard of letting powerheads mix the water 24 hours before.. So like mix the water up and put a powerhead or bubblers in there for 24 hours then put it in my tank? Is that to let it get all mixed, or what?
And yes, I know.. I will wait :( i was going to wait like 2 weeks, but I guess an extra week wouldnt hurt.
Thanks for all the help and support!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mus1cizmythang http:///t/386986/new-100g-tank-diary-will-need-help-along-the-way/120#post_3408403
Haha Martha is chillin in the frogspawn now..
And as for water changes, I know that. I use all RO water for my water changes. We have an RO system. And I've never heard of letting powerheads mix the water 24 hours before.. So like mix the water up and put a powerhead or bubblers in there for 24 hours then put it in my tank? Is that to let it get all mixed, or what?
And yes, I know.. I will wait :( i was going to wait like 2 weeks, but I guess an extra week wouldnt hurt.
Thanks for all the help and support!!
If I became a clownfish, and was in your tank I would be happy in that frogspawn too!!!
Yep, mix the sw exactly like that.. with a powerhead or bubbler or something... it benefits the water in two ways: 1) it mixes it as you said, and 2) it aerates the water and goes through some oxeygen cycle thing that is too complicated to explain (for me)... but that doesn't matter lol!!!
And we'll wait depending on how things go in your tank.. maybe we can add something else a little sooner!!!
And no problem with the help or support... that's why I'm on these forums.. I can help people like you and If I have a question that I can't find the answer too then someone else will help me...
just wondering: do you have any prior experience with saltwater? You seem too ahead of the game to be a beginner...
I'll do that with the water, sounds good.
Yes, I do have experience with saltwater; for one, my dad use to be a marine biologist so he helps me alot and he taught me most of the stuff. I payed my dues and started with a little 10g tank, then I upgraded to a 30g tank and kept both of those at the same time, and now I have this 100g tank and 30g tank I'm taking care of. So I dont think I'd call myself a beginner. But who knows!
when my tank is safe to put another thing in, I was wondering about this deal.
This guy is asking $100 for an 8" pink rose bubble anenome and a gold-banded clownfish. Does that seem too much, or is that a deal? Not sure on the price of the anemone, but I know the clown runs anywhere from 30-40.


Active Member
No wonder you knew so much already... I knew you weren't a beginner... but I just didn't know!!! you never said anything!
And yes, that's a great deal in my opinion.. that anemone costs $150 alone.


Active Member
the only thing I would be concerned about would be 2 different species of clowns in the same tank... OK, that REALLY concerns me... different species of clowns are usually very agressive towards each other and will sometimes fight each other till death... unless you have one anemone per species of clownfish...


Active Member
That clown is going to be a nasty SOB. It is a variation of the maroon clown and they are just EVIL.