New 100g tank diary!! Will need help along the way

Hmm, well i dont have to have the clown, only makes it cheaper! haha. but I don't think im going to get it anymore--- i talked to someone about it and he said I shouldnt get it because anemones need very established tanks to live and thrive. I'm going to wait this good deal out :(
Next question: VHO'S!!
My tank did come with 60" Super Actinic FR59V12s which are of COURSE..broken. :(
My corals look alright in this tank.. not too shabby for just one metal halide bulb, but I need more. My other metal halide is coming, and I'm thinking of ordering these new VHOs. Anyone used these particular kind, or have any they suggest? Honestly, they have to stay under like $100 because my money is tiring out -_-
Haha oh no it's fine! Does anyone know the answer to my question abou vho's? Just want my corals to look good and not pay a ridiculous price for it.
Frogspawn question: is it bad if theres a bubble on one of its heads? Does that mean its growing, etc, or does it have some type of disease?
So I kind of got weak today and bought a melanarus wrasse...
I know.
Yesterday I tested my params-- 0ppm ammonia 0ppm nitrate 0ppm nitrite 1.025 salinity
Going to do a water change to be safe and have it sit over night.


Active Member
Beautiful fish! I'm a little mad that you impulse bought before you were supposed to, but I see why you did... I would too if I saw that fish lol!
Haha, oh well. I couldnt resist. This guy is named "Ned." oh gosh.... hah
Yet I woke up this morning and couldnt find "Ned" :( i dont know where he is.. hes probably buried in the sand somewhere behind the rocks. :((
My tank has a canopy and covered glass except for the very front. So he would have to swim to the top of the very front and jump out. I find it unlikely, but you never know.
I checked all at the back of my tank and on the ground and he wasnt there. Checked to see if he jumped and landed on the top, wasn't there. Checked the whole perimiter of my tank, not there.
This is really confusing me.. I kind of felt around with the net behind the rocks and in the sand and he wasn't there. I just want to make sure hes at least in the tank!
P.S. thanks for the support jerth!