New 100g tank diary!! Will need help along the way

Ok..? well what do i do!! water change, siphen it out, use red algae medication, what? If water change, how much gallons? I need to know asap


OK.....I would siphon it out with a turkey baster (do not stir it)....check your nitrates and phosphates too.....How is your flow? What do you feed? How long do you keep your lights on?
Cyano is a bacteria.....cause by many things, and WILL NOT disappear will take some time...and A LOT OF WORK......Do you use ro/di (sorry...just can not remember)
DO more frequent water changes.....start with these things
I just scooped some out with a net and will use a turkey baster too. I'm about to do a 10 gallon water change, should I siphen some too? nitrates are almost perfect, could be 5 ppm at the most. probably 2-3. I feed flake food and sometimes silversides. My lights stay on a while since I dont have a timer.. Thats what may be the cause but if i leave them off before I go to school the corals wouldnt get light and might die. Probably 15 hrs? I use all RO water.


flake food and silversides
those foods stink.....get some good frozen foods like mysis, marine cuisine etc......
SIPHON it out.....DO NOT SCOOP you have a phosphate test? need to know the results......and flow?????
10G is not nearly enough.....I would do 20G weekly or bi-weekly for now
Well, I zoomed in alot so it looks alot bigger. its a patch about 5 inches wide of a 60 inch tank but still. I dont have a phosphate test. I have mysis but I thought those were even worse cause theyre such small little shrimp and most of them fall to the bottom. I have two powerheads on for flow, one is a really nice one, but its at the top of the tank, so is the other. Dont want it all on the corals.


Personally I would try to find the cause and cure it......Your tank is how old????
still have not told me about your flow.....LOL
Yeah, I did haha. "I have two powerheads on for flow, one is a really nice one, but its at the top of the tank, so is the other. Dont want it all on the corals. "
It's a newer tank. But it's a disaster right now because of that algae.. Stressing me out. I've done a 5g water change so far.. should I do another 5 or mix the 5 and let it sit? Cause as I add it to the sump its not fully mixed and it gets all over the tank and makes it very "substratey" and stresses corals out. Or I could siphen in 5g of it towards the very corner and have 5g mixed and ready to put in n the morning? What you think


I had typed a response...BUT for some oddreason lost wireless to my laptop...GRRRRRR
ANYHOW...on desktop 1st....2 powerheads are probably not near enough for a 100G tank.....2nd....DO LARGER water changes AFTER mixing your nhew SW for 24 hours
you need a large container...make up the sw...put in a powerhead and let mix for 24 hours before using.....20 gallons would be a good start
Ok so I just took 10g out and my water is low, and sump turned off. Should I put in 10 more g and then have more mixing over night, or just leave it how it is and let it sit overnight and add in the morning?


You are mising what I am an not mix SW need BIGGER water changes......mix it up tonight....add a powerhead and change it tomorrow