New 100g tank diary!! Will need help along the way


I don't know why you took water out if you didn't have water to putr back in.....
What do you mean no powerheads? Leave your powerheads on in the tank
YOU NEED A separate one for mixing your water
I needed to get the red algae out.
I only have two powerheads right now, I am sorry. I have 5g of water mixed that I can put a powerhead in and then I have another 4 and a g of distilled if distilled is ok, that I can keep mixing.
But I would be left with no powerheads in the tank over night as I only have two, and my sump is off. I had to siphen the algae out, I'm sorry.


NO...don't take all your powerheads long has the 5gallons been mixing?
you will needto get a bigger w/c container...and a powerhead just for water changes though
It's been mixing about an hour.
I dont have any bigger container :( im sorry... I have one really powerful powerhead and one alright one.


Stop apologizing...LOL....You just have to make sure you make a list and get this stuff asap....
how is the 5gallons being mixed right now??


an air bubbler in where? If you have a PH in the mixing bucket...leave it....put the water in in the morning....and get more mixing asap
THEN GO OUT and buy a bigger mixing container....with a 100G tank you need a minimum capability of 20 gallons at any giventime
Air bubbler in the bucket with the salt im mixing. Should I mix the other bucket full and let it sit over night, or put the other powerhead in there, or what?
And my tank will be fine without the sump on tonight?


IDK.....You said you have 2 Powerheads in the tank...right? Anything else?
HOW would you mix the other bucket???? If you have a way to aerate it YES...get it mixing
One of my powerheads is being used to mix my bucket of water.
So if you think my tank will be fine without a sump heres what ill do:
Keep the 5g of saltwater mixing with air bubbles and powerhead, and ill mix another 5g bucket up and let it set overnight with air bubbles too since i probably shouldnt leave the water stagnant. The air bubbles are at least better than nothing and I can put them at the bottom to help mix.
Then, in the morning ill add the 10g and turn on the sump. Sound good?


LOL....IDK what else to tell you to do yeah
BUT tomorrow YOU HAVE to get a better way of doing this....for now I am going to bed......good luck
p.s.....maybe your lfs has some premixed water you can use
I might get attacked for this, but for the mean time at very minimum I would try to find some pre mixed water at the lfs or even *****. Not sure about yours but mine sells it for a great price and I always test it first and its spot on, but recently I have set up a 30g tank with a power head ready to go for action if need be. With a 100g tank and sump you never know what could happen. Always gotta be prepared for the worse and having some pre mixed water ready to go is #1. On my list at least. Also I just got done with ww3 against cyano. I powered lights down for 3 days, watched my feeding like a hawk (I was honestly over feeding a bit), and re-directed my powerheads. Also flakes are not a good option for feeding. I would do what meowzer suggested and get some good fozen food. I used marine cuisine. Good luck. Hope any of this helps. Also if you cant get a response fast enough GOOGLE might help you in a time of crisis.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sviellvoicae http:///t/386986/new-100g-tank-diary-will-need-help-along-the-way/200#post_3412964
I might get attacked for this, but for the mean time at very minimum I would try to find some pre mixed water at the lfs or even *****. Not sure about yours but mine sells it for a great price and I always test it first and its spot on, but recently I have set up a 30g tank with a power head ready to go for action if need be. With a 100g tank and sump you never know what could happen. Always gotta be prepared for the worse and having some pre mixed water ready to go is #1. On my list at least. Also I just got done with ww3 against cyano. I powered lights down for 3 days, watched my feeding like a hawk (I was honestly over feeding a bit), and re-directed my powerheads. Also flakes are not a good option for feeding. I would do what meowzer suggested and get some good fozen food. I used marine cuisine. Good luck. Hope any of this helps. Also if you cant get a response fast enough GOOGLE might help you in a time of crisis.
If you get saltwater from the LFS...get the highest salinity they have...use regular RO to bring it down to the right can save some money that way.


Active Member
wow.... LOL... I got a headache reading that conversation between meowzer and Mus1cizmythang... it looked like two people not hearing each other correctly on the phone.... what... do this? NO, do THIS!!! That? No this! LOL
not trying to offend anyone with that post.... just making sure it's not taken that way!

I might get attacked for this, but for the mean time at very minimum I would try to find some pre mixed water at the lfs or even *****. Not sure about yours but mine sells it for a great price and I always test it first and its spot on, but recently I have set up a 30g tank with a power head ready to go for action if need be. With a 100g tank and sump you never know what could happen. Always gotta be prepared for the worse and having some pre mixed water ready to go is #1. On my list at least. Also I just got done with ww3 against cyano. I powered lights down for 3 days, watched my feeding like a hawk (I was honestly over feeding a bit), and re-directed my powerheads. Also flakes are not a good option for feeding. I would do what meowzer suggested and get some good fozen food. I used marine cuisine. Good luck. Hope any of this helps. Also if you cant get a response fast enough GOOGLE might help you in a time of crisis.
I don't know why you would get attacked, sounds like good advice! I could do that. Yes I've been trying to lower down usage of my lights..but if you leave them off a day is that bad for the corals?
Traveler: haha it's really not important :D just get the fact that I had a really bad cyan outbreak and it's getting better now.
Welcome, kiefer! Bet it was a ton of reading.but now that you've read it all you gotta be a follower! :p
I'm really excited about this :)
So when I orders my 14000K MH turns out my other was a I have half a blue tank half a yellow tank. Made me realize how ugly my other MH bulb was!! I loved the 14000K blue look so much I just went all out and ordered 2 20000K MH bulbs! :D they should arrive sometime this week, which is the week before my birthday. I'm excited!
And for my birthday I'll probably get some corals/fish/maybe LED lighting?