New 100g tank diary!! Will need help along the way

Awesome. Thanks guys, Ill have to see which one i like the best. that info about the aiptasia is very helpful too, mike! I don't have a needle, but I have a turkey baster.. Should I give it a shot on killing it tonight? Or just wait til tomorrow when I can go get a needle/syringe. You saw the size of it in the pics, its pretty small ish


it won't hurt to wait till tomorow at this do not need a needle...just the plastic syringe like I showed you in the picture
you can get a bag of the pickling lime in the grocery store for about $2-3.....and it will last a LONG time......since you will more then likely need it might want to look into that


something else since you do not have a needle is if you know someone that has diabetes or have a equine supply store like tractor supply or even a vet they may look at you funny but if you let them know what you need it for most will sell you one to use. you can also check with your LFS to see if they have one.
I agree one the pickling lime its a LOT cheaper.. the one thing you want to watch out for is anything that this drips on even the lemon juice it can hurt them. corals it can kill. so to me its better to have a more pinpoint way to deliver the poison to them.


I think a vet will just give you the plastic syringe I posted a picture of...LOL...I have so many...I wish we had a central place to give these things away HAHA
the good thing with them is you have to push the mixture out, and should be able to control where you place it too


This is a picture of the Fastest I like now this test kit expired in 2006 and I still use it because with useing 2 different ones I can still make sure this one is giving true numbers when I reset back up I will get another set and discard these. I actual thought I had already but figured I would see since we were talking test kits and all.
Alright, tomorrow ill go get the little syringe and picking lime (what exactly is that..?)
So I shouldnt get ANY in my tank? what if i inject extra and it doesnt all just go into the aiptasia but some goes into the water?


into the water is fine as long as its not a ton of it. but if its near corals you want to be super careful not to get it on them
the pickling lime is just that its a powder lime that they use in pickling products but works great in the reef tank and on these little buggers.
forgot to add you can mix it with just enough water to make it fluid and then wash out the item you are using it will settle like corn starch.


well its been a while since I have bought test kits of the fastest and well they do not make them any more ;-( they were just an easy test to use too. now its reef master test kit and its almost 70$ for the kit. I liked the fastest it came with a snazzy little black box that had everything in a nice little package and no liquid to easy just easy open dry powders. guess I will have to look for another brand. I think I might go with electronic if not go with red sea and try them out, not sure.
good luck on which ever brand you decide with and when you first start using a set that you have not used and trust have the sample tested at a LFS so you can make sure its not a defective test.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX http:///forum/thread/386986/new-100g-tank-diary-will-need-help-along-the-way/100#post_3406572
well its been a while since I have bought test kits of the fastest and well they do not make them any more ;-( they were just an easy test to use too. now its reef master test kit and its almost 70$ for the kit. I liked the fastest it came with a snazzy little black box that had everything in a nice little package and no liquid to easy just easy open dry powders. guess I will have to look for another brand. I think I might go with electronic if not go with red sea and try them out, not sure.
good luck on which ever brand you decide with and when you first start using a set that you have not used and trust have the sample tested at a LFS so you can make sure its not a defective test.
Maybe that is why I never heard of them...LOL....I wil ltell you I had BAD results with the Red Sea brand test kits :( IMO they stink


well I will search I like the chem lab look of them I think is the only reason I am drawn to them. it will be awhile before I am ready to set things back up so I have lots of time.


Well-Known Member
Seachem test kits have no test tubes, just a white pallet. It takes a drop of tank water and one or two drops of test drops....match the color. They are very easy and you can double check to be assured the test is correct and the readings accurate. A multi kit costs around $30.00 not $70.00
Lots of people love the lab kits...each of us have the areas of the hobby we like best.
Went to walmart today looking for pickling lime and a syringe or needle. No one had even HEARD of pickling lime, or knew what it was. Could not get a needle without a I bought an oral syringe. Smaller than a turkey basted, but still no where as small as a needle. Idk how to get this one little aiptasia off..
Went to my LFS today and all my params were fine. Probably ready to add stuff but am going to wait a little longer to be safe.
And as for my own test kit, I think I'm going to try API master saltwater because one or two of you on here recommended that, as did my LFS for their kit of choice. Didn't find one for $18 but did find them as low as $22-23.
I bought the API saltwater master. I know thats not the one you recommended, but I had multiple people recommend it, so im just going to try it and see if I like it :)
I think I'm going to buy some corals soon, as I tested my params today and everything was perfect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mus1cizmythang http:///forum/thread/386986/new-100g-tank-diary-will-need-help-along-the-way/100#post_3407617
I bought the API saltwater master. I know thats not the one you recommended, but I had multiple people recommend it, so im just going to try it and see if I like it :)
I think I'm going to buy some corals soon, as I tested my params today and everything was perfect.
nice, it's still a good test kit... can't wait to see how this goes!
I would love to see pictures so far!!!!