New 300 gallon In-Wall tank build


With the reflection it looks like two of the PH are in the tank but there is only one.
Also the CL is off in the video, the only flow is coming from the one WP40 and the small temporary return pump from the sump.
WOW that is a crappy video.


Active Member
Video doesn't look bad and rather impressive.....Being the the PH's are mounted up top and unobstructed the flow is good, but really the sign is what is your movement along the bottom and after everything gets grown in.....Looks good though.......


Active Member
WOW. That water was moving pretty good. I am impressed as well (the video was not bad at all). These WP40's are starting to look like very decent alternatives to Tunze's and Vortech's.


Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/180#post_3524819
WOW. That water was moving pretty good. I am impressed as well (the video was not bad at all). These WP40's are starting to look like very decent alternatives to Tunze's and Vortech's.
I actually was able to dial it in a little better and got a really good "rhythmic" wave going.... So good that I will have to adjust the level of the emergency drains on the Herbies and lower the water level in the tank. This is still with just one WP40.


Active Member
Originally Posted by edat http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/180#post_3524829
I actually was able to dial it in a little better and got a really good "rhythmic" wave going.... So good that I will have to adjust the level of the emergency drains on the Herbies and lower the water level in the tank. This is still with just one WP40.

I did some research today on the WP25 and they looked promising. How do you plan on using your Jebao's?? In the wave making function?? Or one of the other modes?
Waves are cool, but IDK if I would want them in the tank at all times... Is there a way to have the controller scroll through the different modes or can you program them to go back and forth the different modes? Do they sinc up to each other like the Vortech's?
Sorry for all the questions, but you are one of the few people on here that has them already.


Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/180#post_3524830
I did some research today on the WP25 and they looked promising. How do you plan on using your Jebao's?? In the wave making function?? Yes Or one of the other modes?
Waves are cool, but IDK if I would want them in the tank at all times... I want waves in the tank at all times. I was under the impression that waves or a "back and forth "motion was beneficial to corals. Is there a way to have the controller scroll through the different modes or can you program them to go back and forth the different modes? There is an "Else mode that will scroll through the different modes. Do they sinc up to each other like the Vortech's? I don't know.

Sorry for all the questions, but you are one of the few people on here that has them already.

No problem I wish that I could be more help


Active Member
Originally Posted by edat http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/180#post_3524838
I did some research today on the WP25 and they looked promising. How do you plan on using your Jebao's?? In the wave making function?? Yes Or one of the other modes?
Waves are cool, but IDK if I would want them in the tank at all times... I want waves in the tank at all times. I was under the impression that waves or a "back and forth "motion was beneficial to corals. Is there a way to have the controller scroll through the different modes or can you program them to go back and forth the different modes? There is an "Else mode that will scroll through the different modes. Do they sinc up to each other like the Vortech's? I don't know.

Sorry for all the questions, but you are one of the few people on here that has them already.

No problem I wish that I could be more help


eric b 125

Looks good. If I didn't already have VorTech's I would probably check these out.


I think I'm going to put the 2nd WP40 on the right hand side ofthe tank closer towards the bottom and run it in "else" mode. I really don't think I'm going to need it to generate more waves. I also have two smaller 1000+GPH regular power heads that I'm going to mount on the side of the overflow boxes near the bottom to take care of any dead spots I will have behind the rock work. Along with the CL for now I should be fine with flow.... Speaking of the CL the Reeflo seemed to be getting louder. I went to inspect the pump and the styrofoam that it was sitting on had melted in two spots!!! This thing was hot... Too hot to even touch. I put a thermometer in the tank and it read 82deg. I unplugged it and within 2 hours the temp went down 2 deg. I have been speaking to Chris at Reeflo and he is sending me new bearings.... I hope this helps.


Active Member
Waves in general doesn't mean that movement is necessarily better just it might be more appealing to our liking. Chaotic changes in the movement of water is what were after. I posted a good link on gyre flow awhile back that really explains what we should be trying to recreate.


Had to work the last four nights so not a lot going on.
I did get a text from one of my daughters while I was at work at around midnight last night....
Jocelyn- Dad, your big yellow fish is dead.
me- What?
me- How?
me- HELLO!!!
Jocelyn- (half hour later) IDK its just layin' on the bottom of the tank.
me- are the gills moving?
me- Turn on the lights and take a better look....
me- what do you see??!!!!!
me- HELLO!!!
Jocelyn- (about 20 min. later) I'm going back to sleep now.

Got home this morning and all the fish are swimming in the QT.... including the yellow tang..... It must have been sleeping

.....Waiting for this tank to cycle is killing me........


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/180#post_3525009
Waves in general doesn't mean that movement is necessarily better just it might be more appealing to our liking. Chaotic changes in the movement of water is what were after. I posted a good link on gyre flow awhile back that really explains what we should be trying to recreate.
Found it...
Good info, I think with what I have to work with right now I will end up with some chaotic changes.... If I had used OM on the closed loop even more......
Once I get the scape how I want it I'll have to play around with the flow, but I have to admit I do like the "wave" in the tank


Active Member
Crazy thing about tangs huh. Similar thing happened to me. I just put in a regal and the first night and today I would see it go to various crevices and wedge itself in there and just sit there (this is during the day light ). It would just lay there not moving. I ended up nudging it one time. Come to find out tonight one of the holes it was checking out today it is sleeping in now. Very cool


So I've been waiting on the replacement bearings for the Reeflo Snapper/Dart for about a week now and this is what I got in the mail today...

A complete surprise but I'm very happy about it. I was kind of nervous about taking it apart and replacing the bearings.
Got to work the next few nights but I think I will switch the pumps out in the morning..


Active Member
Boy!!!!! If that doesn't say customer service what does???? Hats off to to Chris and his crew at Reeflo!!!!


Boy!!!!! If that doesn't say customer service what does???? Hats off to to Chris and his crew at Reeflo!!!!I agree 100%.
Little things like this go a long way with me.
They will continue to get my business for sure!!!


OK so how hot do your Reeflo pumps get????!!!
I installed the "new" pump and it is hot also.... It seems to run quieter but the pump is still really hot to the touch.
Not sure if its going to transfer heat over to the tank yet... I'll see in the morning if the temp has risen.
I may have to call Chris from Reeflo to see if its maybe something I'm doing or if I really did just get 2 bad pumps.....


Put a metal stem thermometer on the motor housing and this is what I get.... This cant be normal.......


eric b 125

ooof. I don't have much experience with external pumps, so I will be of limited help here. The experience I do have, though, is that the casing of external pumps does tend to heat up because of the lack of coolant (water). I would not be entirely surprised if this was a common thing, but hopefully someone with more experience with this type of equipment will chime in soon.
edat: I see you're from Ohio- do you ever go to LEAR?