New 300 gallon In-Wall tank build


Originally Posted by Sparty059 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/120#post_3522807
Also, just to mention something that AI informed me of when I purchased the Vega's as well... you actually don't have to place the Vega's that high. AI recommends about six inches from the water level is optimal for the light. I have mine about seven inches above and it covers a good 26"x26" footprint.
I don't have them set to any particular height right now. I just set them a little high so that they would not be in my way.
How do you like your Vegas?


Active Member
It does look very clean from the back. Very nice setup. What drain system are you going to run?


I made 2 durso. They are already installed minus the holes in the caps. Ive got to work the next few nights so ill start on the sump/fuge plumbing on my next set of days off.


Herbie design looks interesting. I like the idea but with dual overflows can it be used on both?
Then I'm guessing that I would have to route the returns up and over?
What are the real benefits over the durso? Is it quieter/handle more flow?


Active Member
Yes if you go to RC and search Herbie you'll see it is a better solution and adaptable to your situation. This is an alternative to the BeanAnimal system. The Hherbie has been adapted to dual overflows such as your setup.
The advantage....Dursos work but are noisy compared to the 2 I had mentioned. Dursos aren't exactly easy to tune and yes they do need to be tuned and tweaked frequently. So there are definitely advantages


I think I'm going to change the Durso out and go with the Herbie design. I think I have the plumbing figured out. I have a 1" return and a 1.25"drain in each overflow. So if I understand the design correctly in one overflow I would use the 1.25' as the main drain and the 1" as the emergency, in the second overflow I would use the 1" as another emergency and the 1.25" as the return????
I cant find any diagrams using a tank with a dual overflow.


Active Member
Do a search on the thread I had suggested and PM a guy running a setup similar to what you want and they will usually walk you through it or show you pics.


I found my answer after skimming through 20+ pages. I'm going to use the two 1" as the main drains and the two 1.25 as the emergency drains. The mains will each have a separate gate valve. The return will have to come up and over more than likely across the front of the tank directed towards the back.
I did managed to get a few things done today, the trim on the finished side is 99.999% completed, I worked on the electrical... nothing special just tried to keep it neat and organized and I mounted the lights so that they are spaced out a little better. I also decided to make a new stand for the QT and frag tank. It is high enough so that I can fit the sump under it. The front of the stand is completely open so that no "legs" or supports will be in front of the tank. Its extra high so that gives me a lot of clearance above the skimmer. I always hated how cramped my old setup was. Plus this will allow me to put any reactors and maybe a separate fuge under the 300.


Active Member
Not that it's a race because its not but I do wonder who will have saltwater in their tank first!?! Lol


At this point I don't know when I will be done...
What's funny is that when I decided to upgrade the 125 in the beginning of March I thought that I would be finished by the beginning of April.

My hope is to have everything running by the 1st of July. Depending on how long it takes to cycle I would like to start adding fish by the end of July..
I think you are further ahead than I am.


Back to Lowes..... I swear I think I've been there at least five times today. I think all I need is three more PVC fittings and the emergency and main drains on the Herbie will be finished. I will tackle the returns later.


I did a full test run on the tank yesterday and I have never heard an overflow this quiet. Its amazing. Thank you guys for suggesting that I use this design.
I found a good deal on craigslist on a 75 gallon tank so I picked it up yesterday. I'm going to use it as my sump but I still need to plan it out.
I ordered 4 new bulkheads to replace the ones on the closed loop. I'm going to leave these open.... no loc-line. I will use the bulkheads with the lock-line on the return from the sump.
Still haven't pulled the trigger on the return pump or the PHs yet but soon.


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/140#post_3523684
Good deal....I knee you would be pleased with the setup.
Very pleased. So much that everything else sounds very loud. I've already looked into and did a modification to the output of the SRO5000sss and I'm going to drill a 2nd hole in the frag tank and do a Herbie on it also.
The loudest thing on the tank now is the Dart. Mostly because of where it sits on the stand is hollow. I think a rubber mat under the pump will help a little and since I will not be restricting the flow as much with the Loc-Line maybe that will help a little too.


Originally Posted by Lubeck http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/140#post_3523725
Why are you changing out the bulkheads?
After filling the tank and turning on the dart I realized that I have two much of a "Jet" of water. No matter where I pointed the Loc-Line I could not direct the stream of water out of the path of future live rock structures. I'm hoping that with just a bulkhead I will get a powerful wide flow.
I'm not to concerned with a huge amount of flow through the sump so I will just use the loc-line on the return.