New 300 gallon In-Wall tank build


Power head question.
I'm looking into which power heads to use on the tank. Tunze & Vortech are brands I know well but I have not heard a lot about the Sicce Voyager HP 4000 Pump (4000 GPH)
Anyone use or heard of any issues with this PH?


Time to start working on the plumbing

I think I have everything.....
I would love to at least test the closed loop tonight.


Figures...... I forgot a few fittings so no testing tonight

I will try to finish up on the CL and start the Dursos in the morning.



Active Member
Looks great! Very clean. I'm curious how much movement you get from your returns. Are you using 4 returns on the dart?


Active Member
Looks very clean.....Wish I would have know what you were using before hand, cause I would have suggested a few things.....Instead of using the 90's I would have used sweeps.....Allows easier flow, but not a real big deal. I can't tell from the pics, but what are your return holes going back into the tank. It appears they are 1".....I might be wrong, but if they are 1" the flow will be cut down drastically. It's not the pump choice by any means, but mere restriction on bulkhead and plumbing size with 1", so you might be a tad disappointed with your end results if using 1". Even reducing it down even further with loc line is or should I say a waste. Mine will be coming out before the tank fires. Way to much restriction.
PH's IMHO are a must.....Seriously you'll never truly be able to accomplish all your flow needs with a CL system.....Being it might suffice while the tank is you, but as it grows in your returns and such are "fixed" with very little adjustment, so the addition of PH's will be needed to get complete movement. It also brings me back to my original thought of you will lose a bit due to straight up restriction, so couple that with growth over time it won't totally fit the bill.
1 suggestion or a couple suggestions I do have for you.....Take it for what it's worth, but secure your plumbing....Might seem simple at first thought, but it does cut down on some noise, but also provides support on your bulkheads and tank. Another area which makes me "squirm" is seeing those valves hanging off the tank.....I ran into this issue myself, and had to ease my mind with building some type of support for the plumbing....It appears fine, but think about those lines full of water and the weight pulling down. I know it's connected to other plumbing and eventually to a pump, but it's still weight pulling downward, now imagine just accidentally walking behind the tank you catch the plumbing with a good shot from your shoulder......At the right angle it could be fatal IMO just relying on glass/bulkheads.....At least with it secured or tied off the weight or load is supported......Just my .02 and maybe I over thought those things......


Active Member
What are your plans for the CL.....Just straight returns back to the tank.....
I was reading back to an earlier post you were asking about PH's.....No personally I'd look at the 2 you had mentioned or I think a lot of people have been very happy and quite impressed with the Jebo WP's I think they are.......


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/120#post_3522625
Looks very clean.....Wish I would have know what you were using before hand, cause I would have suggested a few things.....Instead of using the 90's I would have used sweeps.....Allows easier flow, but not a real big deal. I thought about that but I could not find sweeps in 1" at Lowes I can't tell from the pics, but what are your return holes going back into the tank. It appears they are 1".....I might be wrong, but if they are 1" the flow will be cut down drastically. I know, I just hope it doesn't affect it too much. It's not the pump choice by any means, but mere restriction on bulkhead and plumbing size with 1", so you might be a tad disappointed with your end results if using 1". Even reducing it down even further with loc line is or should I say a waste. Mine will be coming out before the tank fires. Way to much restriction.
PH's IMHO are a must.....Seriously you'll never truly be able to accomplish all your flow needs with a CL system.....Being it might suffice while the tank is you, but as it grows in your returns and such are "fixed" with very little adjustment, so the addition of PH's will be needed to get complete movement. It also brings me back to my original thought of you will lose a bit due to straight up restriction, so couple that with growth over time it won't totally fit the bill. Already looking into PH choices.

1 suggestion or a couple suggestions I do have for you.....Take it for what it's worth, but secure your plumbing....Might seem simple at first thought, but it does cut down on some noise, but also provides support on your bulkheads and tank. Another area which makes me "squirm" is seeing those valves hanging off the tank.....I ran into this issue myself, and had to ease my mind with building some type of support for the plumbing....It appears fine, but think about those lines full of water and the weight pulling down. I know it's connected to other plumbing and eventually to a pump, but it's still weight pulling downward, now imagine just accidentally walking behind the tank you catch the plumbing with a good shot from your shoulder......At the right angle it could be fatal IMO just relying on glass/bulkheads.....At least with it secured or tied off the weight or load is supported......Just my .02 and maybe I over thought those things...... Funny that you say I stepped back to take the picture a vision of one of my daughter "climbing" up the plumbing to get a look into the tank popped into my head. I will have to come up with something.


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/120#post_3522626
What are your plans for the CL.....Just straight returns back to the tank..... Yes... with a little aiming from loc-line
I was reading back to an earlier post you were asking about PH's.....No personally I'd look at the 2 you had mentioned or I think a lot of people have been very happy and quite impressed with the Jebo WP's I think they are....... WP 40s.... pretty sure I'm going to go with a couple of theses to start.


Got the plumbing done and tank is filled 1/4 with water. Just waiting on the last few connections to dry before I test the plumbing and CL. Looks like I've got one small leak in one of the returns.... not the bulkhead but where the 90 elbow is threaded into the bulkhead. Hoping to just unscrew it and add more Teflon tape.


CL and plumbing leak test.
I think it turned out pretty well. Better flow than I expected.....
I don't have a lot of experience with reeflo pumps so should there be more flow?.... does the flow look restricted?
Sorry for the bad video quality I did it with my phone.
I also found another small leak on the lower left return.


Active Member
Looks good I wouldn't use the lock line unless you get the ones from ocean motion which are the only 1" around I believe. Also I think you'll find that your return flow will slow down considerably when the tank is full. Without looking did you still use a 2" intake? I'm planning on leaving my return open with just he bulkhead except for my two at the bottom which will be angled 45s. Your moving along.


Originally Posted by Lubeck http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/120#post_3522735
Looks good I wouldn't use the lock line unless you get the ones from ocean motion which are the only 1" around I believe. I'll check those out, thanks. Also I think you'll find that your return flow will slow down considerably when the tank is full. Without looking did you still use a 2" intake? Yes, two 2" intakes. I'm planning on leaving my return open with just he bulkhead except for my two at the bottom which will be angled 45s. Hadn't thought about leaving them open, I'll look into it.
Your moving along.


Found the cause of the leak on the lower left return.....

It was never glued

I must have stuck it in there to measure for length but never went back to glue it.
I remember a comment made by someone else on another thread that said "Make sure you check that everything was glued...." And I thought to myself who would ever forget to do that....


Tank is 3/4 filled with water so that I could check the top two return bulkheads and so far no more leaks.



Active Member
I love the look of the tank from the back. I noticed the LED lights hanging over the tank... What kind are you running again (Vega's I think)? How wide is the tank? Do you think that you will get the coverage you want with them mounted lengthwise?? I always wondered how those units and ones just like them would fair over a deep dimension tank. I would be curious to see what kind of PAR numbers that setup would get towards the front and back of the tank.
Either way, you should get lots of different PAR zones for all types of different corals. Can't wait to see this baby up and running!!


Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/120#post_3522794
I love the look of the tank from the back. Thanks!! I noticed the LED lights hanging over the tank... What kind are you running again (Vega's I think)? Yes How wide is the tank? 30" Do you think that you will get the coverage you want with them mounted lengthwise?? This is the way Justin from Aqua Illumination suggested I mount them.
I always wondered how those units and ones just like them would fair over a deep dimension tank. I would be curious to see what kind of PAR numbers that setup would get towards the front and back of the tank.
Either way, you should get lots of different PAR zones for all types of different corals. Can't wait to see this baby up and running!!
The only issue I have with the lights so far is the way they are spaced. I gave the dimension of the tank to AI and they gave me a list of what needed to be ordered. As you can see from the pictures they do not span the entire length of the tank as much as I would like. I've contacted the place where I got them to see if I can exchange the 12" rails for the 18" rails... this will allow me to space them out a little better.


Active Member
Also, just to mention something that AI informed me of when I purchased the Vega's as well... you actually don't have to place the Vega's that high. AI recommends about six inches from the water level is optimal for the light. I have mine about seven inches above and it covers a good 26"x26" footprint.