New 300 gallon In-Wall tank build


Ok so I unclogged the drain.... used the same snake and this time I got lucky.
Lights work now.... didn't do anything they just worked this morning.
I cut the hole bigger and pushed the stand into place and it sits better in its new final location. I may just have to shim the heck out of it but it should be fine.
The skimmer is the Super Reef Octopus 5000SSS.


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build#post_3515615
Why would they mind......That's a good seat in the house........
Polyurethane comes to my mind as far as sealing it......Probably better would be an epoxy coating......


I'm off or the next 2 nights so I will be able to do a little work on the stand.
All fish are doing well in the 29 gallon...

Live rock and a batch of rock curing

Rough cut the hole a little bigger. Will get it exact once the tank arrives.


Active Member
Nice work man!!!
I loved looking at the fish room pictures.. I am not going to lie... I got a little excited.
Everyone should have a fish room!!


I need to throw my wife out of her laundry room and convert it to a fish room hahaha yeah right why is the tank so low meaning the side where you have it facing out into your leaving room maybe not low its looks like its really skinny height wise isn't there more height to that tank it looks really great but with the amount of room you have in that fish room I would have gone real big like 800 gallon or so big


I need to throw my wife out of her laundry room and convert it to a fish room hahaha yeah right why is the tank so low meaning the side where you have it facing out into your leaving room maybe not low its looks like its really skinny height wise isn't there more height to that tank it looks really great but with the amount of room you have in that fish room I would have gone real big like 800 gallon or so big
The stand is 30 inches high. Three reasons I chose this youngest daughters can see into the tank without having to stand on something, I love to watch them look into the tank running back and forth following the fish.
The height is perfect for me in a seated position.
Ease of reaching the bottom of the tank if needed.
This is the largest tank I can fit down the stairs, the tiny hallway and awkwardly placed doors at the top of the steps makes it impossible to get anything bigger down there..... Plus the placement of the tank is between the underside of the stairway and the main stack.... Believe me I thought of ways to get something bigger.... It just wont work.


So now I'm trying to decide what color to paint the back of the tank. I was originally going to paint it blue like my last tank but the new one is going to have 2 black overflows on the back and I think that a blue background might look crazy...


Cool I was looking and I misread some of your pics its in your basement I thought it was a den or living room
PS Lowes would be proud for the advertising hahaha good luck bro


Sooooo...... Just got back from the LFS that ordered the tank through Glasscages and because of a serious misunderstanding we had to call and delay shipment of the tank

I had the LFS order the tank so that I would not have to make arrangements to get it from the drop-off location in Cleveland to my house.... They thought I was going to pick it up....
Whatever... now I've got to wait another 2-3 weeks before Glasscages ships back out to this area.
At least now when I get the tank the silicone will be fully cured and I won't have to wait to fill it up. But I had planned on using that time to finalize plumbing and a possible sump/fuge upgrade.



Looks like the tank will not be delivered until the 21st so not too much going on.
I'm going to start working on the trim on the finished side today.
Have I mentioned how much I love this skimmer!!!


Well-Known Member
Very nice so far man. Proud of yah! I know you're proud of it too!
Looks like you're eager to get water in it! (Unlike someone else I know!)


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/20#post_3517306
Very nice so far man. Proud of yah! I know you're proud of it too!
Looks like you're eager to get water in it! (Unlike someone else I know!)
LOL I think I know who you are talking about.....But I have to admit his setup/equipment/plans look a lot better and more detailed than mine.
The more I look at Shawn, Lubeck and your threads the more I change my plans. Lots of good ideas.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Shawn is an equipment genius, but ever since I have known him, I have never seen a single previous tank of his. Lots of anticipation for what his new tank will look like all grown in.
Shawn has lots of little DIY tips and tricks, that's for sure. Lubeck's C2C overflow and plumbing design is definitely something to admire. As for me, Eh... I don't feel so special.