New 300 gallon In-Wall tank build


Active Member
Why rush anything......That's what I see a lot of around here....People rush only to sit back and regret or "what if I had".....I read way to much and yeah something catches my eye and I start changing things, but I don't want any regrets in the end that most people have......


Having the shipment of my tank delayed was probably the best thing that could have happened. Gives me more time and I don't feel as rushed plus I'm going to call glasscages and see if they will be able to drill the tank for a closed loop, something that I had not thought of before....Thanks Lubeck
I even like the specs of the Reeflo Snapper/Dart. I am also going to plan a direct line from the tank or sump to the drain in the basement for easy water changes.....I've got 20 days left so no telling what else I might think of.
But today I'm going to finally level out the stand....


Trying to level the stand in place was a PITA so I decided to make a level base for the stand to sit on using 1X4s.
After I got the base level I put the stand on top and checked for level again.
Turns out the floor sloped from front to back and from right to left.
If I ever decide to do this again I will build the stand in place and cut every piece to fit the contour of the floor.



Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/20#post_3517313
Yeah, Shawn is an equipment genius, but ever since I have known him, I have never seen a single previous tank of his. Lots of anticipation for what his new tank will look like all grown in.
Shawn has lots of little DIY tips and tricks, that's for sure. Lubeck's C2C overflow and plumbing design is definitely something to admire. As for me, Eh... I don't feel so special.
My pics use to be on here, but after they did the upgrade I can't figure out how to get them back.....They are on an old laptop if I could ever get that thing to boot up.......
I love to tinker.....I'm the one who convinced Lubeck to go with the Bean overflow.....The things amazing.....I'm not sure if I did a video of mine running or not.....I had fun making the open channel take over and then clogging both to make the emergency pipe carry the tank load.....I'd recommend that setup for anyone building a tank.....Easy to tune, redundancy, and can handle anything you throw at it.....Trust me just 1 1 1/2" pipe will carry all the flow I'm pushing......


Active Member
Originally Posted by edat http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/40#post_3517409
Trying to level the stand in place was a PITA so I decided to make a level base for the stand to sit on using 1X4s.
After I got the base level I put the stand on top and checked for level again.
Turns out the floor sloped from front to back and from right to left.
If I ever decide to do this again I will build the stand in place and cut every piece to fit the contour of the floor.

Looks Good.....I know a PITA, but will be well worth it......I've done it that way when I had my 240 in my garage, and I had to use other means as far as leveling legs on another stand....The leveling legs were actually easier, but more costly but a breeze to adjust.....


Got the RO/DI updated a little. I added the 2ND DI chamber and sediment filter a while ago.
Just added an extra pressure gauge and 2 dual TDS meters.


Well Glass Cages said that they are not able to drill the tank for a closed loop once the tank is assembled.
Trying to decide now if I should chance drilling it myself....


Active Member
Matter of fact I'd be pretty confident to say that the bottom isn't as well......I know the stuff they use for euro bracing isn't as well.......My 240 was done by them.....With that said they build to spec, so you honestly think if it was a custom job and the speed the build tanks at that they'd have time to drill then temper.......
You can always call Tom to verify.