New 300 gallon In-Wall tank build


OK so now for a whole new set of questions. First where is a good place to get bits? Glassholes is the first that come to mind then BRS. Where is a good place to get quality bits?
Next question would be size. I was thinking two 1.5" drains and four to six 1" returns.
Placement of the holes would be my next question.
I'm going to need a lot of advise/suggestions on this one.


Active Member
The biggest issue I see you'll face is manuvering the tank around to drill the holes....With that said I wouldn't use either the choices you've suggested.....I've drilled quite a bit, and I have always used the cheapo bits you can get at HarborFreight. These bits can be used in a regular drill or I prefer to use them in my Rotozip tool......Makes it a lot easier to drill holes....All you need are the bits, water and the bulkhead of size.....trace the bulkhead and drill away......
2 1.5 drains would work. I take it you didn't have GC do the overflow......


GC did the dual overflows when I initially ordered the tank.
They just would not drill for a closed loop once the tank was assembled.
I figured I would drill the holes once the tank is delivered. Instead of putting it on the stand I would just lay it on the floor to drill all the holes.
Then put the tank on the stand later. The LFS will let me borrow 4 suction cups, I will just have to supply the muscle.
I thought about maneuvering the tank also so I figured I would put all the drains and the returns somewhere on the back of the tank.


Well-Known Member
Acrylic, have you looked at the Blowhole pumps recently? I know you're now not such a big fan of Reeflo right now because of their customer service, but have you seen these new pumps? They look pretty cool to me... I hope that I get the chance to try one out one day. :D


Active Member
I don't have any issues with Reeflo.....I have a temper and take my equipment serious and when I spend money I expect the best, and no excuses.....I can understand 1 pump, but I had a rash of issues, but still didn't discourage me from using them.....Reeflo is still my pump of choice....
As far as the Blowholes.....They aren't really that new....they've been out for a good bit now.....They are a neat novel idea, but not really sure they took off as Reeflo had hoped or expected....Haven't really seen much as far as people using them long term. The only advantage is that you can dial the flow between a couple settings, but it's not that they self adjust or regulate or they alternate. Honestly would be neat to play with, but not sure if I'd even put them on a CL. A VFD built pump would be a nice addition if your looking for variable speed control. The nice thing with the VFD it can regulate itself through the PLC controller......That's real control......


Active Member
Negative reviews????? In this hobby there isn't a single company who has a spotless track record. Look how people bash GlassCages. I was upset with Reeflo because I use them exclusively and expect consistency...... The fixes are easy on these pumps and they do work with you. As far as flow needs. Very few pumps will give you what your looking for so dont be jaded on that.
Depending on the flow your looking for you might opt Barracuda but that is my perspective but it comes down to the overall goal for your tank. Are you goung to supplement your CL with PH's as well??


Well-Known Member
Personally, I find that Reeflo sells some of the best external pumps out there for our application.... I am completely satisfied with their products so far as well.


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/60#post_3518032
Depending on the flow your looking for you might opt Barracuda but that is my perspective but it comes down to the overall goal for your tank. Are you goung to supplement your CL with PH's as well??
CL with a few PH's.
I will look into the Barracuda. Looks like a monster pump.
Going to place an order today for the bulkheads and drill bits.


Ordered the bulkheads, bits, and pump yesterday.
Everything should be here tomorrow according the tracking websites.


Went with the snapper/dart gold hybrid.
That along with my return (mag 12 for now until I decide on a better pump) and a few PH should be fine.
But I'm also leaning towards a second snapper/dart on a 2nd closed loop.... Still undecided.
I realize now I should have planned this upgrade out a little more ????


Active Member
That should work. Not sure about the mag12 for that size tank. What overflow do you have? I'm trying the water blaster 10k for my tank. Plan on running close to 2000 gph thru the sump.


Active Member
I don't know if you can ever totally plan things out.....Things change so much unless you have all the cash and such on hand at 1 shot and pull the trigger at 1 time, and even then I think you'd second guess yourself on things......I surely have and do!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Lubeck http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/60#post_3518614
That should work. Not sure about the mag12 for that size tank. What overflow do you have? I'm trying the water blaster 10k for my tank. Plan on running close to 2000 gph thru the sump.
Tank was made by Glass Cages so the standard dual overflows.....1 inch I think
I saw that you were using the water blaster pump. I had been looking into them as well. More than twice the flow and only 15 watts more.
I am in the process of finalizing the size/layout of a new sump. I don't think the mag 12 and the 40 long that I was using on the 125 will be enough for the new setup.
Thinking of using a 75 gallon for the sump.


Active Member
For a system that size I would go for a bigger pump and create a manifold for reactors and water changes and stuff. Im not sure if you already said this but. I would also get the 75 gal to use as tour sump and keep the 40 gal breeder as the fuge.


Originally Posted by Lubeck http:///t/394784/new-300-gallon-in-wall-tank-build/60#post_3518756
For a system that size I would go for a bigger pump and create a manifold for reactors and water changes and stuff. Im not sure if you already said this but. I would also get the 75 gal to use as tour sump and keep the 40 gal breeder as the fuge.
That's a good Idea.. would it be best to plumb the two tanks separately...feed one from each overflow or plumb them together somehow?
I am also going to switch from 1.5" to 2" drains for the closed loop, I think it will work out better and not be an issue with too much suction and possibly harming smaller fish.


Ordered the 2" bulkheads yesterday they should be here tomorrow.
Still waiting on the Reeflo had a delay in shipment should be here today.

Called Glass Cages and had them add a frag tank to my order... nothing huge, dimensions will fit onto the old 125 stand along with the 29gal QT. I will be picking them both up on Monday.