darthtang aw
Active Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/381888/new-airline-security-measures/40#post_3330114
I have made up for my mistakes of the past. I am one of the highest paid people in my position. I did little negotiating, and got the pay increases that I deserved.
So then you are not underpaid? So you asserted YOURSELF and got the pay you feel you deserve. Even making more than most men in your position? Way to back up your point.
Darth (Short Bus Driver) Tang
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/381888/new-airline-security-measures/40#post_3330114
I have made up for my mistakes of the past. I am one of the highest paid people in my position. I did little negotiating, and got the pay increases that I deserved.

So then you are not underpaid? So you asserted YOURSELF and got the pay you feel you deserve. Even making more than most men in your position? Way to back up your point.
Darth (Short Bus Driver) Tang