NEW dwarf seahorses!!


BTW I told Michelle that I drive a semi in the fall during harvest for my father in law. I told her if you guys rented it, I would work for store credit.


Adorable!! :cheer: Have you tried frozen Rotifers with your Dwarfs? What do you plan on feeding the babies ? Because they are tiny to begin with



Active Member
haha...would have gotten done just as fast with your semi i'm sure, oh well....
i feed them live baby brine shrimp...have to hatch em twice a day to feed all of the seahorses.


Active Member
and there are actually like 17 or so on the sps...but its not a good picture so hard to see all the tiny babies hangin out


Active Member
Say, where did you get the bleached acapora? That is a really cool touch to the tank.
Man I can't wait to get my seahorses!!!!


Active Member
you're gettin seahorses??? what kind and when?? these are that i have are ones that have died from our store and i just boiled to finish them off, worked out great, ihave another one if you want :joy:


Active Member
That would be awesome!!!!!!!
I getting a pair of mustangs. The tank(90) is almost 4 months old, I am taking my time and reading everything I can get my paws on.
The tank has 45 lbs of live rock, sand substrate, a corky finger gorgorian(which is growing like a weed, I need to frag it~would you like some?)a growing population of mushrooms, a fire goby, and a pair of false percs.
I still need to set up a BS(brine shrimp,giggle) tank for gut loading. What else would you suggest?


Active Member
what does that gorgoia look like??
sounds like you have a nice setup going...are going to be hatch bbs alot or just every now and then? i just bouth a plastic reptile container that was like 5$ or so for my enrichment container...cheaper than a 5gallon or so....somehow they are like 15 dollars around here


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
what does that gorgoia look like??
sounds like you have a nice setup going...are going to be hatch bbs alot or just every now and then? i just bouth a plastic reptile container that was like 5$ or so for my enrichment container...cheaper than a 5gallon or so....somehow they are like 15 dollars around here
Not sure....I can buy them frozen, gut loaded....and I have been cautioned on using live food for tank breed horses. Here's some pics of the gorgonian. I would be very interested in getting the remaining bleached acapora!!!! I have some small pieces of LR to attach the corky frags too, but the temps here in MN worry me about shipping. I'd have to find some of those heater packs.



Active Member
no thanks on the gorgo, i have on that i like right now for them, that looks a bit big for the know my acros are dead right?


Active Member
Absolutely! If they were alive they would hate my seahorse tank, or any seahorse tank...flow is way to low. Giggle....that would be cool if there was a brilliant white pearl acapora! The thing I really like about the dead acros is the bright white really makes the horses stand out. Very pretty.


Active Member
I don't think the corky would be to big for the dwarves to grab....the limbs are about as think as my pointer finger. Ofcourse, I have never had any dwarves before, from the pics you posted they look awfully tiny. I wuld guess anything fatter than a pencil would be to big for them to hold onto. :thinking:


Active Member
thats what i thought, mine are starting to get a tip of algae, nothing bad...but when i boiled they turned green, and when i put them in the tank they started getting bright white, i like it