New Guy

Alright... just ordered a test kit and 2 K1 power heads. I was gonna grab some snails at the same time but the livestock order wasn't enough so I was gonna buy some hermit crabs but I didn't want to push it. I'd rather not kill the entire tank

Thanks for all the help guys! I really appreciate it! I will try not to bug so much.
Meet Louis the Clown Fish and Nanerpuss the Yellow Watchman!


Would have gotten a close picture of Louis... but hes camera shy.


Originally Posted by JamesCameron1
How long do you think I should wait to add some snails? I'm crazy addicted to salt water now

I think you should get some now...get like 3 each of nassarius, cerith, and maybe a margarita or 2
Thats the problem wont let me place an order unless the I spend enough in live stock... is there anyway to bypass that?


Originally Posted by JamesCameron1
Thats the problem wont let me place an order unless the I spend enough in live stock... is there anyway to bypass that?
NO, that's my problem also...I have no LFS....closest one in 90 miles, and it is a mom-pop type of store
I didn't know you were ordering you not have anywhere to get a few from that is close by?


Originally Posted by JamesCameron1
Meet Louis the Clown Fish and Nanerpuss the Yellow Watchman!

Meowzer now people are naming their fish after you. Soon people will be calling you Queen
Tank is coming along James!
There is a local shop but he knows us and he told us once we put fish in he wont sell us anything live for our tank for at least 6 months

and thanks Life~Reefer!


Originally Posted by JamesCameron1
There is a local shop but he knows us and he told us once we put fish in he wont sell us anything live for our tank for at least 6 months

I can't believe he won't sell you a few snails....that makes no sense...tell him you need them
Yea... I'm gonna go talk to him tomorrow and maybe grab a couple snails... seem stupid for him not to sell me something important like that.


Originally Posted by JamesCameron1
Yea... I'm gonna go talk to him tomorrow and maybe grab a couple snails... seem stupid for him not to sell me something important like that.
LOL...I agree...but don't tell him that

extinct 1ne

Originally Posted by JamesCameron1
There is a local shop but he knows us and he told us once we put fish in he wont sell us anything live for our tank for at least 6 months

and thanks Life~Reefer!
It's a store right? Why wouldn't he sell you it, lol...6 months, are you kidding me? Lol. I've had my tank up for about 5-6 months, and I already have fish, inverts, and corals. Snails and Crabs/cuc is one of the most important things.