New Guy


Originally Posted by JamesCameron1
Yep! Apparently my wife ordered something extra too! Oh and I got an extra peppermint shrimp for free

SHHHHHHH...they can hear you.....LOL
what did she order...come on tell me....
Shrimp chilling in their new home

Blue leg checkin' out a clam

Scarlet hermit investigating a possible new home

And now what my wife ordered... apparently she got antsy... I hope it doesn't crash the tank
Blue Reef Chromis

Black & White False Percula


LOL...2 fish won't crash your tank....just be sure to test your water, and be ready to do a w/c JUST IN CASE the levels start to rise...


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
And a 16G cichlid tank...and in another room I have a 55G tropical, and a 46G cichlid tank too

. I want a planted tank along with some of Cranberrys tanks.

Originally Posted by JamesCameron1

Yea its a 20gal long... I really want something bigger now though

Cool, got one for $2. Know clue what to do with it.

Tank is looking great!
2 fish should be fine. Like said before, just watch your levels.
Unfortunately... my blue reef chromis didn't make it
I noticed he was a little strange when he arrived... he wasn't acting nervous like the clown was... so I think maybe the trip across the country may have done him in
Poor little guy


AWWWW...How did you acclimate him? You got it from here? put in for your credit...take a pic of it first
Yes I drip acclimated him and made sure the water temp was close to the tank... he seemed weak when I got him though so I donno
Yea I sent the online form a couple hours ago... might have to make another soon... I think I have a dead clam. There is mucus surrounding it :(