New mccain ad


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
Wow thats really favorite ad is McSame saying OBAMA is the same...doesn't make any sence.
In the current Congressional year, McCain has voted with Party lines 88% of the time
Obama, 96% of the time.
Who is for change? Who can show they are for "reform"?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Gentlemen... I don't want to keep saying the same things that I was saying 2 pages ago so I'll pretty much leave it at this. READ THE BILL. It is clear on its face. Yes, it does INCLUDE elementary schools in the curriculum requirements where s-e-x education courses are offered. No, it does not SUPPORT the teaching of s-e-x education to kindergardeners anywhere in the Bill. You guys are all smart guys, so I can only assume that your misunderstanding of this simple distinction is more about your support for your guy than your rational analysis of this Bill. And I do have a sneaking suspicion that, despite your best arguments here, you ALL can plainly see that this Bill does not, in any way, promote the teaching of s-e-x education to kindergardeners.
Let me put it this way, if you have a child in kindergarden, does this Bill make it any more likely that your child will be taught s-e-x education? Nope... would just mandate the curriculum in any public school and provide the parents rights where those courses are provided.
But you guys will continue to argue this non-issue... after all, that's what we do around here.

lol remind me to look you up for my criminal defense when I pull an OJ simpson.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You can make all the excuses you want, but the reality still remaines. Obama actually voted yes for a bill that shows that he supports the said education to kids in kindergarden. As for the folks in galveston. I haven't seen the guys who stayed in galveston complaining.

Oh yeah. The 20 or so over in Gilchrist or Crystal Beach said they were upset the helicopters that were coming over them didn't drop supplies to them. The mayor of Galveston and the other city officials are saying the conditions in Galveston are spiraling downward at a feverish pace. It'll be at least a month before most of the power will be restored. Water is undrinkable, and there's no natural gas. So basically the government officials are in a dang if you do, dang if you don't mode. I'm sure they'll get vilified no matter how it turns out.
As far as Obama voting for it - Did he get to see the revised bill before voting on it? If so, maybe he didn't have an issue with the K - 6, since the parents had the option to keep their kids from taking the class.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Oh yeah. The 20 or so over in Gilchrist or Crystal Beach said they were upset the helicopters that were coming over them didn't drop supplies to them. The mayor of Galveston and the other city officials are saying the conditions in Galveston are spiraling downward at a feverish pace. It'll be at least a month before most of the power will be restored. Water is undrinkable, and there's no natural gas. So basically the government officials are in a dang if you do, dang if you don't mode. I'm sure they'll get vilified no matter how it turns out.
As far as Obama voting for it - Did he get to see the revised bill before voting on it? If so, maybe he didn't have an issue with the K - 6, since the parents had the option to keep their kids from taking the class.
Well if they weren't prepared they should have left.
They had busses, they were in a manditory evac zone. They were saying pre-storm 20 foot storm surge. I'd say tough luck nuckleheads. I was ready for 2 weeks without power, I had 50 gallons of potable water. I'm giving away my food now. It is like some city official forgot to plan on how to feed their workers, then got on the air and started attacking fema for not being there to feed his workers. Mororn.
So now your argument is that he may not have seen what I was voting for?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
As far as Obama voting for it - Did he get to see the revised bill before voting on it? If so, maybe he didn't have an issue with the K - 6, since the parents had the option to keep their kids from taking the class.
When talking before a Planned Parenthood meeting he said "it's the right thing to do" referring to s ex Ed in "K".
Again, we're not talking about predator avoidance like Obama's spin machine is now trying to say.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Gentlemen... I don't want to keep saying the same things that I was saying 2 pages ago so I'll pretty much leave it at this. READ THE BILL. It is clear on its face. Yes, it does INCLUDE elementary schools in the curriculum requirements where s-e-x education courses are offered. No, it does not SUPPORT the teaching of s-e-x education to kindergardeners anywhere in the Bill. You guys are all smart guys, so I can only assume that your misunderstanding of this simple distinction is more about your support for your guy than your rational analysis of this Bill. And I do have a sneaking suspicion that, despite your best arguments here, you ALL can plainly see that this Bill does not, in any way, promote the teaching of s-e-x education to kindergardeners.
Let me put it this way, if you have a child in kindergarden, does this Bill make it any more likely that your child will be taught s-e-x education? Nope... would just mandate the curriculum in any public school and provide the parents rights where those courses are provided.
But you guys will continue to argue this non-issue... after all, that's what we do around here.

Before this bill it was not permissible to teach s e x education below grade 6. This bill lowered it from 6th grade to Kindergarten. I would say that would have made it a whole lot more likely that it would be taught to kindergartners.

The only inaccuracy in the McCain ad was calling this an achievement. Fact is Obama's committee passed the bill but it was never passed by the full I Senate


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Oh yeah. The 20 or so over in Gilchrist or Crystal Beach said they were upset the helicopters that were coming over them didn't drop supplies to them. The mayor of Galveston and the other city officials are saying the conditions in Galveston are spiraling downward at a feverish pace. It'll be at least a month before most of the power will be restored. Water is undrinkable, and there's no natural gas. So basically the government officials are in a dang if you do, dang if you don't mode. I'm sure they'll get vilified no matter how it turns out.
As far as Obama voting for it - Did he get to see the revised bill before voting on it? If so, maybe he didn't have an issue with the K - 6, since the parents had the option to keep their kids from taking the class.
Obama was the chair of the subcommittee that passed the bill, I would hope he read it


Active Member
Again, you people are talking semantics. There's a provision in the bill that allows parents to opt out of the classes. Whining about him signing a bill about teaching kids about s-e-x is about as lame as the Ayers accusation you were going off on a month ago. Like I said, the State of Texas is sticking some religious history class in all the high schools. I don't want my kids taking it, and because it's an elective, they don't have to. Perry wanted to force me to give my 13 year old a shot that essentially protects her from some cerival cancer that normally only gets transmitted by having guess what? S-E-X. You Republicans sure didn't have a problem with kids 11 - 15 taking this drug if I recall.
I told my wife about this argument, as she laughed and said, "Really? Hold on a minute." Next thing I know, she's hands me this box of old Playboy's I had from my college years. She said," Here send the State of Illinois these. They can use them in the Kindergarten classes. They don't have to read them. They can just look at the pictures."


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Again, you people are talking semantics. There's a provision in the bill that allows parents to opt out of the classes. Whining about him signing a bill about teaching kids about s-e-x is about as lame as the Ayers accusation you were going off on a month ago. Like I said, the State of Texas is sticking some religious history class in all the high schools. I don't want my kids taking it, and because it's an elective, they don't have to. Perry wanted to force me to give my 13 year old a shot that essentially protects her from some cerival cancer that normally only gets transmitted by having guess what? S-E-X. You Republicans sure didn't have a problem with kids 11 - 15 taking this drug if I recall.
I told my wife about this argument, as she laughed and said, "Really? Hold on a minute." Next thing I know, she's hands me this box of old Playboy's I had from my college years. She said," Here send the State of Illinois these. They can use them in the Kindergarten classes. They don't have to read them. They can just look at the pictures."
Again I ask; Have you read the curriculum Obama's spokesman referenced?
Read it, then let me know if you believe offering an elective on the history of religions to HS students is comparable...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Again I ask; Have you read the curriculum Obama's spokesman referenced?
Read it, then let me know if you believe offering an elective on the history of religions to HS students is comparable...
One more time.. IT'S NOT A MANDATORY COURSE. IT'S OPTIONAL. I could care less what the course is offering. It's irrelevent. The state and local school boards are making the cirriculum available to whoever wants it. If you as a parent read the cirriculum, feel that it's the most vile and disgusting stuff you've ever seen, and state that you will NEVER allow any of your children to attend that class, THEN FINE. That's your right. Just because you think it's immoral and not acceptable for your children, what right do you have to keep parents who want their children to have this information available to them in school? Just like this religious history class in Texas. Many of the 'bible belt' schools have wanted a course like this in their school's for years. However, the school boards couldn't implement them without the approval of the State, and a bill had to be passed to approve it. So a bill was passed. It's been in all the Texas papers where parent groups and other organizations have criticized the Texas State Congress for passing this bill. The response from the state was the same - the course is an elective. If you don't want your children taking the course, don't enroll them in it. Of course, I'm sure you have no issues with a controversial class like this being pushed through in a bill. If Obama signed off on this bill, would you have the same reaction?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
One more time.. IT'S NOT A MANDATORY COURSE. IT'S OPTIONAL. I could care less what the course is offering. It's irrelevent. The state and local school boards are making the cirriculum available to whoever wants it. If you as a parent read the cirriculum, feel that it's the most vile and disgusting stuff you've ever seen, and state that you will NEVER allow any of your children to attend that class, THEN FINE. That's your right. Just because you think it's immoral and not acceptable for your children, what right do you have to keep parents who want their children to have this information available to them in school? Just like this religious history class in Texas. Many of the 'bible belt' schools have wanted a course like this in their school's for years. However, the school boards couldn't implement them without the approval of the State, and a bill had to be passed to approve it. So a bill was passed. It's been in all the Texas papers where parent groups and other organizations have criticized the Texas State Congress for passing this bill. The response from the state was the same - the course is an elective. If you don't want your children taking the course, don't enroll them in it. Of course, I'm sure you have no issues with a controversial class like this being pushed through in a bill. If Obama signed off on this bill, would you have the same reaction?
Nice to see you finally admit the bill does allow for s e x ed for kindergartners.

Opt out isn't the same as a optional course. Parents don't have to enroll their child in it. It's automatic. They have to take an extra step to opt out.


i like how these forums digress, and the fact that its pretty much everywhere that Mccains ad's are over the end. If the conservatives on this page cant admit that they were totally un called for its your loss and also a lack of wanting to understand and acknowledge that you have an idiot running your campaign, btw any one watch Cindy and John on the View getting toasted, watch it on you tube it well worth it. He still doesnt say how Palin will REFORM the government, and how many houses does he own, Cindy was pretty pissed about that.
Also i think its funny that you all think that Mccain is god when he used the pig lipstick thing first, start focusing on his sexism first, and then talk about obama who wasnt even refering to Palin... please Someone admit he lied about that............


Active Member
I think it pretty funny that a liberal would complain about conservatives when Obama and his campaign said:
Bill Clinton saying Obamas Iraq idea was a fairy tail was racist
Obama would give 95% of Americans a tax cut when the number of americans who actually pay income taxes is about 60%
Said John McCain wanted to keep the war in Iraq going for 100 years
Says McCain said he didn't know anything about the economy
And just today Obama's campaign linked to an edited video of McCain supporter carly fiorina saying McCain didn't have the experience to run a major corporation. And said if mcCains economic advisor didn't think McCain could run a corporation blah blah blah. Of course there is a hard cut so the clip omits the rest of the statement she was making which was Obama doesn't have the experience and neither does Joe Biden


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Nice to see you finally admit the bill does allow for s e x ed for kindergartners.

Opt out isn't the same as a optional course. Parents don't have to enroll their child in it. It's automatic. They have to take an extra step to opt out.
WAAAAAH. I know you are, but what am I? Any other childish responses you want? I never said it didn't allow for kindergarten kids smart guy. My first input was the reason they modified the bill to include K - 6 was for legal reasons. So now you cry the parents have to make a call, send an email, whatever to tell the school they don't want their kid to take the class. Wow, that means they actually have to get involved with their child's education. I thought the whole point of the public school system was a built-in day care for parents to stick their kids in while they earn a living. Please reply with yet another nick picking response. I'm sure you'll have no problems coming up with one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
WAAAAAH. I know you are, but what am I? Any other childish responses you want? I never said it didn't allow for kindergarten kids smart guy. My first input was the reason they modified the bill to include K - 6 was for legal reasons. So now you cry the parents have to make a call, send an email, whatever to tell the school they don't want their kid to take the class. Wow, that means they actually have to get involved with their child's education. I thought the whole point of the public school system was a built-in day care for parents to stick their kids in while they earn a living. Please reply with yet another nick picking response. I'm sure you'll have no problems coming up with one.

You didn't use enough A's in WAAAAAAH!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veeraj87
i like how these forums digress, and the fact that its pretty much everywhere that Mccains ad's are over the end. If the conservatives on this page cant admit that they were totally un called for its your loss and also a lack of wanting to understand and acknowledge that you have an idiot running your campaign, btw any one watch Cindy and John on the View getting toasted, watch it on you tube it well worth it. He still doesnt say how Palin will REFORM the government, and how many houses does he own, Cindy was pretty pissed about that.
Also i think its funny that you all think that Mccain is god when he used the pig lipstick thing first, start focusing on his sexism first, and then talk about obama who wasnt even refering to Palin... please Someone admit he lied about that............
Once again, I ask, how was the commercial inaccurate. I have a lawyer saying that the bill never was about new education, but about content. I have other people saying stuff like obama (who chaired the committee that passed the bill) never read it.
But nothing to refute it at all...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Veeraj87
i like how these forums digress, and the fact that its pretty much everywhere that Mccains ad's are over the end. If the conservatives on this page cant admit that they were totally un called for its your loss and also a lack of wanting to understand and acknowledge that you have an idiot running your campaign, btw any one watch Cindy and John on the View getting toasted, watch it on you tube it well worth it. He still doesnt say how Palin will REFORM the government, and how many houses does he own, Cindy was pretty pissed about that.
Also i think its funny that you all think that Mccain is god when he used the pig lipstick thing first, start focusing on his sexism first, and then talk about obama who wasnt even refering to Palin... please Someone admit he lied about that............
Just as soon as an Obama Supporter admits Obama isn't really about change in Washington. Just as soon as they admit He is just another politician promising out of both sides of his mouth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
One more time.. IT'S NOT A MANDATORY COURSE. IT'S OPTIONAL. I could care less what the course is offering. It's irrelevent. The state and local school boards are making the cirriculum available to whoever wants it. If you as a parent read the cirriculum, feel that it's the most vile and disgusting stuff you've ever seen, and state that you will NEVER allow any of your children to attend that class, THEN FINE. That's your right. Just because you think it's immoral and not acceptable for your children, what right do you have to keep parents who want their children to have this information available to them in school? Just like this religious history class in Texas. Many of the 'bible belt' schools have wanted a course like this in their school's for years. However, the school boards couldn't implement them without the approval of the State, and a bill had to be passed to approve it. So a bill was passed. It's been in all the Texas papers where parent groups and other organizations have criticized the Texas State Congress for passing this bill. The response from the state was the same - the course is an elective. If you don't want your children taking the course, don't enroll them in it. Of course, I'm sure you have no issues with a controversial class like this being pushed through in a bill. If Obama signed off on this bill, would you have the same reaction?
So, are you agreeing with the original premise of this thread that Obama did in fact vote for s ex Ed. for "k"?
I have no problem with a Religious History class being taught to HS students. Too many people in this country have forgotten what our Nation was founded on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
So, are you agreeing with the original premise of this thread that Obama did in fact vote for s ex Ed. for "k"?
I have no problem with a Religious History class being taught to HS students. Too many people in this country have forgotten what our Nation was founded on.
I agree that Obama did vote for this bill so that children had the opportunity to get this type of education if their parents chose to allow them to take the course. Was Obama aware that they modified the bill to include K - 6? I hope he read the modifications before he signed it. But none of us know the circumstances of why they changed the bill to include K - 6. Was it just because they thought those grade levels should have that cirriculum available to them? Was it for legal reasons, to avoid the lawsuits if you did exclude those individuals? You people want to vilify Obama because he signed this through, yet you have no clue what conversations went on to justify the modifications. Sounds like typical character assasination to me. Guilty before being proved innocent. Niiice.
Hmm, someone who one day wants to be a preacher advocating religious classes in public schools. Now that's surprising. Sorry, but all I see is an opportunity for the bible thumpers to start their sermons in school classes, using religious history as a front. Reminds me of School Of Rock. When the principal comes in the room, it'll be pictures of theologens and history timelines of the various religious groups. After the principal leaves, they bring the pulpit out of the closet, a confessional with its own priest in the corner, and a gospel choir in the back singing "I'm Back On The Path To Jesus".


Active Member
I've posted Obama's quote where he said teaching "K" was the "right thing to do". Hard to say he didn't know...
Sorry if you do not differentiate between religious history and sermons. I, as well as the Texas Bill, do. Should we quit teaching WW2 history for fear children will become Nazis?
Whether you agree or not, religion has played a roll throughout history and certainly was critical in the foundation of our Nation.