
Active Member
great looking fish but i thought you need to have them in pairs of 5 or more?? and i thought they needed at least 30 foot long tank to swim? i could be wrong
just watch them if their with the shark and rays they are said to have extremely fats bursts of speed to attack prey


Active Member
Great looking fish, Goodwin, but they dont do well without being in a school (5+ fish)...they'll actually die without at least having a pair and most die without having a school.
Plus, they'll reach upwards of 18" and really need a tank in the hundreds of gallons...the taller the better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Great looking fish, Goodwin, but they dont do well without being in a school (5+ fish)...they'll actually die without at least having a pair and most die without having a school.
Plus, they'll reach upwards of 18" and really need a tank in the hundreds of gallons...the taller the better.
I had read that they do belong in groups and that was the reason that I had order 2 of them. First time order from this particular supplier, so I wanted to see how things went. FedEx screwed up the shipment and delivered a day late, so I think that is why I lost the 2nd one.Supplier is replacing DOA one and sending 2 additional. When they out grow the tank, I plan on trading at LFS. I thnk that they are going to make a nice addition to fill the top half of the tank since the rays and shark seem to be on the bottom all of the time. Was happy to see this morning that the lone lookdown was still doing well in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Breineach1
I love lookdowns! They are perhaps my favorite fish ever... intelligent and purty. Lucky you!

I was wonnder about that. My lone lookdown seems to follow me at the tank. Last night feeding the shark and rays, the lookdown came right up to my hand. Doesn't seem shy at all. I don't remember having a fish act that way first day in the tank. Will be interesting to see what he does in the next few days....


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
great looking fish but i thought you need to have them in pairs of 5 or more?? and i thought they needed at least 30 foot long tank to swim? i could be wrong
just watch them if their with the shark and rays they are said to have extremely fats bursts of speed to attack prey
That is the other reason I only wanted to start with 2 of them, seller said that they would be alright with a shark and rays, I wanted to see for myself. I hadn't read anything about lenght of tank needed, so I hope that I am alright there.


Active Member
lookdowns are awesome fish. at first i didn't think all that as they look like big silver dollars. after some time with them they really do have a collective personality. we have 3 in a 5000 that are doing great with sharks, including a couple cats. there's around 12 in a 3000 that school like mad, it's pretty mad aggressive in that tank.


Active Member
Here is a short video of the shark going after a piece of krill on the bottom of the tank. Quality isn't the best, but you can get the idea. Click on the photo for the video.


Active Member
Wow that is cool goodwin....
Is your ray's tail clipped? I heard they clip the tails ? is that true? It doesn't look like yours is clipped.


Active Member
thats a good cave for him.. just like one of mine
watch during feeding like is aid the sharks will nip the rays tails.. so make sure he gets his food first and alot of it!
great looking video!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
awesome vid!
altho wat was that noise in the background? r u murdering small children?
Deal or No Deal


Active Member
I thought that I would post a few pictures of the setup these guys are living in.
The first picture is of the tank itself, 1/2" acrylic, 48X36X28. Lighting is 260 watts Coralife Compact flourescents.
Second picture is a Prime 1/3 HP chiller and Blueline 70 pump for the filtration loop.
Third picture is the filtration components, 19" lifequard, mechanical, chemical, 25 watt UV, FB 600 sandfilter, turbo sea skimmer, and hidden in the back, a phosban reactor.
Fourth picture shows the sump/refugium with 12" 18 watt compact flourescent lighting, 2 Quietone 6000 pumps, for returns & refugium.



Active Member
Goodwin...very nice set up. I have to take a close look at your sump/fuge....I'm going to have to make one for the new tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia
Goodwin...very nice set up. I have to take a close look at your sump/fuge....I'm going to have to make one for the new tank.

What size are u thinking about. Email me and I can send off some more pictures if you would like.


Active Member
I don't really know...the tank is a 150...freebie and another tank that is 3ft x 18 x 18 was thrown I guess I could use it if its big enough. this sump will go in the stand and that limits the size a bit since it can not be more than 5ft x 22 wide....I don't know if I should use the tank or have an acrylic sump made...


Active Member
Wow thats awesome!! I hope one day I can have that many tanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!