
Originally Posted by jhawk
Yeah I know we have a long way to go but atleast I know he has a chance.Been reading about tangs alot this week to find out more about them I was not ready for a tang but think have everything worked out for this guy just hope he keeps getting better.Will keep everybody posted on Wobbles as he gets better.
We look forward to the update. Let us know if you have any more questions in the meantime.


Staff member
I'd expect to see regeneration within a week, however, fins are gnawed down to the spins, and there might actually be some permanent damage/disfigurement. Saying that, I've seen some seriously amazing recovery of fish, tangs particularly, when provided with optimum conditions.
What are you water readings?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhawk
Just a few shot of Wobbles I think he looks better than the day I got him.He is alot more yellow in real life plus his side are starting to plump up

poor guy, That is just sad, people need to know when to say when with their fish and just Fish responsibly.


Originally Posted by Alex4286
im dying to see an updated pic!
what almost two weeks now?
hows he doin?
The picture above your post is from yesterday.


This was a up to date pic when I got Wobbles you could see the out lines of his organs but as you can see in the pic there is some meat on him will take some time.


Originally Posted by Beth
I'd expect to see regeneration within a week
What are you water readings?
Will get some reading after my kids go to bed and I can see some new fin growth.but can't get a good close up of them maybe soon.I looked over all reading and they are great


Temp 77
sal 1.025
ph 8.1
alk 6dkh
nh3 0
no2 0
no3 0.10
cal 440
Sorry it took so long been working on some other thing and had a buddy test my water also


Just wanted to tell everybody that took the time to help Wobbles out Merry X-MAS
He is growing fins back and looking alot better thanks to everybody here will post pic in a few days


Thats so unique. My LFS had one in his display tank which someone donated and it looked exactly the same as Wobbles. A blue regal whipped him up pretty bad. His top fin was a little longer so he looked like a yellow unicorn tang.


Yeah he has came along ways but hope he lives a happy life.I think he looks alot better since I got him


SO glad Wobbles is doing so good, he looks SO much better!!! He sure is lucky to have you!!!