New Tank


Active Member
""Thanks i am also going to get 2 more power heads for the tank, and also some base rock, and more LR ASAP to get everything going and i just talked to my freind he is going to come by and pick up the fish and add them in his 100 gal tank for the time being until i am done cycleing my tank and it is all good to put them back in.""
Now that is a GOOD plan Blue Eye!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue Eye
Thanks i am also going to get 2 more power heads for the tank, and also some base rock, and more LR ASAP to get everything going and i just talked to my freind he is going to come by and pick up the fish and add them in his 100 gal tank for the time being until i am done cycleing my tank and it is all good to put them back in.
Sounds good bro, keep us posted, we are here to help. We like nanos

blue eye

Hey guys, i called and got a price on some Base rock and the LFS said it goes for 4.00 a lbs does that sound right to u. Also they said they carry coral rock at like 5.00 a lbs. What do u think


Active Member
Really depends on what the rock looks like. You want to get the lightest in weighy and most porous rock you can. This allows more surface area for the bacteria to colonize. Price seems a little steep to me but may be the going rate in your area. Can you check another store around there?

blue eye

Hey guys, i just noticed i have some brown spots growing on my powerhead and on my back glass of the tank, does anyone know what this is and is it ok that it is happening.

blue eye

My tank has been set up for 16 days now. Here are what my water levels look like
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.25
Nitrate 20
How does this look, and also what are the brown spots i see on my powerhead. Should i be concerned about it.


Active Member
Your parameters look normal to me considering how far you are into the cycle. What is your specific gravity? Also the brown spots could be diatoms, can you get a pic?

blue eye

Yes i will try but it is so small to see, i will see what i can do. My specific gravity is between 1.019 and 1.020. When i checked it like to days ago it was about 1.022. Is it to low right now


Active Member
Do you do top-offs? If so mix up some 1.027 water and do a couple of top-offs with that until it comes up. What are you using to check it?

blue eye

Yes i do top offs, i use a hydrometer to check it. So sould i fill up a 5 gal bucket and mix salt in there until the water in the bucket 1.027 and then top off the tank and check it until it reach that 1.025-1.026. So repeat the steps until the tank has reached 1.025-1.026.


Active Member
As long as nothing is in the tank, you can just put more salt in. If there is something in the tank, then yes you would want to mix up some 1.027 and when you do your daily or whenever you top-off, use that water.
On another note, I would ditch the hydrometer, as they have a tendency to be very inaccurate. Pick up a refractometer, should be between $40-50 bucks at your lfs. Specific gravity is something that you want to have a very accurate reading on.


Active Member
Should have asked first off what you are using to check. Is it the plastic hydrometer with the little arm that swings up? If so these are notoriously inaccurate. You may want to take a sample to your LFS and have them check it with a refractometer. If you are going to stay in the hobby and will be mixing your own saltwater you should invest in one for yourself. I would not do anything until I verified what the actual Sg is. But you are correct, mix the water and use it for top-off until the Sg raises to what you want it to be. Then go back to top-offs with fresh SODI or distilled water. Remember as water evaporates the salt is left behind, concentrating in the remaining water and raising Sg so you need to top-off with fresh water as a normal course of action. You are in a position right now where you have to raise Sg so top-offs with salt water will help to do this.

blue eye

Ok cool thanks guys. I will go and look to get a refractometer at my LFS. And yes i have a plastic deep six hydrometer that i was using to check the water out. I aslo will take a sample to my LFS so they can check it out before i do anything, or add any more salt in the tank .
Again thx for all the advice. I am learning so much on these borads. This is a great place to learn about the whole hobby of saltwater.