NEWBIE 200 gal build diary

I found it, i accidetly spammed it haha... So ya going on a 3.5 hour round trip tonight.. I CANT WAIT THOUGH... I still have no idea what ima do for aquascape... and fish and stuff.. ima need to get more CUC, and corals and YAAAAA... its LFS weekend.. lol 3 stores 1 day.. pure fun.. lol...


Active Member
HAHAHA that's a regular day for me! Since buying this tank, we have put 4000 miles are one of our vehicle!! haha I guess it's the price you pay... No wait. my wallet already did that.
Lol... so tonight my mother decided to get a flight delay.. so i couldnt get my rock or my other tank.. and now i feel bad for blowing the peeps off.. even though i emailed them.. but ya... hopefully they understand...


Active Member
That sucks. I am sure they will get it. Life happens. Anything else new with anyone? I am starting to make my christmas decorations. It's a peanuts themed Xmas this year.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by rlablan
That sucks. I am sure they will get it. Life happens. Anything else new with anyone? I am starting to make my christmas decorations. It's a peanuts themed Xmas this year.

Christmas already?!?! LOL


Active Member
oh I love Xmas. I hand make all of my yard decorations. I draw out and then hand paint and lacquer all of the stuff. Then I light it and all. looks great! I'll post pics even thought they shouldn't be here. Today I finished cutting out schroeder and linus. I am 1/2 done with lucy and gonna start on sally tomorrow. Then I have snoopy, woodstock and the little charlie brown retarded Xmas tree with the huge ornament and it's a sideways. Then we decorate the house too. Start on november 1st and then have them done by thanksgiving eve so we can turn then on thanksgiving night, after dinner! Christmas is a huge things for me. I love it!! I love the crowds, the gifts, lights and music!
I'm excited already.
Sweet... so yester day i also stepped on a 2 inch nail... IT HURT.. i had to pull it out of my foot and now i cant really walk.. i have to hobble on my toes.. be cause i stepped on it in my heel...


Originally Posted by Marchingbandjs
Sweet... so yester day i also stepped on a 2 inch nail... IT HURT.. i had to pull it out of my foot and now i cant really walk.. i have to hobble on my toes.. be cause i stepped on it in my heel...
Better get a tetnas shot if it went in that deep
Thanks for caring... luckily i got the booster for it last year when i stepped on a rusty stapple so im good for 5 more years... hurts a lot but its not as tender as yesterday


Originally Posted by Marchingbandjs
Thanks for caring... luckily i got the booster for it last year when i stepped on a rusty stapple so im good for 5 more years... hurts a lot but its not as tender as yesterday
Ubetcha! WOW, sounds like maybe you should walk with a magnet in front of you
j/k glad you're feeling a little better 2day
Lol good idea... and it dosent throb.. but thats worse.. now i dont feel it so i get up to go walk and my 200 pounds goes down on it.. and **** **** **** *** ** * curse words follow... and then it hurts again.. i can only put pressure on it with a towel under it and then barely.. O well ima hobble for a while longer... This thread is WAYYYY off topic lol


Active Member
Hello boys! (and girls)
I am doing well. Just been working on the XMAS stuff. I have been trying to get my living room in tip top shape after the tank got up and everything. Plumbing piece everywhere! I am finally getting it under control and putting my house back together.
1st problem:
My drain/ sump is getting louder everyday. It was a little loud when it was first up and now it's unbearable. I have surround sound in the same room and still can't hear! It's really bad. When the pro plumbed it, he said it would be a "quiet" drain... If this is the quiet one, I would hate to hear a regular one. Any pointers on how to get it to be a bit more quiet??
2nd problem:
air bubbles and adjustments to my sump pump. This thing is driving me bonkers. Basically, I am at my wits end. basically, when you turn the sump on, the pump starts pumping but the drain takes forever to catch up and then it ends up running out of water in the pump chamber. It really sucks and I feel like I am constantly messing with my tank and pump. Any suggestions from those of you who run a sump?
Other than those things, things are going great! My fox face and trigger and doing nicely. They are both out alot and my royal gramma is doing great as well. He is out more. I set up my hospital tank today and I am using cycled water to start it off. Obviously not running carbon in it, only sponge and zeolite for help with amo. Anything else I should know? there are some PVC elbows and things in there to simulate shelter for a fish. Also, I think my trigger may have ich. I saw a white dot on his nose today. I can't tell what it could be. I have no Idea how I am gonna treat it though, and get him out of the rocks. I guess I can wait til he locks into a rock and remove the rock...

My new MH lights get her tomorrow at 12pm!!! YAY!!! I'll post picies!!
Well finally.. Post some pics of ur xmas stuff... I dont have a sump as of yet... but from what i hear you need the same GPH comeing in as going out so try to turn down the flow from the return pump if you can do that... maby get a smaller tube for the return or a bigger one for going into the sump...
Post some pics of him, and just move him to be safe...
have fun getting the lights up.. i always love getting new stuff..
Update when you can


I had this problem with my sump. 1st my pump was too large and pumping out more water than was coming in. I just put an extra sciphon tube in the over flow and now that probem is fixed. I doubled the amount of water coming into the sump and now it is all leveled out. Also, you have to watch for evap! All your evap is going to show in your sump. Every day I have to put in some fresh RO water to top off. (at least until I get an ATO) Hope that helps! Your tank looks great BTW!