NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


Originally Posted by Marchingbandjs
Ya.. what pump do you have on the return
If your talking to me... that's another of the things that I just went to the LFS that a fellow club member works at and I told him to set me everything i need for an overflow and sump. I dont think he knew that this pump was like the only one in the world that ISNT ajustable! but I fixed it and i have tons of flow. I dont know what brand or anything.


Originally Posted by Marchingbandjs
LOL your one special person mell...
Hey! I hope that means I'm special in a good way! besides, I didn't have a clue what to get for a sump and that was the best way I could think of to get it right away. you give em your money and say i have this much, build me a sump! it works


Active Member
It's a rio. It does 1300 GPH. It is also not adjustable. I think we are gonna put a ball valve on it and that will have to be the adjustment. I think that'll be good enough. We also are going to raise the drain up a bit today to cut down the noise and that way, it won't be terribly loud anymore.
The pro is here and he is rearranging all of my corals so they don't cook under the new MH lighting. ( I am s stoked I can't contain myself!)
The lights are here and they are wonderful!!! YAY!! pics to come later!


Oh cool! i wish I had a pro to come to my house and make sure I'm not screwing things up! Except I wouldn't be able to pay him.... hmmm I guess thats why I dont have a pro. Can't wait to see some pics!


Active Member
Well, we can't really afford him either, but he has a great rate and we made sacrifices to make sure he can be paid. He is a nice guy and a young college kid. It's nice to help him out and he delivers dry goods, livestock and corals at no charge. He's awesome! Okay I don't have pics yet but I can tell you it's wonderful!! My tank is bright and gorgeous! YAY


ok i read about the first two pages.. i see a lot of stuff going on lol, the one thing i can agree with is that nissan was a lil rude when he said you were pretty, i think the better word for it is beautiful


Active Member
AHHAHAHAHA oh boys.... let's calm down. lol Thanks Fiasco. I don't think he was rude though. lol I thought it was lovely of him to say something.
You boys are silly.
No you were rude shes GORGEOUS, Like a goddess, Fine, yada yada yada
Anyways... I wanna see sweet... I want pictures of the pro lol... JK that sounds a lil fruity


Active Member
I go out to the bar and look what I come home to. Let's all simmer down now. Lol nissan... Haha keep up.


Active Member
Okay so now that I have my hospital set up (just in time) I am going to the big sale at an LFS tomorrow (buy 2 of anything, coral or fish, get 1 of anything free.) So I plan to take my maroon clown in for store credit, get a pair of percs and a smallish hippo tang.
If I buy 2 corals and get the hippo for free,
and then
buy the pair of perc and get a coral free.
(good sale huh?)
All the fish will go into QT for a while, I will treat them with a tiny bit of copper so I can get them good, and them I can put them in my big tank in about 2-3 weeks. This way I get the fish for a good price, but then I can give the tank a rest while they are in QT. I think for corals I am going to get some green star polyps (I love those. I really want a little sea-lawn) and then maybe some type of a leather... What do you guess think I should get... Respond quick so I know what to get! I'll go at like 12 tomorrow. I'm excited!