NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


Active Member
Okay... so here are the best Pics I could get with my iphone. They're not great, but better than most cell phones. I couldn't catch the achilles, or the trigger today. The trigger came out to eat and that was it, and the achilles has not surfaced since last night. He was out ton though, so I am sure he'll be out sometime soon.
Here they are!
1-striped mushroom things
2-hammer coral
3-twin spot or signal goby
4-my new Galaxia coral
5-my little zoanthid colony (Radioactive dragon eyes)



Active Member
6- yellow Gorgonian
7-Mandarin Fish
8- GSP
9-Candy Canes (That are not doing well.)
10-New Rock Beauty



Wow! That all looks great! We didn't get the pics of the gorgonian or the mandaran. Sorry about your candy canes though. mine looked like that this morning and I found that my peppermint shrimp were eating it! i hope thats not happening to you!


Active Member
Sorry guys, I had more pictures for you, I just stopped posting because I had seen my trigger come out of the rocks and it has a bad break out of some type of disease. I can't get it out of the tank though. looks like ich. There is ALOT of it. I need to QT it right away. His lips look like they're melting away and there is just one spot on the back of the body. I do have more pics for ya though!


Active Member
Also, My tank is running at about 88 right now. We're icing and we have a fan on the sump but it's not helping. Everyone seems fine but the fix face is breathing really hard. We are installing fans on both of the MH lights and also a sump fan. Hopefully this will work


Active Member
Alright so... about the trigger. He went to sleep and I caught him and I got my hospital back up, even though there is a hint of trites in there. I did a 4 gal water change (It's a 10 gallon tank) and that made it a tiny bit better. I snagged some LR from my tank and put it in there and hopefully that will help.
I have pics for you but first let me explain what is going on. I don't know what he has, and I don't know how he got it. I can't actually tell what it is but it's not good and it's on his body lips, and fins. He did not have visible signs of it when he arrived either.
Also, his fins look a bit tattered. Dont triggers look like that? They don't look ripped but they are not like a total straight line. Example B is what my fishes fins look like along with the whote stuff on his lips and body. All of his fins look like this. And it's like an even pattern.
* Could he be fighting?? All of my fish are friendly. He may have been like this from the store. He was not closely inspected for fin injuries. I have never ever seen him fight with a fish and non of my fish have ever been aggressive. I have never seen them fight or bully.
Current stock:
Achilles tang (2 inches, same size as trigger)
foxfaxe rabbit fish
2 perc clowns
mandarin fish
rock beauty
pygmy Angel

coral keeper

Active Member
Just so you know, Rock Beauty Angelfish have been know to be the most destructive angelfish in a reef. They also have an extremely poor survival rate as most collectors use quinaldine (a type of poison) to catch them. Pretty much 100% chance in it dieing if they used quinaldine. Not all have extremely poor survival rate, just the ones that were caught using quinaldine. If the angelfish was caught WITHOUT using quinaldine, it will be hardy like any other angelfish. Its a gorgeous angelfish nonetheless! :) Good luck!


Active Member
Thanks for the info. I will have to keep an eye on him too then. He seems very active and happy and eats alot. I keep the tank well fed because I have some fish that will just eat corals if they don't like the food. I feed just a little about 4 times a day. That way, they are kept full and won't coral munch. I guess I'll keep an update on whether is doing well of not.
Any thoughs about my trigger? He is really sick guys. Any input is appreciated. I also posted in the disease forum. Thanks very much.


Active Member
So I don't think this is a disease at all. I think it's fight marks. Can anyone guess what that thing is stuck to my intake?


Active Member
If you look really hard, you can see that it's the bones of my achilles tang. My brand new $100 tang. That sucks so bad. And I feel awful for the little fella. He was such a sweetie.


Originally Posted by rlablan
If you look really hard, you can see that it's the bones of my achilles tang. My brand new $100 tang. That sucks so bad. And I feel awful for the little fella. He was such a sweetie.
What do you think attacked it???


Active Member
umm... I def think it was the trigger. JACKRI stayed on late last night, and helped me solve the mystery. I told him my stock list and all sorts of stuff, and then showed pics of the trigger. While I was feeling bad and talking to jackri, My boyfriend had the maglight and was looking for our tang because he didn't come out for feeding.
And he found him. That was the clearest pic I can get out it, but you can totally see it. There is the eye, the ribs, the nose bone, and the tail fin bone... right size and shape of a tang.
I'm gonna make the pro come and clean the intake and he can get it out. I guess I can post a picture of the bones since they're completely clean.

I think that the trigger just went and got him when the lights went out.
We put the tang in with the other fish (day before yesterday), and then the lights were on until about 4 am because we were working and the tang was out and about swimming on the opposite side of the triggers side. The trigger was sleeping (he goes to bed around 8ish) and I saw him after the lights went out while we were in the kitchen, just chillin. I woke up at about 10 the next day, fed the fish and he didn't surface. I thought he was just hiding out and might eat at the later feeding. No such luck. Then we found him late last night.
Poor little dear.


Active Member
The only other option would be the foxface or the rack beauty. and they are both so nice. They are great with my clowns and my mandarin and my twin spot. And the lion. They are the only fish big enough. all the other ones are less that 2 inches.
Side note... I think the remains of my malu anemone are stuck on the intake below the achilles. He was doing great and then we woke up one day and he was gone. I don't think this tank is going to be good for anems. I cant reach them in they fall or move down. and the intake on the closed flow system are covered and are buried in LR but obviously... they suck alot.
I am still so bummed.


You can cover the intakes and the powerheads......
I know I can not reach 1/2 way down my 225G...LOL...My husband has to do a lot for me :)