NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


Active Member
They are covered. what more could I cover them with? and also, they are at the bottom and have 180+lbs of LR on them. If would have to be a tank tear down situation. I don't know if it's worth it.


They are covered, and the anemone still got stuck to it??
HMMMM....IDK then....BUT I probably wouldn't get an anemone yet anyway...wait a few months


Active Member
There are some tanks at an LFS here that are like 5 feet talk. and then the stand, and then the hood. How crazy would you have to be to buy that thing? super expensive and it would be soooo frustrating. Cool looking, but not worth it, IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rlablan
There are some tanks at an LFS here that are like 5 feet talk. and then the stand, and then the hood. How crazy would you have to be to buy that thing? super expensive and it would be soooo frustrating. Cool looking, but not worth it, IMO.
i know what you mean


Active Member
I sold my tigger today... He sold for 10 bucks. i only paid about 20 but I am sad to see him go. My two favorite fish are gone. I am still sad about the achilles too. :(


Active Member
Yeah it okay but I did like both of those fish alot.
So... My fox face is turning brown. All day he has been really moody and turning completely tan and raising his spines. I don't know what, but I know that means hes mad or stressed. I did a water change earlier and there were a hint of trites but it should be fine now. I did a 20 gallon change. Salinity should have been fine and all. I checked.
He turns all brown, and then within a minute, he is back to yellow. He is very active and picking at algea. I think he is upset because there is some detritus growing in the tank. He will swim around yellow, then he will pick at some rock and attack it where the detritus and then start to charge at the rock and turn brown.
Anyone know about this? everyone else in the tank is just fine.


i have friends that have fox faces in their tanks and every time i go over and see their tanks it is always brown and looks stressed. when i ask them they say that the fox face is a real skittish fish and does that from time to time. I've never had one so dont take my work for this but my friends that have one say it's normal. maybe somebody with experience with this fish will chime in.


Active Member
Yeah is is fine today. He is bright and sunny. He's a total brat face. He def doesn't like people in or near the tank.... but he'll have to get over it... someone has to clean up after his seaweed messes.
Thanks Mely.


Active Member
So I went to the LFS today and got some snails and hermits. My filter finally kicked in this week and my sand has gotten brown and my rocks. I bought some bumble bees, 3 black turbos and some more hermits. Now I probably have a CUC that is about 30 members, plus 2 peppermint shrimps and a fire shrimp.
In my excitement of going to the aquarium today, I also bought a flounder. He is about 2 inches and really cool looking. I probably shouldn't have but the LFS gave him to me for 10 bucks, instead of 25... So I did a big water change, and everything seems fine with my tests. The acrylic is just a bit dirty. The CUC should take care of that. I have pics of him for you. He's awesome!
I also got a pretty large bright turquoise blue mushroom for 6 bucks!



Moderator do know it gets over a foot, and is NOT reef safe..
It will eat most any invertebrate or small fish that come within its vicinity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
http:///forum/post/3126812 do know it gets over a foot, and is NOT reef safe..
It will eat most any invertebrate or small fish that come within its vicinity.
+1! i just read up on it right now! dam!
and idk i really never like them! lol. and woohoo!


Active Member
When he gets bigger,yes. He is actually very small. barely 2 inches. I will most likely trade him later... but I have always wanted one... since I can't have my tang or my trigger... I will have a fish I like, dam it!
lol I don't have any small fish anymore, and I think it'll be okay. I guess we'll see. I read about them when I first got into saltwater. Alot of people keep them in reefs... there are alot of things out there that people say are not "reef safe" and they are fine. Like my fox face and my coral beauty. None of them are reef safe. My lion is supposedly not reef safe either though.... I'll trade him or sell him on CL...


Active Member
As to catching the Maroon, if you have not catch the little bugger yet.
Is he hosting anything?? If so put a tiny net really close to the host and try to snatch his little butt as he tries to protect the host..........