NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


Active Member
Oh yeah I caught the maroon ages ago. He wasn't hosting... I just waited for him to go to sleep and then I shined a flash light in his face. he swam right into the clear container and It was really easy.
As for the flounder... I have googled... Anyone Know the species of this guy? I can't find a picture of him. He is kind of pink. All the ones I saw where brown.... I don't think its the same type of flounder that is sold here.


Active Member
they are that color practically. I have had fish before, I went to fiji and thought it would be fun. I got a little fish and 3 bubbles coming out of his mouth and a star fish on the other.


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So... the foxface... He constantly has his mouth open, kind of like a dog panting. Is this normal? He does it 24/7... I can't understand. He's the only one who does it.


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Okay... I bought a small maxima clam. Its really tiny but I want to grow it. There was one at my LFS that was the size of a football... no kidding. They said it was in some guys system for almost 15 years. It was only 200 bucks. I just thought I would get this one and try to get it to grow huge. It's been doing well and has been really open. It is only the size of an almond. Really pretty though. Non of my critters have picked at him (another reason for getting such a small one). That was my biggest concern. All of the GSP have opened today too. It's a very big cluster and looks much better now that they are all open. Also... there is a weird little hitch hiker on my Galaxia cluster. It is somewhere what like a feather duster, and it is really tiny. It looks like a claw that comes out of the cluster, grabs thing from the water column, then retracts very quickly. Any ideas as to what he is?


From what I understand clams under 3" are VERY hard to keep alive...You will have to feed it.
Mine was 1 1/2 and didn't make it


Active Member
Hm good to know. Thanks kitty. What should I feed it? would something like what I spot feed corals do? like snow and coral frenzy or does it need like whole pieces of food. How can I tell if it's dying?


It needs phytoplankton....I bet you can get it by you...It would help also if it was live, and it needs to be spot fed....There's a whole thread here


Active Member
Hey thanks for the link! I just read it all. Really good info in that one. How is your squamosa doing? you ended the thread saying that you were going to post pictures and you never did. :)
I just inspected my clam and his mantle is completely out, after only 2 days. Also, nobody has been throwing him, so I hope that mine has a better chance...

I will def keep posted, as I really want him to be happy. like I said though, his mantle is totally covering the shell and his color looks good. Also, he is in the sand bed, so he can't be easily knocked over.
Thank you again for the info. I will make sure to add the phyo bi daily or something. Also, I do put reef stew in the tank, about everyweek. That is all live. Good stuff. I might have to ship you some sometime. :) Real cheap too.


LOL....I have a squamosa thread somewhere, it's doing good thanks
BTW Maximas need to be on the rocks....Atleast that is what I have read


Active Member
I suppose. He is happy there. Also, in your thread, jackri said his was in the sand bed too... I dk. I am just not gonna touch him too much. If he looks weird or something, I'll move him.


Active Member
So the maxima clam... or clam rather...
I put him on the sand originally, and per Meowzer's suggestion, I moved him to the rock, a few inches higher, with a bit more flow and a little more light. I can back that night to find him upright in the sand. He was moving about and getting deeper into the sand.
I left him there and thought I would move him the next day.
I put him on the other side of the tank, in different flow and light, etc. and I came back to find him a long way away from the rock and in the sand again. He seems to have dug himself down into the sand alot.
His mantle is all the way out, coming out over the shell. His color looks fine and his little bumps on the mantle are all.... bumpy.
Is this okay that my clam is in the substrate and not the rocks?