NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


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I have been trying to get this maroon clown for about an hour. I hope I squish it with a rock. Any one have any good tips?


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I am so frustrated with my tank right now, I am about to cry. I hate everything in it, on it around it... I am so frustrated and I am just done for today. I got a bunch of new fish and a bunch of corals and I could really care less if I left them all in a bucket and never touched this tank again. OMMFG! I'm can't get anything to go right and I can't get anything to do what I want, I have dropped like for things in there today and I can't get to the bottom of my tank, so I can't reach them. I am really just getting very very aggravated. Anyone want a tank?


it will be ok sweety. calm down. something will always go wrong. you just have to expect it and plan for it. dont worry, everything will work out.


Active Member
dont worry sis. i went thru this when my coral fell and i went for it. i gave up! but not giving up i did it all again and it came out amazing! please sis dont give up! i believe in you!


Originally Posted by rlablan
I am so frustrated with my tank right now, I am about to cry. I hate everything in it, on it around it... I am so frustrated and I am just done for today. I got a bunch of new fish and a bunch of corals and I could really care less if I left them all in a bucket and never touched this tank again. OMMFG! I'm can't get anything to go right and I can't get anything to do what I want, I have dropped like for things in there today and I can't get to the bottom of my tank, so I can't reach them. I am really just getting very very aggravated. Anyone want a tank?
SLOW down take a deeeeeeeeep breath and down a few ice cold Land Sharks and all will be grand I promise


Active Member
Okay jas- that one made me laugh.
Thanks for the support guys. I am just sooooo frustrated. Everytime I look at this thing, it just makes me mad. There is a flashlight in the tank, at the bottom and I can't get to it, even on a ladder, and it's just hopeless. I have fish to acclimate and my fox face is hungry so he's eating my gorgonian and I don't have time to feed them... I'm just exhausted and I am frustrated and I just want to dump these fish in and go to bed. blurg.


Active Member
Okay, so now that I am done with my tantrum... Sorry guys, I was so frustrated with my tank. I have dropped so many things in there and it's just getting ridiculous. With the new lights, I had issues getting into the tank, and Then I dropped a flashlight in there... But I'm good now. I made my boyfriend get in there and get it all out.
That's what they're for.
So I got alot of fish and corals today!
I got:
x1 Rock beauty (3 inches)
He is really happy and swimming a ton! He has been out all night
x1 Achilles tang (almost 3 inches)
also doing well. I got him on sale, so he was only 80 bucks! I think it's an awesome deal for a pretty and rare fish. He is obviously still a juvenile but I think he will be really gorgeous in a few weeks once I get him on a good diet and get him active.
x1 white spotted puffer
He is going back tomorrow! I hate this fish! The guy at the LFS said he was cute and awesome and plays nice with everyone. (This what part of the reason I freaked out earlier) He went in the tank (my hospital is down, so they all went in after a freshwater bath.) and started attacking my lion straight away. It really mad me angry. Luckily, he was too busy fighting to notice that I scooped him up in a net. My lion is really freaked out now. So this fish is going back. That guy is a liar!
I also got a full rock of GSP which I really wanted alot. It was only 35 bucks for the whole thing and also I got a whole rock of Galaxia which I really like. I think it looks awesome! I put the GSP in the sand bed in the front so I can see my little sea-lawn and the Galaxia is in the middle area on the side of the tank.
I think I am going to trade that puffer in for a long nose hawk fish. I really like those and I know they're peaceful. They have one there that is a good 3+ inches. What do we think?


i think that sounds great! I love those achilese tangs, they are so pretty! I've heard they can be finicky so something, so good luck! Sorry about the puffer though, that sucks. i love my lion too and when my arrow crab started messing with him i got rid of it right away, so i understand.


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Yeah he has a great color and is a good size. This way, he can't hide as easily but I can still find him and look at him... unlike all of my other fish.
I just saw my mandarin for the 1st time in almost a week and he is getting BIG! He is very fat and obviously pretty happy. I don't hear him complaining.


Active Member
I caught the maroon clown! I caught him! I waited til he was sleeping and then I turned the light on in his face and I caught him!!!! Yay!!! I am gonna take him tomorrow and bring him back with the white spotted puffer and get my pair of percs back!!! YAY!!!
Gratz... sounds like some cool stuff i love going to the fish store yester day i went for a look.. and got 4 fish and 2 frags.. lol post pics...


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I will post pics as soon as everything gets settled. I can't really get to close to the tank w/o fish hiding and such.... not the rock beauty though. I swear this fish never sleeps!