NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


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Yeah, actually we had the chamber with the chaeto in it build around the foot print of a tunze skimmer we are getting. I think i'll leave it the way it is for now.
I bought a fox face rabbitfish today. He's a big guy. About 5 inches!
And really pretty. But very moody... I'll get a pic when he comes out later.
Nice.. following along... So i dont get why i get yelled at for not waiting months before i add fish and stuff, but you put a fish in on like day 2... did you do something that i missed.. .sorry kindof newbie but good looking tank.... And i agree wit nissan... ur beautiful and so is ur tank


Aquascaping looks GREAT!!! The depth of your sand bed is EXACTLY what I want mine to be
not too much, just right!!!


Active Member
Hi guys! I have been so busy dealing with the tanks!!
Marchingbands- I am not sure what your tank situation is but I think mine may be different. I can give you my best explanation as to your ?.
I had a 6 month old 45 gallon tank that was not drilled or anything. I had about 50-60 lbs LR with coraline and all kinds of critters. I also had alot of live sand from that tank. Plus All but 1 fish are fish that I already had. When I first planned my upgrade, I started doing more water changes about every 4 days. I would change out about 4 or so gallons, and I started saving the cycled water. This water was ripe with nitrates and all kinds of bacteria and I wanted to save it to avoid having another cycle. I also saved all of my live sand and live rock.
When I finally got my tank set up, I began putting the cycled water in, and kept adding new water until the levels were expectable. That way, it was like one big water change in the end. :) I dk if that makes sense, but... it's what I did and it worked!!
I used all of my sand and then bought tons and tons of LS from the LFS. I bought carribsea and it's the sugar fine stuff. There is a bit of LS I bought off Craigslist on the bottom, and it is coarser, more like playground sand. This sand was live and as well.
My tank is basically already established, and I am just lightly feeding so I don't have a lot of excess waste. Also, for being 200 gallons, plus a nearly 40 gal sump, my tank has a very small bio load. That is probably why I haven't been yelled at. LOL

When people get NEW tanks, they generally don't have 100% LS, and they're live rock is not very mature. I, on the other hand, took all of my LS and LR from a somewhat mature environment and I have mostly the same bioload, with much more water to space everything out in. (Like trates, trites, amo.)


Active Member
Also, I will admit I probably should not have bought a fish this soon. I am taking a risk but I have been doing many test and not having a job right now makes it so I can devote alot of attention to this tank and it's animals.
I actually wanted to wait on buying a fish.. I'll explain why I did. This exact fish, the foxface, has been on hold for me for a while now. They had him in a large display coral tank at a LFS. I saw him when we first got the tank and I have always really liked him but I always thought I could never have one in my reef tank. This fish was in a coral tank and had been for some time, and all the corals were happy and healthy so when I went to buy him, they said "we cant get him out, you'll have to wait until we get the tank apart." Well they called yesterday and said that they were doing maintenance on the tank and they caught him.
So I picked him up.
He is happy and a great addition and hasn't even touched my corals!
Alrighty... the water is 100% clear now!! Who wants pics?


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Alrighty... These are the only critters who would come out of the shadows. I rarely ever see the angel or the mandarin. The crabs are all gone too, but I did get the lion!
Tell me what you think!



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This was the best quality I could get using my Iphone. I don't think they're terrible but they aren't great. Lemme know what you think?


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I am not sure yet. I am gonna give the tank a rest, I don't want to have a crash on my hands, due to the fact that I do not have a skimmer. I want to keep a small bioload on this tank for now, just to be on the safe side. Plus at this point, non of my fish come out. They all hide and I never see any of them like I did with the 45gal.
I can't decide on what fish next. I was thinking maybe some tangs? I have decided I want an Achilles tang. I think they're gorgeous and I really like they're color. Any thoughts? There are 2 at a local LFS, selling for under $100. I really want one!


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Doesn't anyone have any personal experience with the achilles tang? Has anyone kept one? what do you have as tank mates??
I dont. But i just checked them out, and they look sweet.. I want a flame angel, REAL bad, so im going to try to keep the angel and like 3 other fish so the angel has more room... if he feels cramped in the end i will trade him to a LFS or another reefer... or buy a new tank..
I think you should go for it it would look VERY nice...


Active Member
Thanks Marchingbands. I googled them and they look great for my set up on paper. I think I will keep them with a few other tangs. 3 in total sounds good. I want an achilles tang, a hippo tang, and anther type, but I haven't figured out with type yet. Any ideas? I wanted a yellow tang but I got the foxface instead. I think that would be too much yellow in the tank since I have a royal gramma, and the foxface.
I am gonna check around for a tang compatibility chart online or something.


Active Member
the flame angels are pretty sweet, but they are known coral munchers from what I hear. If you want a healthy, happy reef, I wouldn't put him in there. I have a dwarf pygmy angel and I really like him. He has never touched a coral. He has this deep navy/purple color with a bright yellow face! It's not a flame angel, but it's still an angel and really cool.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
1 sailfin tang
1 yellow tang
1 blue hippo tang
4 green chromis
2 black 3-spot damsels
1 yellow tail damsel
1 pseudochromis
2 Clowns (percula)
1 Yellow clown goby
1 bicolor blennie
1 lawnmower blennie
1 Cortez ray
1 coral beauty
1 dwarf flame angel
1 sandsifting goby
1 spotted mandarin
1 red spotted sand perch
1 Flame Cardinal
3 pajama cardinals
Nassarius Snails and more snails
4 fighting conch
4 Little bear conch
3 cleaner clams (I think)
Some blue leg hermits,
1 cleaner shrimp
8 emerald crabs
2 sally light foots
Do you want a list of the corals too???? LOL
Here is my fish list.
Already have:
Semi-aggressive 1 Yellow Tang
Semi-aggressive 1 Maroon clownfish
Semi-aggressive 1 Fridmani Pseudochromis
Semi-aggressive 1 Forktail Blenny
Semi-aggressive 1 Male Square Anthias
Aggressive 1 Tang (Ctenochaetus striatus)
Aggressive 1 Brown-Eared Surgeonfish (Acanthurus gahhm) or (Acanthurus nigricauda)
Aggressive 1 Niger Trigger
Aggressive 1 Flame Cardinal
Peaceful 1 Yellow Coris Wrasse
Peaceful 1 Blue Fairy Wrasse(Cirrhilabrus Cyanopleura)
Peaceful 1 Neon Goby (Gobiosoma oceanops)
Peaceful 1 Yellow Watchman Goby
Peaceful 1 Diamond Goby
Peaceful 1 Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura Wrasse
Peaceful 1 PJ Cardinal
Peaceful 1 Yellow Candy Hogfish
Peaceful 1 Spotted Mandarin fish
Peaceful 1 Purple Queen Anthia
Peaceful 2 Fire Fish (pair)
Peaceful 3 Yellow Clown Gobies
Peaceful 4 Zebra Gobies [2 pairs (2 males and 2 females)]
Peaceful 5 Blue-Green Chromis
Total amount of fish: 33
Do you want a list of everything els as well?