NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


Active Member
Omfg It's 9:30 pm here and I am done with my rock scaping, taking inventory of fish (all alive and accounted for). These is over 150 lbs of LR (all cured but oly 50 LBS with full coraline) and about 200 LBS (maybe more) of Live sand. I went with a DSB on this tank. Not terribly deep but it is 4" deep in a few areas. It's an average 3 inches. Only about 30 lbs was dead sand ( and it was actually bought on CL and it came from a 3 year old tank, and they took down the tank about 4 days ago. Some of that sand is still live.)
I am trying to avoid having a huge cycle, I know there may be a mini one, but that's okay. I won't have anything is the tank that is fragile. We plan to buy our 1st new addition in about a week, if not more. We decided to get a Hippo tang.
I want some blue in the tank.
The tank is 1/3 the way full. Oh boy- - It's going to another looonnngggg night...
I promise I'll post pictures as soon as there is something to post pics of... lol
Wish us luck!!


Active Member
Kats- where have you been? that was like a zillion posts ago... lol
We're 2/3 the way full now!!!!! woohoo!!


Can't wait to see pics!!! Awesome tank btw
I got 200lbs of sand for my 125 so I can't wait to see what yours looks like


Active Member
Okay, so we got it full. Turned on the sump and got it going.
There is a leak... BLURG!! So I called the Pro who worked on it, he's gonna come fix it tomorrow. At like 2. We can still run the sump (with polishers and carbon to get the water clear). The leak is only a little one, just about a drop every 20 seconds. There is a towel around the pipe, it's holding well. should be fine til tomorrow.
The levels are a bit high, I have some trites, trates, and amo. not alot... just a bit. I did a water change, of about 20 gals. The levels only went down a little though. There are two emeralds, my pencil urchin, 1 fireshrimp, and 2 peppermints in the fuge. They seem happy... I wonder if something is wrong with my test kit? It's been fine... And it's not old... I dk.
Any advice? All of the fish are in a small bucket, I was hoping they would be in the tank by now...


Active Member
Okay, so it's 4 am. I did another water change of 20 gallons. So I changed a total of about 45 in all, and it took the amo and trites, trates, down to really low, but not 0 like I would like them to be... I am going ahead and drip acclimating the fish, since the levels are okay enough, and I am hoping that the bio filter will kick in by tomorrow. I am standing by with some already made water, just incase things get hairy.
The water cleared up, and so here is a better picture of my rock scaping. (I am really pleased with the way it turned out.)



Active Member
really amazing! i love it sis! just question howcome the chaeto is here

isnt it supposed to be in the left in the big chamber?


Active Member
I DK. This is a custom sump, and the middle section is my refugium?? The service guy was here today and he didn't say anything about it. Plus, when it's in the middle, it gets caught in the teeth and then goes into my sump pump.
I left it in there and it seems to work fine. Also, that chamber is where the light rack was installed, by the maker of the sump.