hey long time no post, ok so i now have 50 dollars to spend on all my pets, and tanks, now i have options,
i can buy the following,
a 40 gallon breeder with stand, 50 dollars
and a penguin biofilter for 25, and a Aqua Reminder (for the sw tank when i get it)
now if i buy the 40 gallon i get the stand, and tank, meaning i have a free 20 long, and 35 gallon empty in a couple of weeks since i will move the turtles out and into the new tanks, since right now i have an empty 40 breeder for two sidenecks, and the tank will run with top fin and aquaclear 30, and a 200 penquin, and i might get some extra to buy the other filter (which is 25 but i might be able to get the guy to lower the price)
however i might also be selling my map turtles and musk, (they have been a pain since they have this fungus and goes and comes keeps bugging me and it spread to my sidenecks but they are in recovery)
So selling (well if i do might give them away didnt waste much on them got them as a deal) i won have to worry about another tank, meaning i have a 20 long, 35 gallon, and a 40 breeder, i can make any of those into sw, so i hope everything goes as plan, getting the 40 breeder, stand and the filter.
If this goes as plan i would like to turn the extra tanks as sumps, the 20 long will be ok as a sw sump for a 40 gallon with a hob filter right? or will a 35 gallon be better?