NEWBIE! help? suggestions?


so it does seem to be the strawberry anenomy i guess because im pretty sure it isnt the other one (which why is it bad since i do have one on the small live rock) Either way if it is the strawberry one they look awesome fully grown thanks meowzer and flower, but like i said what about the bad one?
haha sorry meowzer for the cam extremely zoomed in sowe :)


if you have an aptasia...I strongly recommend Joe's Juice.....has never failed just put it right on it...and it is gone


Originally Posted by meowzer
if you have an aptasia...I strongly recommend Joe's Juice.....has never failed just put it right on it...and it is gone
ok i'll get it next weekend since i am broke and go back to school tommorow, (three year program, hey beats 4!) and i get allowence next week, so on the list to buy i have
Joe's Juice,
Amonia test kit
and Nitrate Test kit
hopefully i only waste about 20 dollars lmao, if not i can wait for one of the test kits for next week


When do i add a clean up crew? (cuc)
does everything need to go down to zero? because i have gotten a large bloom of algae! its orange brown,
i havent gone to the fish store but i might go tomorrow, and im going to test, (havent tested water in 2 days but am going to test tommorow, since i do have to clean tanks and stuff) and the store does it free if youbuy something, and on the list is the joes juice, which isnt too important right now to me since i am not afdding much at all anytime soon soon, maybe just the cuc, but i want to buy the test kits, also i have been finding detriuse (ugh spelling!) on my sand which is why im asking with tat and algae if a cuc is going to be needed soon, or what should i do im sorta lost here

Question 2:
Why is antriast (or however it is spelled l0l) so bad?
Question 3:
Should i ghost feeD? even if it just regular freshy fish food?


Active Member
1) you can usually add cuc once your ammonia and nitrite are. the bloom is the normal diatom bloom that will go away. siphon the detritus out when you clean your tank
2) not sure what an antriast is?
3) no need to feed the tank if theres nothing there once your bactera is established. You can add a fish after a week after adding your CUC and that will continue to feed the bacteria colonies. btw, remember to rinse your fish food before feeding. You might want to think about switching to food like PE mysis cause the difference is huge for nutrition content. Rods food is also really good, tested 0 phosphates without rinsing.


Originally Posted by nikeSB
1) you can usually add cuc once your ammonia and nitrite are. the bloom is the normal diatom bloom that will go away. siphon the detritus out when you clean your tank
2) not sure what an antriast is?
i mean aiptasis sorry l0l, ok well i will do a water change tommorow, is 5 gallons ok for the 20 long?


Active Member
5 gallons is fine. aiptasia can multiply at an alarming rate if left left unchecked and theyll sting your other future corals and may even kill them. they're not good looking at all IMO


Originally Posted by nikeSB
5 gallons is fine. aiptasia can multiply at an alarming rate if left left unchecked and theyll sting your other future corals and may even kill them. they're not good looking at all IMO
ok then i will buy the juice to zap it l0l and the full test kits i need if i can tomorrow


Originally Posted by nikeSB
what kind of reef are you setting up? softies? sps? mixed?
Im not sure yet, since i dont have the lighting, and i was going to keep it a marine tank for a while before adding corals or anything needing special lights, want to make sure i can keep it stable for a while, but yeah im going to the store next week or let the tank coast on its own for 2 weeks, just testining nitrites


ok so i added someting live to the tank on purpose (no hitch hikers)
2 snails, 2 blue legged crabs, and one emerald crab!
the nitrates are at 0
and ph was at 8.4 or 8.2
so yeah things have been good,
but exactly when i put in my emerald crab GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?!
I was looking at the new emerald and it was just standing there, by a rock... and then right behind it i see,... a GIANT CLAW!! it was a nother crap i think, it was upside down on the rock, and i noticed it was a crab because it started picking at the emerald, since it was just stnding right infront of the other crabs layer, which was under the rock in a sand cave thing, it was black and like blue claw... tried to look for it but no luck


Originally Posted by Mandolihn
Ooooo, good to see things are going well! YAY!

yeah things have been good except for that strange crab, i dont know if it was my original hitchhiker or a new one, it seemed totaly different but i hear when they grow out or shed i guess they go white, and maybe thats when i saw it and now its different? l0l im still with the crab
Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO

Pics pics pics! Hold the flash though.
i will try to get a video or pics, (i know moewzer will perfer pis haha) just that my cam sorta sucks at pictures (its a pocket hd camcorder : ) but will thanks for the post for you guys soon as i can, btw soviet since u know all the crabs, (crablover) what are more reef safe crabs?
Will be monitoring things as they go along, too see when i can add my first fish! :) haha,


Active Member
Pom Pom crab, horshoe crab, sally lightfoots, porcelain crabs/anemone crabs (the white with spots, not sure about the purple looking ones), emeralds, I believe fiddlers, almost all hermits like blue leg, scarlet, zebra, yellow tip, electric blue, Hawaiian, halloween, ummm........ arrow crabs, Trapezia Pocillopora/Acropora Crabs, and maybe some more I'm not thinking of. Keep in mind some are agressive to other inhabitants though.


Active Member
Wait there's more!! Strawberry crab, squat lobsters, I think box crabs/shame face crabs, ummm crap I thought I had more haha.


Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
Wait there's more!! Strawberry crab, squat lobsters, I think box crabs/shame face crabs, ummm crap I thought I had more haha.
ok um which ones wont pick on each other or the corals much? haha but yeah im not sure about corals yet since i dont have lighting but i am going to add living things already, haha u made me like crabs!


Active Member
Those are all normally reef safe (not to say there haven't been exceptions for some of these) Pom Pom crab, horseshoe crab, porcelain crabs/anemone crabs, fiddlers, blue leg/scarlet hermits are the most peaceful of hermits, and halloweens and electrics are mostly peaceful but like to bully others and are capable or eating others though. But yeah those are the peaceful ones. If your fine with replacing small hermits and snails every now and then though it's ok for some of the others. Ok gotta go right now it's DEADLIEST CATCH TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More crabs of coarse!! Poor Philly :'(


Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
Those are all normally reef safe (not to say there haven't been exceptions for some of these) Pom Pom crab, horseshoe crab, porcelain crabs/anemone crabs, fiddlers, blue leg/scarlet hermits are the most peaceful of hermits, and halloweens and electrics are mostly peaceful but like to bully others and are capable or eating others though. But yeah those are the peaceful ones. If your fine with replacing small hermits and snails every now and then though it's ok for some of the others. Ok gotta go right now it's DEADLIEST CATCH TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More crabs of coarse!! Poor Philly :'(
yeah hears about the guy on dc, but i dont watch no more no cable l0l, thanks Taco, and i usually buy huge snails... l0l got 2 like i said (took pics will post tommorow)