Nfl Playoffs


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Three phases of football. Defense, offense and special teams. Either phase if they are dominant enough can win a game.
thanks captain obvious


I think most of us here know about offense, defence and special teams but I have also heard of Reggie Bush and Vince Young which are two different tpes of "phases"


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
oh yea thats really mature
I'm simply laughing at the fact you called me a punk . Son, I can assure you I am no punk. ....... you are entitled to your opinion.


Scooba, I think you are more entitled to the :cheer: rather than the football players themselves because you do not sound very convincing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
scuba you think you know but you have no idea about the game of football as me and cichlid do
Hmm..lets see..I predicted Tampa would go down....that TX would take USC...and that Carolina and Indy would be in the SUper Bowl..and that TO would be the downfall of Philly this year. The post regarding the the Super Bowl teams was made by me long before they appeared on the cover of SI as their prediction....bacjk in June..before training camps even started.


Active Member
he knows nuthin about the game, the only reason he knows so much is bc he has a computer in front of his face 24/7,lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Hmm..lets see..I predicted Tampa would go down....that TX would take USC...and that Carolina and Indy would be in the SUper Bowl..and that TO would be the downfall of Philly this year. The post regarding the the Super Bowl teams was made by me long before they appeared on the cover of SI as their prediction....bacjk in June..before training camps even started.
dude give me a friggin break, u know how many other people predicted this and by the way to was gone a little bit after trainging camp so how could you make that prediction, and oh according to u one person can not make a difference you hipocrit


Active Member
also have your so called laughable super bowl teams made it to the superbowl, let me seeNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
hey t, lol, this guy is a joke, he sits at his computer probably all day and reads and reads and reads and yet knows nothing about the game of football


Active Member
Originally Posted by cichlidfor
Scooba, I think you are more entitled to the :cheer: rather than the football players themselves because you do not sound very convincing.
I could care less if I convince you. You are entitled to your opinions as am I.
Go ahead call me really hurts.

The key is I stated he would pull them down before training camp not after. Also, a bad attitude can be disruptive to an entire team. That is why he was sat down in Philly.
Donocvan injury really hurt Philly...but a disruptive force OFF the field can have an impact on an entire organization.


Active Member
scuba do you not realize how good the patriots really are in the playoffs, and do you not know it is in manning's head that he can not beat em even on his turf


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
also have your so called laughable super bowl teams made it to the superbowl, let me seeNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not here stating they ever have or will.