Nfl Playoffs


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Your logic is astounding. I am amazed.
Ok, using your formula Ramonce Taylor from Texas should have a higher average rushing than Bush. Because he had fewer carries, 4 to be exact. He averageed 3 yards per carry. How is this possible? He had fewer carries so obviously his average should be higher.
he had 5 to be exact buddy, get your facts straight before you start talking to me again

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
last response then iam out, he did not have as many yards, iam not stupid so dont talk to me like iam stupid, the fact is i could lay you out on a football field

When did we get to physical prowess....I thought you were superior in your knowledge....

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
he had 5 to be exact buddy, get your facts straight before you start talking to me again

Really? Uh, 4 carries for 12 yards. Do you want the list of when the happenned during the game and what time. I can give you that as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Explain the reference then, please, as I am a "dummy".
walter could truck anyone as can white, end of story thats what i meant, i have to go, final score i know more about football than you, the fact is you use the internet to get all your little facts and crap i use my head thank you very much as i have loved football all my life, in fact it is my life


Active Member
by the way he had a 30 yard run which would make his average to be 7.5 yards even if he gained 0 on the other 3 plays

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
walter could truck anyone as can white, end of story thats what i meant, i have to go, final score i know more about football than you, the fact is you use the internet to get all your little facts and crap i use my head thank you very much as i have loved football all my life, in fact it is my life
Football is your life, yet you still haven't told me who created the 4-6 defense....even with a hint.
Fine, you are smarter than I because you say so....and that is the only reason. Ignoring the fact I have been following football twice as long as you.

darth tang

Active Member
You edited your post, why? Is it because pointing out Bush had a 30 yard run, blows your theory that he could not get past the texas defense?


Active Member
Hint #2:
The guy who created the 46 Defense had a nickname as his first name, and a first name as his last name...come on Puffer YOU CAN DO IT...
Part 2: What team did he go onto be the Head coach of?
Hint #1:
This team has been to 4 consecutive NFC Championships, and will NOT make it a 5th in a row...


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
you gotta be kidding, texas shut down reggie, end of story, your telling me his own team shut him down, give me a freaking break, no offense but come on
Reggie Bush ran up some big numbers in the wek PAC10 conference. he is a grat college back but the PAC10 is not known for strong defense from top to bottom.
Again, if defense wins championships they do so by stopping the entrie offense not one player. Given up 38 points and their defense won the championship?
In a game where about 1,000 yeards of offense was racked up....unless one team gained 750 yards...defense for neither team could be viewed as the reason for winning the championship.
Reggie Bush did rack up some yardage along with one big touchdown run as I recall. Again, the USC gameplan reduced his impact...not the TX defense.
You have missed the obvious success.....the special teams of TX did not allow Bush a big return...that was a shut down...but please, stop posting the TX defense won the championship giving up 38 points...were all those points scored by the USC defense?


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
he had 13 caries of course his average is going to be up there, he called him only 13 times bc he knew that he could not get by the defense but white can, now shut up they shut him down end of story, they would of ran him a lot more if they knew he could get by em but the fact is he could not so shut up cuz he got shut down oorah
Anyone with an OUNCE of football knowlege will tell you backs get better as the game goes on, the defense tires, and the carries approach 20.
Like I stated..USC decided to park Bush......he was a victiim of the game plan. To stete that the USC coaching staff figured TX was going to shut Bush down if they continued to feed him the ball is laughable.
In talking about getting behind a defense that would involve speed.....which Bush has.
I'm curious as to if the Hesiman Trophy voting took place today if Bush would still win?
IMO...the trophy shuld be awarded after the completion of all bowls.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
oh and white had more touchdowns
Mike Alstott had more touchdowns in a few games that Cadillac this year. Does this mean alstot is the better back and the starter?
You say white had the better game and was getting by the defense and bush couldn't. Yet the BOTH averaged over 6 yards per carry. Why isn't white shutdown also?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Chris SImms will have to throw in the clutch and he will choke. Washington is beat up so it should be a close game. In the end one big interception, fumble, or mistke by Simms will sink the Bucs boat.
As predicted....we'll see if this is the difference. he had no passing lane and never should have thrown that ball. Inexperience is sometimes predictable. Pass was not blocked at the line of scrimmage. Thanks for the 7 Simms.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Reggie Bush ran up some big numbers in the wek PAC10 conference. he is a grat college back but the PAC10 is not known for strong defense from top to bottom.
Again, if defense wins championships they do so by stopping the entrie offense not one player. Given up 38 points and their defense won the championship?
In a game where about 1,000 yeards of offense was racked up....unless one team gained 750 yards...defense for neither team could be viewed as the reason for winning the championship.
Reggie Bush did rack up some yardage along with one big touchdown run as I recall. Again, the USC gameplan reduced his impact...not the TX defense.
You have missed the obvious success.....the special teams of TX did not allow Bush a big return...that was a shut down...but please, stop posting the TX defense won the championship giving up 38 points...were all those points scored by the USC defense?

Ok. Both offences were amazing throughtout the season both averaging about 50 points a game and yet both teams did not reach that average. USC did not play as hot as they usually did....why? Well, hmmmm, lets see, Reggie Bush didn't have his big numbers like normally. Even though what he did against Texas was real good, way better than what most tailbacks would of done, but the fact remains he did not play as well as usual. Texas's defence did stop USC's offence for the for the most part meaning that in the beginning of the game they could not stop it but at the end, USC couldn't pull it off. But what really won the game was the Vince Young. No doubt about that and if one person disagrees with Vince Young not winning the game and overcoming USC then they do not know what football is. Texas's last minute defence gave Vince the opportunity for him to perform. I don't think any football team ever against a team like USC has been down 12 points in the 4th quarter and then score 15 points to win a game. One Reason. Vince Young is god-like and Reggie Bush soundly struggled. End of discussion and NO the Pats will not win the Bowl nor the Bengals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cichlidfor
Ok. Both offences were amazing throughtout the season both averaging about 50 points a game and yet both teams did not reach that average. USC did not play as hot as they usually did....why? Well, hmmmm, lets see, Reggie Bush didn't have his big numbers like normally. Even though what he did against Texas was real good, way better than what most tailbacks would of done, but the fact remains he did not play as well as usual. Texas's defence did stop USC's offence for the for the most part meaning that in the beginning of the game they could not stop it but at the end, USC couldn't pull it off. But what really won the game was the Vince Young. No doubt about that and if one person disagrees with Vince Young not winning the game and overcoming USC then they do not know what football is. Texas's last minute defence gave Vince the opportunity for him to perform. I don't think any football team ever against a team like USC has been down 12 points in the 4th quarter and then score 15 points to win a game. One Reason. Vince Young is god-like and Reggie Bush soundly struggled. End of discussion and NO the Pats will not win the Bowl nor the Bengals.
They stopped the USC offense? Where in the overall stats? Yardage? Points? Because they didn't score 50?
The TX offense won the game....period


Active Member
TO all those including Puffer please look at the Bucs/Redskins game replay if you missed it. That is a defense that won a game.
As I predicted and with the game on the line...interception.


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No real strong feeling Pats/ Jags...although I think the Pats will win. Perhaps a replay of the fiirst game...a key mistake or mistakes from inexpereinced playoff QB's of Jax. Looks like Left will start...may not be in there long if the injury catches up with him or he is ineffective due to rust.