Nfl Playoffs


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
They stopped the USC offense? Where in the overall stats? Yardage? Points? Because they didn't score 50?
The TX offense won the game....period
Wow. You need :help: :help: :help: . Vince young won the game, not their offense. And yes once again they did stop USC's offense in the 4th quarter. In the beginning of the game they didn't but Texas's defence stopped USC in the 4th quarter when it mattered most. Did you even watch the game? I don't care how many points USC scored, they were stoppede 4th quarter, "period."
ScubaDoo= :notsure:


and don't even go there and diss on washington because we were even playin w/ less than half our starters!!! remember you barely got us in the regular season!


Active Member
we gave you that game, we gave it to you, so dont tell me, half of your starters are gone, we gave you that game period


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Originally Posted by puffer24/7
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: , i have just come back from the game and it was sad, how can we win when we give up 14 points right off the bat, i dont care what anyone says, we the bucs gave the game to em, they did not take it away from us, we gave it to em, and iam sorry if iam comin off harsh but :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
It went down like I told you it would. Washington gave you an oppurtunity with that interception but your QB did not get the job done. He was given another chance and threw an interception with less than 2 minutes and after a poor punt.
THat is how a defense wins a game. The offesne of Washingtion did nothing. The defense put 7 points on the board and another TO led to the other TD.


Active Member
in all honesty you guys should have spanked us, but did you no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bucs defense is the best, and our offense has some growing up to do then we will be unstopable, the trophy will be coming back to tampa soon, trust me


Active Member
Originally Posted by cichlidfor
Ok. Both offences were amazing throughtout the season both averaging about 50 points a game and yet both teams did not reach that average. USC did not play as hot as they usually did....why? Well, hmmmm, lets see, Reggie Bush didn't have his big numbers like normally. Even though what he did against Texas was real good, way better than what most tailbacks would of done, but the fact remains he did not play as well as usual. Texas's defence did stop USC's offence for the for the most part meaning that in the beginning of the game they could not stop it but at the end, USC couldn't pull it off. But what really won the game was the Vince Young. No doubt about that and if one person disagrees with Vince Young not winning the game and overcoming USC then they do not know what football is. Texas's last minute defence gave Vince the opportunity for him to perform. I don't think any football team ever against a team like USC has been down 12 points in the 4th quarter and then score 15 points to win a game. One Reason. Vince Young is god-like and Reggie Bush soundly struggled. End of discussion and NO the Pats will not win the Bowl nor the Bengals.
How did Bush struggle when he only had 19 touches on offense? he should have had 30 touches. The stats do not indicate a struggle at all by Bush or the entire USC offense.
It was the game plan that stopped Bush...the USC game plan. The stats show it. You rate a defensive performance overall. TX gave up too many ponts.
The debate was over the termininolgy that TX shut USC down..and even one player. The overall performance does not indicate a shut down. IN the second half....the TX defense gave up 28 points..the USC defense gave up 25 points.
Young has an offensive line plus receivers. So they contributed. TX was also beneficaiaries of questional USC game plan and key play calls.
SOrry to say...the TX defensive performance was far from show stopping..>Washington showed you what a show stopping defense can do.


Active Member
dont u think usc would have ran more with reggie if they knew he would get yards, leave it to the professionals please, they knew white would get yards but not reggie so please leave it to the professionals they know what they are doing period


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
huh, what happend the last time these two teams played, i rest my case, simms was all over their be hins
You predicted what?
I have no issues with you supporting your team and I do not beleive I called you dumb. I see you have resorted back to your old ways.
Keep it up with that great attitude. You'll have a lifelong career in lawn maintenance.
By the way,,in another thread ...didn't you say you lived nest store to barry Sanders? never knew he lived in FL? That might be the thread you had a mod delete.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
so dont go there by saying you called it, bc the whole fin stadium called it punk


Active Member
ok first off simms was all over them, second do you not realize my team has just lost and that iam going to be angry, my old ways give me a break my team lost for crying out loud, give me a friggin break


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
How did Bush struggle when he only had 19 touches on offense? he should have had 30 touches. The stats do not indicate a struggle at all by Bush or the entire USC offense.
It was the game plan that stopped Bush...the USC game plan. The stats show it. You rate a defensive performance overall. TX gave up too many ponts.
The debate was over the termininolgy that TX shut USC down..and even one player. The overall performance does not indicate a shut down. IN the second half....the TX defense gave up 28 points..the USC defense gave up 25 points.
Young has an offensive line plus receivers. So they contributed. TX was also beneficaiaries of questional USC game plan and key play calls.
SOrry to say...the TX defensive performance was far from show stopping..>Washington showed you what a show stopping defense can do.
Washington sucks. Getting only124 offensive yards is quite sad just like your argument. REggie would of ran it a lot more if he was getting more yardage. And how many times do I have to tell you buddy. VINCE YOUNG WON THE GAME. DID HE NOT SCORE THE LAST TWO GAME WINNING TOUCHDOWNS. You need to go back to fish man.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cichlidfor
Washington sucks. Getting only124 offensive yards is quite sad just like your argument. REggie would of ran it a lot more if he was getting more yardage. And how many times do I have to tell you buddy. VINCE YOUNG WON THE GAME. DID HE NOT SCORE THE LAST TWO GAME WINNING TOUCHDOWNS. You need to go back to fish man.



Active Member
Originally Posted by cichlidfor
Washington sucks. Getting only124 offensive yards is quite sad just like your argument. REggie would of ran it a lot more if he was getting more yardage. And how many times do I have to tell you buddy. VINCE YOUNG WON THE GAME. DID HE NOT SCORE THE LAST TWO GAME WINNING TOUCHDOWNS. You need to go back to fish man.

Three phases of football. Defense, offense and special teams. Either phase if they are dominant enough can win a game.


Active Member
dude i can not believe he said the texas offense won them the game when clearly it was one man vince young, yea go back to fish bro, you know nuthin about football and the only reason u might know somethin is from being on the computer all day