so an update on everything going on with this tank. had to sell alot of my frags and colonies for books last month. saved up for next wave and also got a pair of hawaiian flame wrasses
the current fish list:
Supermale Flame Wrasse
Female Flame Wrasse
Cryptic Six Line Wrasse
the tank does have ich, but the wrasses seem to have developed partial immunity. I cannot trap them without causing more stress. If it gets to the point where theyre struggling, they will be transferred to a hospital tank thats been set up
As for new stuff, i picked up a couple of goodies at next wave
Sunny Delights
Candy Apple Orange (yes orange!)
Captain Americas
Rose Nebulas
Aqua Delight Acro
The Original Strawberry Shortcake (from 3 years back)
Green Yongei, might not be a yongei though
Reverse Sunset Monitpora
Miami Hurriance
and for pics, couldnt get good pics of the rest of them, SORRY! ill try next time