Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary


yet again I'm chopped liver!

If you want my oppinion..... i've always been partial to the firefish. I absolutely LOVE the purple ones but the red ones are awsome too! It would be cool to get one of each! Or a wrasse would be cool. I can't think of any good ones off the top of my head but I"m sure you have a favorite. OR maybe a dwarf angel. I know they are a risk but I know tons of people who have had good luck with the dwarfs in their reefs.
As always your tank is awsome! I always wanna see more pics!


Active Member

mom i like that fish. ima look into it.
and mely!!!!!
means alot to me! and i was thinking of a flame angel but the firefish! woohoo! i would like to get the purple ones but i have a hoodless tank. so idk


The reason I like that fish so much is its personality, and that it does tricks and doesn't just hover or hide....


Active Member
i gotta get that fish then!!!!!!!!!!
well my skimmer pump broke. i gotta buy a new one $50.00!!!!! ahhh!!!!

and the ro/di i have working like a charm!


Originally Posted by nissan577
i gotta get that fish then!!!!!!!!!!
well my skimmer pump broke. i gotta buy a new one $50.00!!!!! ahhh!!!!

and the ro/di i have working like a charm! always got something breaking


Active Member
i know right!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yet again thats life!
so far everything is working right! and the sps have been growing amazing!
you know a couple days ago i had a group of reefers come over. idk why they came but they came. and they all said the same thing!!!! "what do you dose the tank with" i just look at them and said "LOVE"
i dont dose anything anymore. idk why but i notice leaving the tank run alone everything grows and is nice! my sps, softies, and lps are growing
not fast but hey im in no rush!
and they are like what about you cal and alk levels? well they are always between 450ppm-500ppm and alk 8-12dkh well what ever that is.


Hey brotha man, love your tank. Do you still have the engineer goby? I have one - he's my favorite fish. I'm interested to see if he has his adult pattern yet or if he still looks like a little squiggly guy! Also, I don't know if you know this (Im sure you do) but the engineers do real well in groups. Since they are so cheap, and you are looking for a fish idea, why not try a couple more? You can get a crew of gangbusters roaming the depths. It's awesome when they are together - they huddle right next to each other and protect each other, but all you'll see is 3 or 4 heads and pec fins - sticking out of the rocks.
I dunno, Im a big fan. And people say they hide? Mine is WELL aware of me. Check out these 2 pics - he first eyes me up, then he tries to see if Im gonna throw him some shrimp!



Active Member
Originally Posted by New2Salt1
Hey brotha man, love your tank. Do you still have the engineer goby? I have one - he's my favorite fish. I'm interested to see if he has his adult pattern yet or if he still looks like a little squiggly guy! Also, I don't know if you know this (Im sure you do) but the engineers do real well in groups. Since they are so cheap, and you are looking for a fish idea, why not try a couple more? You can get a crew of gangbusters roaming the depths. It's awesome when they are together - they huddle right next to each other and protect each other, but all you'll see is 3 or 4 heads and pec fins - sticking out of the rocks.
I dunno, Im a big fan. And people say they hide? Mine is WELL aware of me. Check out these 2 pics - he first eyes me up, then he tries to see if Im gonna throw him some shrimp!
hey brother! well i never had one
but they sure are nice!! im looking for small fishie
so ill check this baby out! thanks for the pics bro! it help alot!