Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary


nissan the tanks look professional dang good yob that's a lot of $$
-great- monti growth wish i had a clip o it


Active Member
thanks man! i must say it means alot to me coming from a guy that has amazing tanks!
thanks. and ill be glad to give you clippings of the monti!


Active Member
Of course I NEED MORE!!!
But you said you weren't doing it anymore?!?!
I love the yuma I got and the zoas! ALSO the acans! They're great!


Originally Posted by nissan577
i was like damn!!!! not again!!!!
i was gonna text you mom
Didn't you read the announcement that was put up? They aer going to do site maintenance and the site may be down....I think this was supposed to happen from the 21st-23rd....can't remember


Active Member
I thought there was something different about the site! lol
Nissan... I keep trying to accept your friends request but It won't let me! I cant figure it out...
I will email you in like a week and see what you got. I am super busy with all the holiday stuff!