No more obamacare


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Yet you voted for the guy instead of the guy the fits your definition of an independent. McCain crossed more party lines and conducted more dealings across the aisle than any other senator. He sat in the middle his entire career.
And we have yet to see you disagree on this forum about anything Obama wants to do or has done.
I didn't vote for McCain because of his running mate. Plain and simple.
As far as not diasgreeing with Obama - unlike you, I don't have this "I Want It Now" kind of attitude. I'm willing to give the wheels a little time to turn before making a decision whether it was a correct policy or not. You sit and speculate the doom and gloom of his policies, of whether it MAY or may not happen down the road. You automatically decided they would fail before giving them time to succeed. Of course all Democrats spend, that's what they all do, right? There's no way we'll get a return on our money in 5 or 10 years down the road, because that's what history tells us. Sorry, but history doesn't always repeat itself. Honestly, I don't care for several of the items that are in the current Senate or House healthcare bill. But unlike you, I don't sit here and slam Obama and say he wants to destroy this country. I'm waiting for the final bill to arrive (if and when it does), and make a determination if I agree with it then. If not, then I'll complain just like you. Don't neccessarily care for the Cap and Trade initiative, but in my mind, something needs to be done to reduce emissions. Whether it's a cause of global warming is irrelevent. It's a scientific fact that carbon emissions are bad. But like the healthcare issue, Cap and Trade isn't set in stone.
Obama has been testing the waters with all the polices he's implemented so far. He had to try something. The economy was in the gutter, employment was at and all time high, house foreclosures were happening left and right, and small businesses were folding. We were in the midst of a Recession, heading for a Depression. So he took a stab at it with bank and auto industry bailouts. Apparently for the Conservatives, that wasn't the prudent thing to do. If he'd just given across the board tax breaks, those would've had to be paid back one way or another. Logically, you'd think they'd get repaid by the infusion of more jobs and more businesses. But the way the economy was (and still is), every business out there is afraid to take that risk and try to increse their productivity. So tax breaks may have backfired, and we would be paying them back with raised taxes down the road.
You wouldn't catch me in Obama's position. I don't care what benefits I'd receive in the long run. The guy is in a no win scenario. It's damned if I do, damned if I don't. Stick McCain, Palin, Bush, or even Reagan in that position today, and you'd probably have the same results. I personally wouldn't trust anyone you put in there. I honestly don't know what it's going to take to turn this country around. But I can guarantee you bashing this Party, or that Party, or blaming a specific person for the undoing isn't going to do a bit of good.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Veni - I don't get where you think State Govt. is any better than the Federal Govt. The political hacks at the state level are just as bad, if not worse, than the one's sitting up in Washington. It just another corrupt bunch that's one step lower on the ladder. The people should have the same voice whether it's at the State level, or the Federal level. Look at Massachusetts. They have some form of universal healthcare, and the people there are sick of it. Here in Texas, the state has pushed this stupid mandatory TAKS testing for school kids, whereby a kid can't advance to the next grade without passing them. The school systems in the state do nothing but 'teach the test'. My oldest daughter was making pancakes the other day, and she couldn't even tell me what one half of 1 1/2 cups of milk was. A frickin senior in high school, with a 92 overall average, doesn't even know basic math. And look how well the state government runs California. Now there's a model for all the states to go by.
So instead of getting crap fed to me at the Federal level, you think it's OK to do it at the State level. Crap is crap, doesn't matter where it comes from.
Im not saying or arguing that any branch of government state or local is better than any other one.Im just trying to explain the very basics of our republican form of government.
It seems to me that more people including myself are becoming more aware that the politicians in our country have forgotten who they work for and more importantly how the basics structure of our government is supposed to work.
We the People vote in our State Representatives who are supposed to represent us in a manner we have chosen,not"Ill say this to get elected,and then ill do something different after."and /or just flat out ignore the their constituents and fall into line with the federal government party line consensus.
The system is turned upside down right now.The Federal Government starting with Executive Branch is dictating to Federal Legislative Branch on how to and what to legislate,and then to force down the very ,very very, unhappy peoples throat.
If you dont believe that the people are unhappy all you have to see is all the dogs,cats,and rats playing together in Massachusetts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
One of the reasons Brown was so successful was because he actually went out and talked to the people about the issues and problems. Coakley (or whatever her name is), sat on her duff, and thought the seat would be handed to her because Mass has been a Democratic state for so long, it was inevitable she would win. She also didn't have the 'Palin Factor'. Also, Mass is well versed in universal healthcare, and apparently they didn't want to go down that same road at the Federal level. Not to mention, they're unemployment rates are some of the highest in the nation, and by all appearances, Kennedy did nothing to solve that problem.
Veni - So you think there shouldn't be term limits at the federal level? Are you serious? I think it's ridiculous we have Congressmen that have been in office for 40 or 50 years. I used to laugh when they showed pictures of wheeling Strom Thurmond into the chambers, and it looked like he was sleeping half the time. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have someone standing next to him to lift his hand up to push the voting button.

Senators should only be allowed to serve two 6 year terms, and House Reps only six 2 year terms. Twelve years is more than enough for any Congressman to get their agendas and political promises completed. I also think they should increase the number of Senators per state from two to three, where one has to be an Independent. Also give 1 seat to Puerto Rico. This would result in an odd number of senators, with the Independents having the ability to lean whichever direction they feel is the best interests of their constituents. No more of this 50-50 voting crap, where all you see is backdoor politics whereby one of the two Parties is trying to 'persuade' someone on the other 'team' to change sides.
In your first post you said most voters didn't know Browns platform, now you say he won because he got out and talked to the people, MAKE UP YOUR MIND

You don't seriously think the politicians are going to term limit themselves do you? Unless the supreme court reverses itself only congress can change the laws regarding their elections.
My opinion on why Brown won
Democrat leadership tactics got his foot in the door, even intellectually honest Liberals are uneasy about how things are being rammed through
The Health Care bill got people to listen to him, Thats was his rallying cry to get people to listen about other issues he talked about.
Unemployment got him the sale. Obama sold a lot of his legislative package based on jobs and the lies about job creation really turned people off. You are even seeing the media turning on their Ossiah and now you could see a piling on.
Now we will see if the Democrats will change course. I honestly don't know if Pelosi will but whoever is pulling on Harry Reid's strings I think will.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I didn't vote for McCain because of his running mate. Plain and simple.
But you voted for Obama with crazy Joe Biden as a running mate

Where's Pat Paulson when his country really needs him?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
Whatever, as an Independent I am extremely unhappy with both parties and my core belief is that both parties are corrupt. If the impossible ever happens and either parties starts doing instead of talking about term limits, real accountability and getting rid of special interest and lobbies I would support them. I think a lot of people around here focus on the red and blue, when they should be focusing on the red, white and blue instead, remember we are all in the same boat. I don't think Independants are liberals any more than they are conservatives, rather once again some conservatives are being very exclusive by automatically labeling anyone who does not hold their beliefs both political or religious as a liberal. That is one of the key factors that drove me from the party in the first place, seems the big tent of politics that Reagan built has been replaced with a small umbrella.
I see your point, but really think you are over-simplifying things. We just elected an Administration that promised to do away with "special interests" and lobbiests. Didn't happen, the Obama Admin probably has more ex-lobbiests than any administration in history. But what is a "special interest? The Veterans Groups? Civil Rights groups? The chamber of commerce? The AFL/CIO? The NRA?, The National Council of Churches? The pet industry who is trying to stop the absurd ban on imported fish? How could any government function without organized input from its citizens. The WAY these groups get things is another story. Tax on Cadillac health Plans? Sure...unless you belong to a Union that supported me is a great example. I think the Conservative tent is a big one and I believe a great many folks are conservative; but have been conditioned by Union family history, liberal press, liberal schools, etc., to deny it. Any supporter of the Red, White, and Blue (see, I agree with you again) should be outraged at the way Obama constantly apologizes and insults OUR country. Listening to Rev. Wright for 20 years should be enough for any Independent to vote the other way.
BTW, I don't believe both parties are corrupt. Both have corrupt members, of course. But this Nation could not have been built on corruption. Its a fine line One man's corruption is another man's politics.
And, finally; What's wrong with labeling someone a liberal? (And why do so few Liberals admit it?)


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Sounds me to like a failure in the house hold... Basic math isn't the schools job it's the parents job...

I have alot of teacher friends, they all hate TAKS. Complaining that they are teaching for a test the whole year, then after they finish they goof off for the next 2 or 3 weeks.
Now I don't really care one way or the other. But I guess I just don't understand that argument, but I don't see a problem with teaching for a test. Isn't that the very definition of test, to see if you've learned what you've covered over that period of time? As long as the test is well written, what is wrong with that?
Speaking in a political science point of view, the reason why decentralized power such as a state is preferable to centralized federal power is preferable, is access. I've met a lot of state senators (and Texas is a big state). I've never met, well I take that back I met tom delay once, but I've only shook hands with one of my federal representatives. But you are right, state governments can be screwed up too.
Nice try. I have spent numerous hours with both my kids to insure they do well in school. But parents can only teach so much. That's why we send our kids to school. Because our taxes pay the state to teach our kids and give them a quality education. The TAKS test is a battery of standardized tests. They have specific questions on them, covering only the basic and simplistic material. Teachers don't use the same structured teaching I took when I was a kid. They don't even spend time going over the multiplication tables. They spend their days using TAKS worksheets to teach with. They don't give much detail on how to answer or solve a question, they teach strategies on how to find or come up with the right answer that's on the test. I remember when my daughter was in middle school, she came home with this large packet. When I opened it up, it was two copies of some TAKS test from previous years. Inside was also instructions from her teacher, saying that as parents, she wanted us to administer the enclosed tests to our daughter as if she was taking the actual TAKS test at school. She even provided an answer sheet we would use to score the tests. I was then told by my daughter that taking these tests would count for a major grade and all her homework assignments for the next two weeks. I also confirmed this with her teacher, who also told me that after my daughter took the test, we could review the answers with her, and correct any of the one's she missed.
Guess she wanted to make sure all the students in her class passed with flying colors.

Access to state politicians?
Yeeeaaa. You forget, I live just up the road from you. The only access I've ever had to state politicians is their spam messages to my telephone when they're up for re-election. My wife took my daughter's up to Austin to tour the State Capitol last summer, and she tried to arrange a meeting with our local rep. Not surprisingly, this individual wasn't available. You can have all the access you want with any politician, and you get the same results - a bunch of promises and no action. I don't care whether it's Federal, State, or local. If having local access is the only benefit with letting the State run your life, I don't get it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
In your first post you said most voters didn't know Browns platform, now you say he won because he got out and talked to the people, MAKE UP YOUR MIND

You don't seriously think the politicians are going to term limit themselves do you? Unless the supreme court reverses itself only congress can change the laws regarding their elections.
My opinion on why Brown won
Democrat leadership tactics got his foot in the door, even intellectually honest Liberals are uneasy about how things are being rammed through
The Health Care bill got people to listen to him, Thats was his rallying cry to get people to listen about other issues he talked about.
Unemployment got him the sale. Obama sold a lot of his legislative package based on jobs and the lies about job creation really turned people off. You are even seeing the media turning on their Ossiah and now you could see a piling on.
Now we will see if the Democrats will change course. I honestly don't know if Pelosi will but whoever is pulling on Harry Reid's strings I think will.
My first post was my take on why he won. The second post was the political analysts views of why he won. At least that's what Fox News told me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Nice try. I have spent numerous hours with both my kids to insure they do well in school. But parents can only teach so much. That's why we send our kids to school. Because our taxes pay the state to teach our kids and give them a quality education. The TAKS test is a battery of standardized tests. They have specific questions on them, covering only the basic and simplistic material. Teachers don't use the same structured teaching I took when I was a kid. They don't even spend time going over the multiplication tables. They spend their days using TAKS worksheets to teach with. They don't give much detail on how to answer or solve a question, they teach strategies on how to find or come up with the right answer that's on the test. I remember when my daughter was in middle school, she came home with this large packet. When I opened it up, it was two copies of some TAKS test from previous years. Inside was also instructions from her teacher, saying that as parents, she wanted us to administer the enclosed tests to our daughter as if she was taking the actual TAKS test at school. She even provided an answer sheet we would use to score the tests. I was then told by my daughter that taking these tests would count for a major grade and all her homework assignments for the next two weeks. I also confirmed this with her teacher, who also told me that after my daughter took the test, we could review the answers with her, and correct any of the one's she missed.
Guess she wanted to make sure all the students in her class passed with flying colors.

Access to state politicians?
Yeeeaaa. You forget, I live just up the road from you. The only access I've ever had to state politicians is their spam messages to my telephone when they're up for re-election. My wife took my daughter's up to Austin to tour the State Capitol last summer, and she tried to arrange a meeting with our local rep. Not surprisingly, this individual wasn't available. You can have all the access you want with any politician, and you get the same results - a bunch of promises and no action. I don't care whether it's Federal, State, or local. If having local access is the only benefit with letting the State run your life, I don't get it.
Hey I'm not saying that the TAK's was well written.
I'm simply saying, I'm not sure what is wrong with teaching to a test. After all a test should be to check whether they've learned or not. So you have a course synopsis, says "student should learn how to do arithmetic with fractions." Teacher teaches how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. Then you have a test on that subject. What is wrong with that.
That is the main argument I hear every time someone starts talking TAKS with me.
I was just making fun of you when you were complaining about dividing.
As far as access, that is a great reason, since they're theoretically supposed to be representing us anyway.
All I know is that I've had luncheons with State senators, sat at the library with 20 people listening to them in elementary and high school. Had them come to a home school co-op and speak to 10 kids. And I sure didn't have to pay 2000 dollars for a table at some fundraiser.
I'm by NO means saying big state government is the answer. I'm simply pointing out that a state government is going to far more responsive to the people than the federal government.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
I see your point, but really think you are over-simplifying things. We just elected an Administration that promised to do away with "special interests" and lobbiests. Didn't happen, the Obama Admin probably has more ex-lobbiests than any administration in history. But what is a "special interest? The Veterans Groups? Civil Rights groups? The chamber of commerce? The AFL/CIO? The NRA?, The National Council of Churches? The pet industry who is trying to stop the absurd ban on imported fish? How could any government function without organized input from its citizens. The WAY these groups get things is another story. Tax on Cadillac health Plans? Sure...unless you belong to a Union that supported me is a great example. I think the Conservative tent is a big one and I believe a great many folks are conservative; but have been conditioned by Union family history, liberal press, liberal schools, etc., to deny it. Any supporter of the Red, White, and Blue (see, I agree with you again) should be outraged at the way Obama constantly apologizes and insults OUR country. Listening to Rev. Wright for 20 years should be enough for any Independent to vote the other way.
BTW, I don't believe both parties are corrupt. Both have corrupt members, of course. But this Nation could not have been built on corruption. Its a fine line One man's corruption is another man's politics.
And, finally; What's wrong with labeling someone a liberal? (And why do so few Liberals admit it?)
By special interests I am mainly talking about big business, but I do believe that anytime a politician takes money from any special interest they are no longer representing the people they where elected to represent. I know this is politics to some people, but to me it has always been corruption.
Obama was given a chance to change the way this country does business for the better, he has wasted that chance, nothing more really needs to be said and I don't think conservatives supporting people like Palin is any kind of real answer either. I actually think it is time for a third party, full of people who are for fiscal responsibility and small government and I support isolationism as well to a smaller extent, but I also expect that government to be not dominated by religion of any type, so that is where I part ways with the tea party people.
Nothing wrong with liberals, except I am not one.

bang guy

Originally Posted by stdreb27
Teacher teaches how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. Then you have a test on that subject. What is wrong with that.

Teaching the test is different than teaching the subject. So if on past tests questions have alternated between 2 + 6 = ? and 4 + 3 = ? and you just teach the answers to these two questions then you are teaching to the test and not teaching the subject.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Hey I'm not saying that the TAK's was well written.
I'm simply saying, I'm not sure what is wrong with teaching to a test. After all a test should be to check whether they've learned or not. So you have a course synopsis, says "student should learn how to do arithmetic with fractions." Teacher teaches how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. Then you have a test on that subject. What is wrong with that.
That is the main argument I hear every time someone starts talking TAKS with me.
I was just making fun of you when you were complaining about dividing.
As far as access, that is a great reason, since they're theoretically supposed to be representing us anyway.
All I know is that I've had luncheons with State senators, sat at the library with 20 people listening to them in elementary and high school. Had them come to a home school co-op and speak to 10 kids. And I sure didn't have to pay 2000 dollars for a table at some fundraiser.
I'm by NO means saying big state government is the answer. I'm simply pointing out that a state government is going to far more responsive to the people than the federal government.
Doing what you stated was the intial premise of TAKS, but the teachers soon learned that their jobs and raises depended on how well the kids in their class passed the TAKS test. So instead of teaching the basics and fundamentals, they simply drop a copy of an old test on the desk, then go over each question, showing the kids how to determine the best answer. I liken it to these crash courses you take to pass the SAT or ACT. You aren't necessarily taught how to formally answer the question, you are drilled and drilled how to determine what the best answer is.
Since you want to get closer to your constituents, I received this message on my home phone earlier today. He sounds just like the type of politician you dream about. Think he's playing it smart by running on the coattails of the Brown win:
"Hello, my name is Scott and I'm a volunteer calling with Francisco Canseco. Francisco Canseco is a constitutional conservative running for the Texas 23rd congressional district. Francisco Canseco is fighting to end wasteful Washington spending and will always work for limited government. Fix your time today. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the campaign office at 210-764-6255 or visit our website at "


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Its a proven Mental Disorder.

......and it probably would have been covered under Obamacare, if your Union dues are up to date. I'm sure its still covered under San Francisco's government employee health insurance. After all, they even cover "gender reassignment' (sxe change) surgery. (No kidding!)

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I didn't vote for McCain because of his running mate. Plain and simple.

Because the running mate dictates and sets policy.

You didn't vote for McCain because you were so anti-bush you figured anyone with an R behind their name was more bush. Never even taking into account McCain blasted bush and was nothing like him....and DEFINITELY more of a centrist than Obama. You speak of wanting someone more in the middle, yet you vote for the two guys that have the most left voting record in the senate....Your actions have yet to match your words.
You also claim I state Obama wants to destroy this country., I have never said anything remotely like it. In fact, I have stated I believe, he Believes, his course is what is best for the country.
Your defense that no matter who got handed this mess would do poorly (even Reagan) is crap. Reagan was handed a very similar mess (unemployment was already in double digits) and he did very well.
many presidents before have thrown money at economic crisis and everytime they have, they last close to a do a tax cut and within 3-4 years they are over. Ask Clinton, he will tell you. He did a tax cut...he also didn't throw a bunch of money (billions of dollars) at the economic recession he inherited. So my dislike for Obama's policy is because they have been proven to fail already....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Doing what you stated was the intial premise of TAKS, but the teachers soon learned that their jobs and raises depended on how well the kids in their class passed the TAKS test. So instead of teaching the basics and fundamentals, they simply drop a copy of an old test on the desk, then go over each question, showing the kids how to determine the best answer.

Funny, I have two kids in school and they get the basics and fundamentals....and they have NEVER been taugfht just the test, if that were the case my step daughter wouldn't be lesarning math 2 grades above her current grade (because the teacher wants to push the class ahead) and my 1st grade sone wouldn't be learning to spell 2 syllable words yet. You blame the program, I blame the teachers for taking the easy way out. They get raises and job retention based off the test performance (which the test asks questions and problems on basics and such). How can you teach someone to multiply without teaching them the basics of multiplication...especially when the multiplication problem is 356 X 579. re you seriously telling me the teachers are just having the kids memorize the answers for these types of problems?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Doing what you stated was the intial premise of TAKS, but the teachers soon learned that their jobs and raises depended on how well the kids in their class passed the TAKS test. So instead of teaching the basics and fundamentals, they simply drop a copy of an old test on the desk, then go over each question, showing the kids how to determine the best answer. I liken it to these crash courses you take to pass the SAT or ACT. You aren't necessarily taught how to formally answer the question, you are drilled and drilled how to determine what the best answer is.
When I want to have some fun with my friends, I tell them they're just being lazy teachers by doing that. There has to be a basic morality in place in a free country to do what is right, such as teaching the kids how to do the math... Not test taking skills. And if you as a teacher are just teaching test taking skills, then you are failing as a moral person.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Funny, I have two kids in school and they get the basics and fundamentals....and they have NEVER been taugfht just the test, if that were the case my step daughter wouldn't be lesarning math 2 grades above her current grade (because the teacher wants to push the class ahead) and my 1st grade sone wouldn't be learning to spell 2 syllable words yet. You blame the program, I blame the teachers for taking the easy way out. They get raises and job retention based off the test performance (which the test asks questions and problems on basics and such). How can you teach someone to multiply without teaching them the basics of multiplication...especially when the multiplication problem is 356 X 579. re you seriously telling me the teachers are just having the kids memorize the answers for these types of problems?
They're not supposed to, but there have been incidents in some of the low performing schools where teachers do nothing but teach the kids how to take the test. It's pretty sad when it comes to the Elementary schools. The principals will gather all the kids in their repsective auditoriums and have TAKS Rallys the day before the test. They do cheers and songs to 'Pass The TAKS'. They dangle prizes and carnivals in their faces if the school gets an overall high score. They send notes home telling the parents to make sure their kids go to bed early and eat a good breakfast before coming to school on 'Test Day'. There have been some instances where the teachers have told the kids that if they don't pass the test, they will be held back and not move on with their friends. They've had news stories showing kids crying as they were going into school on the day of the test. When they take the test, they can take as long as they like to finish. There was a girl in my daughter's 3rd grade class where she started the test at 8AM and didn't finish it until 5PM. They've had instances where teachers would walk up and down the aisles during tests, looking at test's of kids they know weren't doing well in the pre-tests. If they saw an answer that was incorrect, they would look at the kid and put their finger on the right answer. Of course if they catch these teachers doing this stuff they get fired, but they haven't caught many. It's all about funding for the school. It's trickle-down economics. The District Superintendent tells the Principal if he wants to keep his job, or get needed funding for his school, his school better get an acceptable overall score. The Principal gives the same speech to all his/her teachers. In the High Schools, they have to pass 5 different tests in order to graduate. Fail any of the five, and you have three more chances to make them up. Don't pass them all, you don't graduate. There's been cases at that grade level where you have a kid that has a 3.6 overall GPA, but is deficient in Math, or has a problem taking standardized tests. They can't pass the test, and can't graduate. My daughter has a friend whose in this situation, and she already has a scholarship setup to go to UT Austin. Kid is in the Top 5% of her graduating class, scored a 1900 on the SAT, but for some reason has a mental block when it comes to this Science TAKS Test. She has one more shot to pass it. Her parents are sending her to Sylvan and spending close to $1000 so they can teach her how to pass it, "Or your money back".


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
They're not supposed to, but there have been incidents in some of the low performing schools where teachers do nothing but teach the kids how to take the test. It's pretty sad when it comes to the Elementary schools. The principals will gather all the kids in their repsective auditoriums and have TAKS Rallys the day before the test. They do cheers and songs to 'Pass The TAKS'. They dangle prizes and carnivals in their faces if the school gets an overall high score. They send notes home telling the parents to make sure their kids go to bed early and eat a good breakfast before coming to school on 'Test Day'. There have been some instances where the teachers have told the kids that if they don't pass the test, they will be held back and not move on with their friends. They've had news stories showing kids crying as they were going into school on the day of the test. When they take the test, they can take as long as they like to finish. There was a girl in my daughter's 3rd grade class where she started the test at 8AM and didn't finish it until 5PM. They've had instances where teachers would walk up and down the aisles during tests, looking at test's of kids they know weren't doing well in the pre-tests. If they saw an answer that was incorrect, they would look at the kid and put their finger on the right answer. Of course if they catch these teachers doing this stuff they get fired, but they haven't caught many. It's all about funding for the school. It's trickle-down economics. The District Superintendent tells the Principal if he wants to keep his job, or get needed funding for his school, his school better get an acceptable overall score. The Principal gives the same speech to all his/her teachers. In the High Schools, they have to pass 5 different tests in order to graduate. Fail any of the five, and you have three more chances to make them up. Don't pass them all, you don't graduate. There's been cases at that grade level where you have a kid that has a 3.6 overall GPA, but is deficient in Math, or has a problem taking standardized tests. They can't pass the test, and can't graduate. My daughter has a friend whose in this situation, and she already has a scholarship setup to go to UT Austin. Kid is in the Top 5% of her graduating class, scored a 1900 on the SAT, but for some reason has a mental block when it comes to this Science TAKS Test. She has one more shot to pass it. Her parents are sending her to Sylvan and spending close to $1000 so they can teach her how to pass it, "Or your money back".
It hasn't been ethat long, but when I took the SAT a 1600 was a perfect score...
What is wrong with incentivising learning, if anything when my parents offered me money for good grades, I made the good grades. Although they had to up the anti 10 bucks for lots of work vs playing outside wasn't worth it...
I think the real question is why are kids failing the TAKS if they are in the top 5% of their graduating class, what does that say about the school? I've seen some of the tests, and they aren't hard...