darthtang aw
Active Member
Originally Posted by prime311
Thats an old testament teaching. I could get into how jesus came and did away with the old laws and how the very premise of right and wrong is different in the old and new, but that would be a very long conversation. The teaching in the new testament is that it is not our place to judge, but that it is gods domain.
And this is wrong as well. Jesus said the following
Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment John 7:24
Jesus's whole point on judgement of people is for us not to be hypocritical...If we judge someone's actions as wrong or evil we best not be doing anything remotely similar.
Thats an old testament teaching. I could get into how jesus came and did away with the old laws and how the very premise of right and wrong is different in the old and new, but that would be a very long conversation. The teaching in the new testament is that it is not our place to judge, but that it is gods domain.
And this is wrong as well. Jesus said the following
Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment John 7:24
Jesus's whole point on judgement of people is for us not to be hypocritical...If we judge someone's actions as wrong or evil we best not be doing anything remotely similar.