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I don't understand what all the bad vibes are in this thread. I have a tattoo, big deal. I got it for me. I don't give a darn if people like it or not. I'm not sure why people with tats are getting worked up if people don't like them. They can say what they want, I really don't care about it. Why do you? Just leave it. Don't take things personally. Don't open threads about tats if you don't like them, and don't get offended if you have them and people don't like them. Gosh darn folks this is silly.
Many people with piercings and large visible tats are a bit counter culture and then get ticked off if some in the rest of society don't like 'em. Buck up, IMO. Be confident in what you do...and the consequences. If you have full sleeves don't expect you are entitled to work someplace where they are more conservative and don't like it. I knew a guy at a previous job (as an aquarist) who had to cover his arms. Choice he made...both on the tats and where to work. Deal with it either way, IMO.
But these are supposed to be discussions...two way streets, etc.
Beautifully said!!
I read a few times people saying "I don't judge", "who am I to judge"...etc
However, the same ones are calling people that don’t like tats “Narrow Minded”….. Is it me…. or this sounds a lot like Judging?
I don't like tats and I am not narrow minded by any means.... this statement is the same as when someone says that tats are trashy.... just my 2cents.
IMO.... if you like tats... props to you. if you don't.... props to you as well.