Obama is the president elect Please use this thread to talk about and discuss it


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I didn't vote for an African American. I voted for a candidate that I believed in his policies and platforms. Interesting how the media and everyone else during this campaign avoided the 'race' word. Now that his election has become a reality, all I've seen or heard from the media tonight is how an African American is elected President. HE'S AN AMERICAN. If you want to now bring race into the issue, then fine. The African Americans of this country no longer have the excuse of race and bias as being attributed to why they regard themselves as being 'second class citizens'.
Wow, bionic, I agree 100% with that!


Active Member
Obama's first act as president should be to send who ever picked out his ol lady's dress to Gitmo for a couple years, YUCK!


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
I don't disagree with you, but there is the undeniable fact that slavery is still a fairly recent thing, and it IS good to see that America has progressed enough not to be racist in their voting. It was a compliment to us. In essence, I'm agreeing with you when I say that, based upon our 44th President, race is clearly no longer an issue.
recent ? slavery was abolished over a century ago


Active Member
While there will be no convincing many of you, this is actually a great day in American history. The country has elected a BRILLIANT, educated man to office. I am sure that he will serve the position with honor and integrity.
Whether you agree with his ideas or not, he will have a successful term in office. I have no doubt that he will hunt down and kill Osama Bin Laden, as promised. I also have no doubt that he will take the right approach in Iran, so that if military action is necessary, it will not be OUR war and we will have exhausted other options first. Know that if your children are enlisted in the armed forces, he will not send them into harms way for personal reasons, or an ulterior agenda.
He will never make everybody happy, but then again... no one would. But I truly believe that, unlike McCain AND the current administration, he will not look you in the eyes and lie to you.
The fact that he is black is secondary. Personally, I'm proud that this election does show that the bigots and racists are in the minority. They are impotent to control the future of this country. Let them go hide in the backwoods wearing bedsheets. I take pride in the fact that these cowards have lost strength since the days of segregation and lynchings. JMO.


Originally Posted by crimzy
While there will be no convincing many of you, this is actually a great day in American history. The country has elected a BRILLIANT, educated man to office. I am sure that he will serve the position with honor and integrity.
Whether you agree with his ideas or not, he will have a successful term in office. I have no doubt that he will hunt down and kill Osama Bin Laden, as promised. I also have no doubt that he will take the right approach in Iran, so that if military action is necessary, it will not be OUR war and we will have exhausted other options first. Know that if your children are enlisted in the armed forces, he will not send them into harms way for personal reasons, or an ulterior agenda.
He will never make everybody happy, but then again... no one would. But I truly believe that, unlike McCain AND the current administration, he will not look you in the eyes and lie to you.
The fact that he is black is secondary. Personally, I'm proud that this election does show that the bigots and racists are in the minority. They are impotent to control the future of this country. Let them go hide in the backwoods wearing bedsheets. I take pride in the fact that these cowards have lost strength since the days of segregation and lynchings. JMO.
Agree 100%
Well put.


Originally Posted by crimzy
While there will be no convincing many of you, this is actually a great day in American history. The country has elected a BRILLIANT, educated man to office. I am sure that he will serve the position with honor and integrity.
Whether you agree with his ideas or not, he will have a successful term in office. I have no doubt that he will hunt down and kill Osama Bin Laden, as promised. I also have no doubt that he will take the right approach in Iran, so that if military action is necessary, it will not be OUR war and we will have exhausted other options first. Know that if your children are enlisted in the armed forces, he will not send them into harms way for personal reasons, or an ulterior agenda.
He will never make everybody happy, but then again... no one would. But I truly believe that, unlike McCain AND the current administration, he will not look you in the eyes and lie to you.

Wow, you got two servings of the kool-aid...I hope you are right, but this seems extremely optomistic.


Originally Posted by socal57che
this surprises you?
Well not surprised, but I didn't expect him to jump on the "Black Power" wagon so quickly. I hope that doesn't sound bad. I thought he was more about his issues, as some are trying to claim. It is evident that he is not just politics. That is unfortunate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
Hey journey whats the reaction over there??
I will guess as long as they have "someone" one their watch they don't care.
My cousin was in and out of there for a few years and they are only concerned for themselves. He had many "trainiees tell him (my cousin is from Nevada) "I don't want to leave my family (basically to go maybe 200 miles from thier family).... yeah, they can't or don't want to protect themselves as long as we are there......its too much for them, too much corruption.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
The fact that he is black is secondary. Personally, I'm proud that this election does show that the bigots and racists are in the minority.
I thought this was assumed, on both sides. Why do we have to prove anything to those radicals?


Originally Posted by crimzy
While there will be no convincing many of you, this is actually a great day in American history. The country has elected a BRILLIANT, educated man to office. I am sure that he will serve the position with honor and integrity.
Whether you agree with his ideas or not, he will have a successful term in office. I have no doubt that he will hunt down and kill Osama Bin Laden, as promised. I also have no doubt that he will take the right approach in Iran, so that if military action is necessary, it will not be OUR war and we will have exhausted other options first. Know that if your children are enlisted in the armed forces, he will not send them into harms way for personal reasons, or an ulterior agenda.
He will never make everybody happy, but then again... no one would. But I truly believe that, unlike McCain AND the current administration, he will not look you in the eyes and lie to you.
The fact that he is black is secondary. Personally, I'm proud that this election does show that the bigots and racists are in the minority. They are impotent to control the future of this country. Let them go hide in the backwoods wearing bedsheets. I take pride in the fact that these cowards have lost strength since the days of segregation and lynchings. JMO.
+1 on this.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
The election is over now , all the political rhetoric can be put to bed now ,so let me say this . Regardless of what he has done in the past,I am willing to give him a chance.I will stand behind our new President until he give me a reason not to.Hopefully he wont,because i don't think our country can take much more of a beating than it has .I think we all can say if we look honestly at where we are and what we have become,it isn't very pretty.So lets hope this President can put us back on track to a greatness that we have left behind a long time ago.
If not i hope Crimzy and Zman and Rylan are still around to argue/debate with ,ive enjoyed it greatly


Originally Posted by socal57che
umm, I was trying to bring a little humor. sorry.
He is still a black guy in American politics so we are both right.

Sorry, my emotions are a little on edge at the moment