Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I'll be driving electric!
Keep promoting an endless war. We will get out eventually. The slaughter will be the fault of the creeps who did not plan anything to begin with. What do you think they thought would happen? We really would stay there forever? We were lied to and told this war would last 6 weeks. Did they not realize we would want out after 6 years? Yes, I blame Bush and you that voted for him. I won't wait, I blame him now.
And, you can blame all the wrong on the other party.
Electric cars? Great. What are you going to fly in? Power your house with? Eat? All of those aspects will also be affected.
I'm not promoting an "endless War". I'm promoting fighting and winning against Al Qaeda. (you might remember them from 9-11)
We beat Saddam's army within weeks. What no one planned on was the insurgence of shiite militias backed by Iran and the in-flood of terrorists. I'll say it again; Better to fight over there forever than to fight them here for a week...


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
A bill that banned partial birth abortions did not limit abortions....

Your candidate wants to allow partial birth abortions. Either I'm getting played or you are in denial. I'll let the readers of this thread come to the natural conclusion.
Dance all you want; The Republican party has continually done more to oppose and turn back RvW than the Democrats. Don't forget which party put the judges in place that passed RvW...
You can't honestly say the abortion issue is important to you and that you are Pro Life and support any Democrat; Especially not one as far Left as Obama.
BS. Your party did nothing but make you think they did. Really, how many woman do you know that will carry a baby until it is big enough to kick and move inside her, then decide on a whim to kill it? You really think people are evil, don't you? It does not happen. I'll let the readers of this thread decide if any of them know someone so evil.
Start asking woman you know personally. You will not find one who will carry a baby to almost full term then kill it. You will not find a surgeon that has ever performed this procedure for a "whim" . It is for the life of the mother. And it is extremely rare in those cases. But, I do understand an unborn life is more important than those already born to fanatics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Oh, did I get my Dems mixed up? So. what has your party done? The Right to lifers? Cut WIC? Cut funding for health care for children already born? What has the Republican done for the last 8 years? With all that control?
Actually it wasn't a Democrat that started WIC....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
BS. Your party did nothing but make you think they did. Really, how many woman do you know that will carry a baby until it is big enough to kick and move inside her, then decide on a whim to kill it? You really think people are evil, don't you? It does not happen. I'll let the readers of this thread decide if any of them know someone so evil.
Start asking woman you know personally. You will not find one who will carry a baby to almost full term then kill it. You will not find a surgeon that has ever performed this procedure for a "whim" . It is for the life of the mother. And it is extremely rare in those cases. But, I do understand an unborn life is more important than those already born to fanatics.
How many women do I know that would drown their kids in the bathtub or throw them off a highway bridge?
It does happen... Just as partial birth abortions happened.
It must happen more than you care to admit since Obama doesn't want a law banning them, right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Yeah, we want our Mc Bush to let illegal aliens have amnesty and bring terrorists across the border to murder us in our sleep....
Better yet, go away, McSame.
Umm, have you checked your boy's position on illegal immigration? He wants to give them driver licenses so they don't have to walk across the border. they can load up the car and drive on over....


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Electric cars? Great. What are you going to fly in? Power your house with? Eat? All of those aspects will also be affected.
I'm not promoting an "endless War". I'm promoting fighting and winning against Al Qaeda. (you might remember them from 9-11)
We beat Saddam's army within weeks. What no one planned on was the insurgence of shiite militias backed by Iran and the in-flood of terrorists. I'll say it again; Better to fight over there forever than to fight them here for a week...
Chevy Volt, solar panels. I am OK with gas prices. My husband and I have been trying to be energy independent since 9-11. He feels the attack was funded by our dependence on oil. OBL made millions on oil. So, real patriots are moving away from oil.
Of course you want to fight them. By your logic, though, we should invade Mexico and Canada, India and pakistan, Austria and England, because AQ is everywhere.
We didn't beat Saddams, army. We fired them so they became unemployed guys with guns and training. Strong plan.
Fight them everywhere by using tanks and missiles. I guess it'a good plan for the guys who make tanks and missiles. And, you guys want more tax cuts....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Wait 'till the debates. You think this is entertaining! McBush can't even keep his terrorist lingo straight! Telflon John is gonna cry.....
Hopefully by the first debate obama's advisors will convince him Al Qaeda is currently in Iraq...
I can't wait for Obama to forget himself and call McCain a "typical white person" during a debate.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
BS. Your party did nothing but make you think they did. Really, how many woman do you know that will carry a baby until it is big enough to kick and move inside her, then decide on a whim to kill it? You really think people are evil, don't you? It does not happen. I'll let the readers of this thread decide if any of them know someone so evil.
Start asking woman you know personally. You will not find one who will carry a baby to almost full term then kill it. You will not find a surgeon that has ever performed this procedure for a "whim" . It is for the life of the mother. And it is extremely rare in those cases. But, I do understand an unborn life is more important than those already born to fanatics.

Ask and ye shall receive.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
How many women do I know that would drown their kids in the bathtub or throw them off a highway bridge?
It does happen... Just as partial birth abortions happened.
It must happen more than you care to admit since Obama doesn't want a law banning them, right?
2? So, this has stopped normal woman from the procedure? Or do you think there are lots of Americans who want to kill their full term babies?
Obama is appeasing his base to win the primary. It's a tactic they use. It is hard to understand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, here's a letter from the chairman of the DNC I'll cut n paste for you. This can add at least a quarter page!
We just can't afford someone who just doesn't understand Iraq -- it's too dangerous.
Thanks for your support.
Howard Dean
Wow. So apparently Howard is campaigning against Obombus now? I mean, anyone who doesn't know Al Qaeda is in Iraq clearly must not understand Iraq, right? Ergo HD believes we can't afford Obombus.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Umm, have you checked your boy's position on illegal immigration? He wants to give them driver licenses so they don't have to walk across the border. they can load up the car and drive on over....
But, he is honest. With a plan. Your man is lying, again.
Isn't calling a grown man "boy" a bit racist?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
But, he is honest. With a plan. Your man is lying, again.
Isn't calling a grown man "boy" a bit racist?
umm, ya... saying "your boy" is racist...
Saying "typical white person" on the other hand, totally not racist.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Hopefully by the first debate obama's advisors will convince him Al Qaeda is currently in Iraq...
I can't wait for Obama to forget himself and call McCain a "typical white person" during a debate.
He's know they are in Iraq, and Lebanon, and Canada, ect, ect. I think O will be OK in the debate. You don't need to worry about him forgetting which terrorist group is which.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
We have two oil men in office. We'll fix it when they are gone.

How will a Chicago socialist, and another inside the beltway Sol Olinski Marxist fix anything?
Originally Posted by Suzy

What has your party done to decrease abortions?

Well, I for one do not look on babies as "punishment". I follow the Declaration of Independance: "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There's adoption, responsibility, and abstinance. Those decrease abortions. People just would rather remove all consequences from there actions, and Clinton and Obama would love to have the gov't there to "help".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
But, he is honest. With a plan. ...
Suzy, that's what is sooo funny about your support of Obama. You criticize McCain and the "Right" for issues where Obama is worse, yet fail to acknowledge that.
Don't like McCain's statements on illegals? Obama is for more illegal immigration and more rights for illegals.
Don't like McCain's gaffe's on the Middle East? OBAMA DIDN'T KNOW AL QAEDA WAS IN IRAQ