Obama supporters. I have one question


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
BS? Sorry, which comment is "BS"?
Calling it BS doesn't make it so... Not anymore than putting your hands over your ears and screaming LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLA can drown out reality.
Of course you are....
Posting it in capitols doesn't make it so.....not anymore than screaming "It's not our fault" can drown out reality.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Which party has been in control, complete control of both the House, The Senate and the Presidency for the last administration. What did they do to fix the problem you speak of?
Again... your Party will do worse... instead of letting them walk across your party will let them drive. Heck, knowing how much the Dems like to give away things they will probably start leaving cars on the border for illegals to hop into.


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Yup, the Declaration had no substance what so ever. I guess it is because it was written by typical white men.
Personal responsibility has no substance either I guess.
Liberty has no substance
Life has no substance
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, I am OK with O's position on illegal immigration.
The law has no substance
You have no substance.
You have no substance. You make a big deal about the constitution but this adminstration has abused it more than any other president. You try to act like you have superior morals about abortion yet you promote a party that does nothing but talk. Life has no substance ? You are OK with thousands being killed in a war of choice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Jimmy Carter. Suzy claims he was an Iconic president. Just trying to find out what he did to give him such stature as a president.
I know and was pointing out what he did that was so worth calling him Iconic. I gotta tell ya I love me some Peanuts.


Originally Posted by Fats71
took troops to our borders helping out border patrol for one do you need more or is one thing at a time going to be ok for you / I would rather do one at a time as some others did a lot at once and they were completly ignored by you.
So, the problem is solved! Strong work!
I'll give the Republicans credit for that one, while I'm trying to understand the non english speaking house keeper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Again... your Party will do worse... instead of letting them walk across your party will let them drive. Heck, knowing how much the Dems like to give away things they will probably start leaving cars on the border for illegals to hop into.

ROFL. They do not need cars on the other side when the dems in the "Rio Grande Valley" south of "kings ranch" allow them to run air conditioned tunnels underground miles into our border.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I didn't call him a terrorist. i just pointed out where his obvious sympathies lie.
So, he's a terrorist sympathizer who will let us get over thrown by AQ! Better watch out, America. When O is president, we'll all be speaking Farsi!
Kinda reaching on this one......
Racist, terrorist buddy, hates white grandmas.... How could he have gotten so far? And, when the Dems take solid control of the Senate and The House, who will stop him from selling us out to OPEC?
Wait.That already happened....
You guys are really grasping at anything. Why not just point out the strong qualities of your candidate rather than bring down ours?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Promotes peace. Promotes human rights.
I thought you weren't talking to me anymore 'cause I don't read the cutnpaste crap?

wow...promotes peace, promotes human rights.......that is great legislation he passed.
Wait, doesn't the bum sitting on the street corner have a sign stating "give peace a chance" and "human rights for all". He must be an Iconic president as well....once again you proved what I stated. You can't read well...not that you won't.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Jimmy Carter. Suzy claims he was an Iconic president. Just trying to find out what he did to give him such stature as a president.
I liked him and I still do. You like Reagan. So, we're evensteven.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Again... your Party will do worse... instead of letting them walk across your party will let them drive. Heck, knowing how much the Dems like to give away things they will probably start leaving cars on the border for illegals to hop into.
Uh huh.....
So, you're OK with the do nothing acts we have had up 'till now?


Originally Posted by Fats71
ROFL. They do not need cars on the other side when the dems in the "Rio Grande Valley" south of "kings ranch" allow them to run air conditioned tunnels underground miles into our border.
Hey, you said the Reps fixed it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So, the problem is solved! Strong work!
I'll give the Republicans credit for that one, while I'm trying to understand the non english speaking house keeper.
Goto south texas and tell me where anyone speaks english ? I stated I lived in brownsville I actually lived in harlingen tx which is next to brownsville (where the fence is supposed to start) After may 21st you can goto any resturant and myy family an I were the only none latinos there. I know of one black lady mary and two other white couples in the area. everyone that is legal to vote is dem and they all love to help get their family out of mexico and into the US anyway they can. The pubs are working against this but it is an uphill battle in that area as the pubs if any are so outnumbered they can not get anything done wiithout being shot at threatened etc. The mexican mafia and others control the area and they all pay the mighty dems for their support in looking the other way.
Their is a site run by ann attorney friend of mine I think it is brownsville20/20 or something like that explaining in detail the unjust practice of the dems in that area. I and my family were forced pretty much for lack of better words to leave the area due to our political views and by forced I mean by threats of death etc. My wife at the time worked for tropical texas running the mental health dept. We had no idea it would be whatt it is until we arrived and it was not too long before she went back to her GS position for the GOV.
You have me rambling on something you know nothing about. I think it is ashame that you as a fellow countryman would sourcastically say "So, the problem is solved! Strong work! " while we have young men andd women dying to protect our country in our own country.


Active Member
By "war of choice", you mean abortion? How many innocent lives must be lost?
Life is sacred. I took an oath to protect life. I do not give it up easily, or for convenience. My "party" is life. In general the GOP has more in common with my beliefs. I am not socialist, or marxist.
I am not perfect, but I really try to live up to above standards in my personal and professional life.
I'd sure do things different GXB has , and were in the Constitution is nationalized, federally funded/mandated healthcare?
I've never told anyone else how to live, or the need to follow my lifestyle. Mrs Obama sure has. She wants me to give up my "pie" so she can decide where it is used.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
wow...promotes peace, promotes human rights.......that is great legislation he passed.
Wait, doesn't the bum sitting on the street corner have a sign stating "give peace a chance" and "human rights for all". He must be an Iconic president as well....once again you proved what I stated. You can't read well...not that you won't.
You can't read well? Ouch.
I can have an opinion.


Originally Posted by Fats71
Goto south texas and tell me where anyone speaks english ? I stated I lived in brownsville I actually lived in harlingen tx which is next to brownsville (where the fence is supposed to start) After may 21st you can goto any resturant and myy family an I were the only none latinos there. I know of one black lady mary and two other white couples in the area. everyone that is legal to vote is dem and they all love to help get their family out of mexico and into the US anyway they can. The pubs are working against this but it is an uphill battle in that area as the pubs if any are so outnumbered they can not get anything done wiithout being shot at threatened etc. The mexican mafia and others control the area and they all pay the mighty dems for their support in looking the other way.
Their is a site run by ann attorney friend of mine I think it is brownsville20/20 or something like that explaining in detail the unjust practice of the dems in that area. I and my family were forced pretty much for lack of better words to leave the area due to our political views and by forced I mean by threats of death etc. My wife at the time worked for tropical texas running the mental health dept. We had no idea it would be whatt it is until we arrived and it was not too long before she went back to her GS position for the GOV.
You have me rambling on something you know nothing about. I think it is ashame that you as a fellow countryman would sourcastically say "So, the problem is solved! Strong work! " while we have young men andd women dying to protect our country in our own country.
Hey, I must have misunderstood your post. So, what you are saying is that even though the rebuplicans had control of the house, the senate and the presidency, they did nothing to help you out? They just let illegal aliens take over your town?