Obama supporters. I have one question


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The "myth", first promoted by your party's icon President Kennedy, has been proven to work.
It worked during his Admin.
It worked during Reagan's Admin.
It worked during the current Admin.
If everyone received a tax reduction, and Federal Revenue did not decrease but increased, how is that a bad thing???
I'm sure you've done the research and have looked into the current economic numbers in comparison to the actual two recessions that ocurred during President Clinton's 8 years, right?
Once again, revenue is not the issue; spending is.
You know, spending for all of those great social programs brought to us by Democrats. Failing programs like SS, Medicare, Welfare, etc. Programs that Democrats want to extend (because they equate spending to buying votes).
If the National Debt is really of great concern to you, you better begin to prepare yourself for the cold reality; Socialism doesnt' work. You can't have it both ways. You can't move this country into a Marxist state like you are promoting and act like you care about debt. They go hand-in-hand. (France as an example, where in 2005 their National Debt was 66% of their GDP)
Yeah, it's working great. That's what the general population will see in November. LazyBoy, a sofa manufacturer just closed it's Utah plant. 600 people out of work, 600 families will be struggling. But, like you guys said in the rules thread, they were stupid to get a

they couldn't afford. So, those homes will be on the market, the property values will go down around them, the construction workers who build homes will struggle.
Yeah, it's great times!
For some, the economy is not working. The registration of Democrats is at an all time high. We will get change.


Originally Posted by reefraff
Bush tax cut 1 got us out of the recession Bush inherited despite 9-11 and part II was to kick in job creation which lead to a lower unemployment rate than in the 90's. Yeah, tax cuts never work.
Yeah, they work great....
Spend, borrow, spend, borrow.


Originally Posted by reefraff
And on abortion it is truely laughable for a "pro-Life" advocate to support Obama. He has said he didn't think the parent should ever be involved in the decision unless the child was like 13 years old. He also voted against a federal law that would have made it a crime for a non parent or guardian to take a minor girl across state lines for an abortion if the girl lives in a state with a parental notification law.
I'm not even pro life and I 100% agree at least notifying the parents before a minor receives a non emergency abortion.
My version of pro life is different than yours. I consider all life, not just fetuses. How can you try to legislate morality for others when your own is lacking?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Once again, revenue is not the issue; spending is.
You know, spending for all of those great social programs brought to us by Democrats. Failing programs like SS, Medicare, Welfare, etc. Programs that Democrats want to extend (because they equate spending to buying votes).
So, why didn't the wise and wonderful Republicans fix it when they could have? Seems like spending went way up the last decade. They could have cut programs. They could have completely gotten rid of SS, Medicare, Welfare (Aide for Families with children under 6). Or they could have gotten rid of the programs you use! Like the CDC, the USDA, ect. What about that group we pay for the monitor TV? They could have cut that out. Highway funding?
So, why did spending go up if YOUR party was doing the spending?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Yeah, it's working great. That's what the general population will see in November. LazyBoy, a sofa manufacturer just closed it's Utah plant. 600 people out of work, 600 families will be struggling. But, like you guys said in the rules thread, they were stupid to get a

they couldn't afford. So, those homes will be on the market, the property values will go down around them, the construction workers who build homes will struggle.
Yeah, it's great times!
For some, the economy is not working. The registration of Democrats is at an all time high. We will get change.
So no one lost a house during any other President? No one lost a job under another President? No factories closed until the last couple fo years?
Again I ask; Have you compared indicating numbers from the last President and the current one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
My version of pro life is different than yours. I consider all life, not just fetuses. How can you try to legislate morality for others when your own is lacking?
Your version of morality exclude fetuses...
If you wish to compare morality feel free. I'll stand toe to toe with you, no doubt. Just post the issues and we can compare.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So, why didn't the wise and wonderful Republicans fix it when they could have?...
You have heard of the numerous filibusters performed during the past 8 years by the Democratic Senators, right?
From your comments on RvW and now this I'm beginning to seriously doubt you understand how the Constitution establishes the balance of powers.


You guys are soooo cute!
Doc, our hospital is a pretty good size, 300 beds, small compared to some, but we have a large womens center. Our med director told me she has never had one woman prefer to abort an term baby, opting instead to let the baby die in her arms after it's birth. Maybe I live in a different area of the country and our women are different here, but I don't think so.
Maybe you could expand on the reasons this procedure is used? In your professional medical opinion, does this ban really save babies?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You have heard of the numerous filibusters performed during the past 8 years by the Democratic Senators, right?
From your comments on RvW and now this I'm beginning to seriously doubt you understand how the Constitution establishes the balance of powers.
So, why keep pushing a party that is so weak they can't do anything? Seems like you are saying the Democrats are able to get their issues addressed, but they are also able to prevent your party from addressing their platform issues.
So, you are saying only Democrats can get stuff done!!!!!
Wait 'till November. You guys had 8 years to do stuff. Now, we are taking back the country! Don't worry, guys. Like Journey says, the Dems can get stuff done!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
You guys are soooo cute!
Doc, our hospital is a pretty good size, 300 beds, small compared to some, but we have a large womens center. Our med director told me she has never had one woman prefer to abort an term baby, opting instead to let the baby die in her arms after it's birth. Maybe I live in a different area of the country and our women are different here, but I don't think so.
Maybe you could expand on the reasons this procedure is used? In your professional medical opinion, does this ban really save babies?
I'm confused, I know no one doing partial birth abortion. Those would be rare and the medical indications out of my scope of practice. I'm talking 20 week or less "convenience" abortions the liberals love so well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So, why keep pushing a party that is so weak they can't do anything? Seems like you are saying the Democrats are able to get their issues addressed, but they are also able to prevent your party from addressing their platform issues.
So, you are saying only Democrats can get stuff done!!!!!
Wait 'till November. You guys had 8 years to do stuff. Now, we are taking back the country! Don't worry, guys. Like Journey says, the Dems can get stuff done!
For the record, Republicans never before clogged up the Senate with filibusters the way the Democrats did for the last 8 years. In times past there was an etiquette involved in not holding up things in the Senate.
We'll see how it works in the future.
What's fair for one side is fair for the other, right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
I'm confused, I know no one doing partial birth abortion. Those would be rare and the medical indications out of my scope of practice. I'm talking 20 week or less "convenience" abortions the liberals love so well.
She's merging two different arguments. I've been critical of her "Pro Life" stance while supporting Obama who voted against a partial birth abortion ban. She then began to argue that no one gets a partial birth abortion so it doesn't matter.
I think the lastest argument has devolved into "you can't legislate morality".

darthtang aw

Active Member
I am actually stunned...in all my years discussing and debating politics I have never come across a person willing to defend a Political position they don't agree with, believe is wrong, and should be overturned...................
The sheer mentality a person must have to even approach a position such as this baffles me.
Voting blindfolded makes more sense to me........
Journey, I am speechless and can't even begin to formulate the words of the thoughts in my head. Journey good luck.....I can't debate someone that doesn't even debate the position from the correct side they are on. Much less that can't tell me one thing Jimmy Carter (the Icon) did while being president that they loved so much about him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I am actually stunned...in all my years discussing and debating politics I have never come across a person willing to defend a Political position they don't agree with, believe is wrong, and should be overturned...................
The sheer mentality a person must have to even approach a position such as this baffles me.
Voting blindfolded makes more sense to me........
Journey, I am speechless and can't even begin to formulate the words of the thoughts in my head. Journey good luck.....I can't debate someone that doesn't even debate the position from the correct side they are on. Much less that can't tell me one thing Jimmy Carter (the Icon) did while being president that they loved so much about him.
I think she'd believe that pigs fly if the democrat party told her to think that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I am actually stunned...in all my years discussing and debating politics I have never come across a person willing to defend a Political position they don't agree with, believe is wrong, and should be overturned....................
It's definitely been an educational conversation...


Active Member
I see part of where Suzy is coming from.
* Against abortion
* For EVIL SOCIAL programs to help potential mothers choose pro-life; Medicaid, foster care, adoption, WIC, college funding, food stamps etc...
I don't want to put words in her mouth, but there is more than just being pro-life goes into stopping abortions. The party that would support this, you would think also would support the Evil SOCIAL programs that are inherent to the stance...
* 1. I take it, her position of conservatives are pro-life and haven't done anything successfully to stop it over the years and hate social programs as one choice.
* 2. The others that haven't done anything to stop it, however, supports programs that would aid the pregnant person to choose life.
That has always confused me about the pro-life conservatives, not supporting EVIL SOCIAL programs to support the pro-life choice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Her candidate supports partial birth abortion..
Pick one that also offers a Evil Social support network that can choose pro-life?
Your canidate does this too, besides just a pro-life only position

If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before.