Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
As they didn't bring up these questions I'd like to ask:
How does Obama feel about giving a lifetime achievement award to the known Anti-Christian and racist Farrakhan?
How does Obama address his church promoting the anti-Christian group Hamas?
What would Obama say to the families of dozens of Christians killed when Hamas took over the Gaza strip?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I've done a word search. "Hamas" did not come up one time, unless CNN is one of those "conspiracy" pages Zman was talking about and they have edited the transcripts. Nor did Farrakhan come up.
I guess they aren't conspiracy oriented


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The churc
h ties to Hamas and Farrakhan aren't conspiracies. They are facts that need to be addressed. As well as Obama's ties to the Weather Underground.
Investigate the church then, start at the Parent Church http://www.ucc.org and work your way back- Also, start with the Organized Crime connection with McCain too while your at it.
Report back to us when you find these answers, will you...


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Investigate the church then, start at the Parent Church and work your way back- Also, start with the Organized Crime connection with McCain too while your at it.
Report back to us when you find these answers will you...
Unfortunately if I try to invesigate organized crime and McCain I'd have to visit those web pages you've told me not to visit

All I have to do to investigate Obama and his church is to watch the church videos and read their church bulletins.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Anonymous 1:1
Something democratic candidates have not figured out yet.
One of the most bizar, insulting things ever is watching a major political figure try to drop a scripture or something insinuating they are "people of faith". Or whatever the pc label is.


I guess you had to watch the program to see what it was about. I got the name wrong. It was "The Compassion Forum", so it was about real issues. It was at a religious college somewhere, and they had preachers asking questions about HIV/AIDS, world peace, climate change and the like. So, it was stuff people actually cared about. I know O has refused to go on Faux news Sunday morning, so he probably won't be asked some of the crap questions posed here, but maybe someone in the real world will ask him that kind of jibberish-NOT.
I liked his answer to "When does life begin?" So many people think they know. When a cell divides it is a baby (but when it is born, it life is worth less) or when a ova is pierced by a sperm. His answer was right on. He admitted he doesn't know, which is true for everyone. You left out the part about when the soul enters the body in you quote.
I think he is going to be a good leader, inspiring and hopeful.
BTW, did anyone see the interview with Colin Powell? I saw he hadn't talked personally to McCain for months, even though they used to be personal friends. But, he gave him some great advice about our military forces. He didn't say anything about private contractors, though. Maybe we can put them on the front lines when we leave. I'm sure they would stand up and do what their country needs them to do, for the right price. It's only money, we can print more!


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Something democratic candidates have not figured out yet.
One of the most bizar, insulting things ever is watching a major political figure try to drop a scripture or something insinuating they are "people of faith". Or whatever the pc label is.
I don't recall him dropping any scripture. I agree, that is really phoney when people do that. I did like his answer about how he told his 6 yo about the creating the world in 6 days thing. Not phoney at all.
They did ask McCain to come, but it was past his bedtime. How bizar.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Something democratic candidates have not figured out yet.

One of the most bizar, insulting things ever is watching a major political figure try to drop a scripture or something insinuating they are "people of faith". Or whatever the pc label is.
Believe me your comments aren't reserved for just democrats, this includes a lot of self proclaimed Christian republicans and independents. Side note - personally, any business that has to advertise they are a Christian makes me immediately suspicious.
You don't need to advertise to be a Christian or going to church doesn't make you one either. That's just my opinion...
Cheating on and divorcing your wife and marring money aren't Christian actions and deeds.
Forgiving is - Hillary for Bill's transgressions
Obama - today we haven't heard if he is a cheater


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
"Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." James 2:18

Originally Posted by Suzy

He did answer those things, very eloquently. He talked about the abortion debate. He talked about end of life issues. The "boy" really looked sharp, quick thinking and brilliant. Change is going to be good.
Satan knows the bible better than anyone. I am not surprised to see that he would have dressed it up nicely.
He comes like a thief i the night....


Active Member
I think he is going to be a good leader, inspiring and hopeful.
I think snowballs chance in hell.
I assure you he will never become president.
If it were to ever happen as my wife is a GS 15 for the army we would certainly use our ability to leave the country:) Thanks to the Dem's I will say that if we goto Germany or south Korea, Italy anywhere abroad we live for free :) They will give us 40k a year living expense for our home and income will not be taxed and the only bill we will pay is for our phone bill :) Thanks Dem's your so giving.


Active Member
Suzy, in post number 2304 I asked questions. In your post 2308 you said "He did answer those things, very eloquently".
After a careful word search of the transcript it's clear he was not asked those questions.
This was just another powder puff forum that Obama is well-known for.
The think is, I don't believe you intentionally misspoke on post 2308. I just think you are so enamored by Obama you are blind to the reality. You just assumed he addressed all of the issues.... when clearly they never came up.
Obama, according to a senior advisor, is on "friendly terms" with a known and admitted domestic terrorist. He has workde alongside, accepted political support, visited, etc. Ayers on multiple occasions. Does that not bother you?
Hamas is a known terrorist group responsible for the death of thousands of civilians (including Americans), does that not bother you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Suzy, in post number 2304 I asked questions. In your post 2308 you said "He did answer those things, very eloquently".
After a careful word search of the transcript it's clear he was not asked those questions.
This was just another powder puff forum that Obama is well-known for.
The think is, I don't believe you intentionally misspoke on post 2308. I just think you are so enamored by Obama you are blind to the reality. You just assumed he addressed all of the issues.... when clearly they never came up.
Obama, according to a senior advisor, is on "friendly terms" with a known and admitted domestic terrorist. He has worked alongside, accepted political support, visited, etc. Ayers on multiple occasions. Does that not bother you?
Hamas is a known terrorist group responsible for the death of thousands of civilians (including Americans), does that not bother you?

Why even bother asking her questions you know she will never answer. The only thing she can say is 'what has your party done to help you or what have they done to stop abortion " That or obama is duh mans !!"
No point in discussing something with someone who never validates a point made and can never respond to a question asked of her with a intelligent response.


Originally Posted by Fats71
Satan knows the bible better than anyone. I am not surprised to see that he would have dressed it up nicely.
He comes like a thief i the night....

Wow. A presidential candidate is Satan. How do you guys come up with these things! Hitler, racist, terrorist, now he's the devil himself!


Originally Posted by Fats71
I think snowballs chance in hell.
I assure you he will never become president.
If it were to ever happen as my wife is a GS 15 for the army we would certainly use our ability to leave the country:) Thanks to the Dem's I will say that if we goto Germany or south Korea, Italy anywhere abroad we live for free :) They will give us 40k a year living expense for our home and income will not be taxed and the only bill we will pay is for our phone bill :) Thanks Dem's your so giving.

We'll miss you, tons!So, is America paying for you, also? Watch out, some might call you a deadbeat for freeloading off the gubermint!


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Suzy, in post number 2304 I asked questions. In your post 2308 you said "He did answer those things, very eloquently".
After a careful word search of the transcript it's clear he was not asked those questions.
This was just another powder puff forum that Obama is well-known for.
The think is, I don't believe you intentionally misspoke on post 2308. I just think you are so enamored by Obama you are blind to the reality. You just assumed he addressed all of the issues.... when clearly they never came up.
Obama, according to a senior advisor, is on "friendly terms" with a known and admitted domestic terrorist. He has workde alongside, accepted political support, visited, etc. Ayers on multiple occasions. Does that not bother you?
Hamas is a known terrorist group responsible for the death of thousands of civilians (including Americans), does that not bother you?
Hey, he talked about his church, isn't that your refence?
Hey, I'm not completely sold on the O. I'd be OK with Clinton, too. Anybody but more o' the same, McCain.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Suzy, in post number 2304 I asked questions. In your post 2308 you said "He did answer those things, very eloquently".
After a careful word search of the transcript it's clear he was not asked those questions.
This was just another powder puff forum that Obama is well-known for.
The think is, I don't believe you intentionally misspoke on post 2308. I just think you are so enamored by Obama you are blind to the reality. You just assumed he addressed all of the issues.... when clearly they never came up.
Obama, according to a senior advisor, is on "friendly terms" with a known and admitted domestic terrorist. He has workde alongside, accepted political support, visited, etc. Ayers on multiple occasions. Does that not bother you?
Hamas is a known terrorist group responsible for the death of thousands of civilians (including Americans), does that not bother you?

Oops. Forgot the HAMAS stuff. I know you say we are supposed to hate them, but for peace to ever happen, we have to have talks. I know some think we can have this war forever, but I don't think so.


Originally Posted by Fats71
Why even bother asking her questions you know she will never answer. The only thing she can say is 'what has your party done to help you or what have they done to stop abortion " That or obama is duh mans !!"
No point in discussing something with someone who never validates a point made and can never respond to a question asked of her with a intelligent response.

Ask a real question and maybe I'll answer. If you guys just want to type out right wing rhetoric, you really can't expect an answer.
Make a point worth validating and it could happen. So far, I'll I see you guys type is talking points from Fixed News.
But, really, insulting people doesn't usually result in them talking to you.Make your demands all youwant. Talk civil, maybe you'll get a response.
Like I said, enjoy your trip!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Oops. Forgot the HAMAS stuff. I know you say we are supposed to hate them, but for peace to ever happen, we have to have talks. I know some think we can have this war forever, but I don't think so.
By that same thinking, should we negotiate with Al Qaeda?