Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
That has always confused me about the pro-life conservatives, not supporting EVIL SOCIAL programs to support the pro-life choice.
well, if the majority of abortions were for medical reasons you might have a point, not one that I would particularly put weight in, because their are other factors that I feel have more weight into RESPONSIBLY raising a child.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
well, if the majority of abortions were for medical reasons you might have a point, not one that I would particularly put weight in, because their are other factors that I feel have more weight into RESPONSIBLY raising a child.
FCS is the first responsibility in choosing life - not all potential mothers are capable in providing these for their unborn children. I guess you want to step in and provide those through EVIL SOCIAL programs for the ones that can't provide at the particular time and choose pro-life. There is a broad spectrum of ages and social status of folks that this effects not just a medical decision.
FCS = Food, Clothing and Shelter.
never mind - I understand your position - no social programs or abortion....
I am for choosing life and the social support network if needed....


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
I know no one doing partial birth abortion. Those would be rare and the medical indications out of my scope of practice. .
Thanks, Doc! So, there are only two medical types participating in this thread, and both say the legislation passed during Republican control did nothing to decrease abortion in America. One guy who works at Home Depot was able to provide a link connected to some right wing talk radio host.
So, instead of realizing your party really has done nothing to promote any of it's platform, you guys choose to attack and insult me! I've been swift boated!
Of course, you guys do realize your party has abandoned any principle you ever thought they had (key word: thought. They never really did, it's just never been so freakin' obvious!). But, admitting it and trying to work within your party to fix it is too hard. So, you continue to blame everyone else for your party's failings.
Insult away, guys! It only strengthens what I got! Your party never wanted to spend less, or make smaller gubermint, or decrease abortion. You've been so used.....


Originally Posted by zman1
FCS is the first responsibility in choosing life - not all potential mothers are capable in providing these for their unborn children. I guess you want to step in and provide those through EVIL SOCIAL programs for the ones that can't provide at the particular time and choose pro-life. There is a broad spectrum of ages and social status of folks that this effects not just a medical decision.
FCS = Food, Clothing and Shelter.
never mind - I understand your postion - no social programs or abortion....
I am for choosing life and the social support network if needed....
Thanks Z! Everytime I see someone here complain about deadbeats, I wonder how they could let children in the richest country in the world go hungry....


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
never mind - I understand your postion - no social programs or abortion....
I am for choosing life and the social support network if needed....
On a serious note, I'm not against wellfare with the basic premise of helping someone get back on their feet after "life" hits them hard.
For a personal experence, one of our family friends husband left her and her 2 kids. Although they as a couple were living within her means she was not working, the sudden departure left her unable to put food on the table for her and her two kids. She got on welfare, till she found a job and got off over a period of a few months. (and this is with her husband running off with someone else) between welfare AND her CHURCH family she was able to get back on her feet.
The problem is, I see other people who play the system and get "the check" every month. Or welfare programs having to advertise on the radio to get "customers" in so they don't have a drop in funding. It isn't used as a whole to help people get back on their feet. The very fact that we have the term Baby-daddy proves my point.


Holy Moly! Did you guys see the O on the CNN "Discussion on religion"? Man, he hit it outta the ballpark! This is going be a landslide! Think of this guys coattails!
I can't wait 'till the debates with whatshisname. I hope O takes it easy on the ol' guy.....
I mean, I hope our "boy" takes it easy on that other guy....


Active Member
McCain wasn't there
perfect platform for him....
I can only suspect a few reasons;
* It wasn't a forum on military?
* He only stood to lose ground with conservatives on answers?
* He completed the reintroduction of John McCain tour and didn't need it?
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Anonymous 1:1


Active Member
I missed it tonight.
Did obama address his church giving a lifetime achievement award to the known Anti-Christian Farrakhan?
Did Obama address his church promoting the anti-Christian group Hamas?
Did Obama have anything to say to the families of dozens of Christians killed when Hamas took over the Gaza strip?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I missed it tonight.
I am sure it will be replayed - don't feel cheated, you can watch it again. This way you can hear the questions from the pastors, ministers and the answers for yourself... Though you have to stay off the right wing conspiracy websites, if you are going to take time to watch it, while it's on TV.

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Anonymous 1:1


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I am sure it will be replayed - don't feel cheated, you can watch it again. This way you can hear the questions from the pastors, ministers and the answers for yourself... Though you have to stay off the right wing conspiracy websites, if you are going to take time to watch it, while it's on TV.

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Anonymous 1:1
Feel free to point out a single quote I've made that is sourced to a "conspiracy theory" webpage


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Feel free to point out a single quote I've made that is sourced to a "conspiracy
" webpage
I took the liberty of editing the quote to remove the word theory, since I didn't use it...
I assumed you were at a website. For all I know you missed the TV broadcast because you were at Sunday evening Services. Sorry, I shoudn't have assumed that


He did answer those things, very eloquently. He talked about the abortion debate. He talked about end of life issues. The "boy" really looked sharp, quick thinking and brilliant. Change is going to be good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I took the liberty of editing the quote to remove the word theory, since I didn't use it...
I assumed you were at a website. For all I know you missed the TV broadcast because you were at Sunday evening Services. Sorry, I shoudn't have assumed that

Valid edit.


Active Member
Found the transcript online.
on abortion: "This is something that I have not, I think, come to a firm resolution on. I think it’s very hard to know what that means, when life begins. Is it when a cell separates? Is it when the soul stirs? So I don’t presume to know the answer to that question. What I know, as I’ve said before, is that there is something extraordinarily powerful about potential life and that that has a moral weight to it that we take into consideration when we’re having these debates.”
So he doesn't know when life begins, yet didn't in any way explain his votes against banning partial birth abortions, teen notification, or allowing minors to cross state lines.
He was quite eloquent and quite dismissal, per usual.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
He did answer those things, very eloquently. He talked about the abortion debate. He talked about end of life issues. The "boy" really looked sharp, quick thinking and brilliant. Change is going to be good.
I've done a word search. "Hamas" did not come up one time, unless CNN is one of those "conspiracy" pages Zman was talking about and they have edited the transcripts. Nor did Farrakhan come up.