Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
He did answer those things, very eloquently. He talked about the abortion debate. He talked about end of life issues. The "boy" really looked sharp, quick thinking and brilliant. Change is going to be good.
He spoke eloquently to a bunch of elite millionaires in San Francisco. He spoke of small towns in PA, IN, where they were bitter and "clinging to their guns:, and "clinging to religion". He spoke of small town "apathy" to "those not like them" I guess being from a small town, in a "mean country", a "typical" white guy clinging to my guns ( I have more than one, you never know what range you may have to defend yourself from), and "clinging" to my religion is a better place than "changing" to socialism.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
He spoke eloquently to a bunch of elite millionaires in San Francisco. He spoke of small towns in PA, IN, where they were bitter and "clinging to their guns:, and "clinging to religion". He spoke of small town "apathy" to "those not like them" I guess being from a small town, in a "mean country", a "typical" white guy clinging to my guns ( I have more than one, you never know what range you may have to defend yourself from), and "clinging" to my religion is a better place than "changing" to socialism.


salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, he talked about his church, isn't that your refence?
Hey, I'm not completely sold on the O. I'd be OK with Clinton, too. Anybody but more o' the same, McCain.
So have you always generally supported Democrats? You say anybody but more of the same. Is it that you don't want another Republican prez or another Republican prez who(in your estimation)is like Bush?


Active Member
The more we debate this the more I'm understanding the actual issue.
There is a large segment in the USA that want Socialism. There is a large segment in this country that belong to the "Blame America" crowd.
Carter, who is currently chatting with Hamas in Gaza, has been called an "icon". Obama's ties to the Weather Underground are shrugged off as irrelevant.
At least we're finally beginning to define "Change".
*Acceptance and negotiation with foreign and domestic terrorists


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The more we debate this the more I'm understanding the actual issue.
There is a large segment in the USA that want Socialism. There is a large segment in this country that belong to the "Blame America" crowd.
Carter, who is currently chatting with Hamas in Gaza, has been called an "icon". Obama's ties to the Weather Underground are shrugged off as irrelevant.
At least we're finally beginning to define "Change".
*Acceptance and negotiation with foreign and domestic terrorists
I just don't understand why we'd be willing to abandon a working system to go toward a failed system? It just doesn't make sense to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I just don't understand why we'd be willing to abandon a working system to go toward a failed system? It just doesn't make sense to me.
The grass is also greener on the other side...
Free health care, giant safety net, world full of rainbows and ponies, Hamas and al Qaeda disbanding and going away...


Active Member
All the "UI" are gleefull that Colin Powell has talked to Obama. We'll see if they still hold Powell in such high regard after he endorses McCain


Active Member
Guns don't shoot people, Vice Presidents do. Some people just need gun safety training for sure.
When Cheney became eligible for the draft, he was a supporter of the Vietnam War but did not serve in the military. Instead, he applied for and received five draft deferments.
He and Carl Rove has something in common.
Draft dodgers, when their country called, they ran....
Unlike senator left wing liberal Ted Kennedy, Senator D-MA)
U.S. Army, 1951-1953.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The grass is also greener on the other side...
Free health care, giant safety net, world full of rainbows and ponies, Hamas and al Qaeda disbanding and going away...
Let the sun shine, let the sunshine in the sunnnn shine innnnnnn!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Guns don't shoot people, Vice Presidents do. Some people just need gun safety training for sure.
When Cheney became eligible for the draft, he was a supporter of the Vietnam War but did not serve in the military. Instead, he applied for and received five draft deferments.
He and Carl Rove has something in common.
Draft dodgers, when their country called, they ran....
Unlike senator left wing liberal Ted Kennedy, Senator D-MA)
U.S. Army, 1951-1953.
Where did Clinton go during Vietnam?
Which branch of the military did Obama serve in?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Which branch of the military did Obama serve in?
He wasn't a draft dodger
You may have something there, maybe, it's a new requirement.
A few others never served - I was surprised on how many on FOX and from the far right wing hadn't served ever either.
Pat Buchanan, MSNBC commentator
Ann Coulter, writer & commentator
Paul Gigot, Wall Street Journal editor
Sean Hannity, Hannity & Colmes host
Brit Hume, Fox News anchor
Rush Limbaugh, Radio talk show host
Bill O'Reilly, O'Reilly Factor host
Michael Savage, Radio talk show host
Bill Kristol, of the ultra right

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I guess you had to watch the program to see what it was about. I got the name wrong. It was "The Compassion Forum", so it was about real issues. It was at a religious college somewhere, and they had preachers asking questions about HIV/AIDS, world peace, climate change and the like. So, it was stuff people actually cared about. I know O has refused to go on Faux news Sunday morning, so he probably won't be asked some of the crap questions posed here, but maybe someone in the real world will ask him that kind of jibberish-NOT.
I liked his answer to "When does life begin?" So many people think they know. When a cell divides it is a baby (but when it is born, it life is worth less) or when a ova is pierced by a sperm. His answer was right on. He admitted he doesn't know, which is true for everyone. You left out the part about when the soul enters the body in you quote.
I think he is going to be a good leader, inspiring and hopeful.
I watched it, It was a bunch of softball questions nothing real hard to answer and when a question was so eloquently dodged they didn't press for an answer.
I particularly liked when Obama was asked if he would promise to reduce poverty by 50%.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
...When Cheney became eligible for the draft, he was a supporter of the Vietnam War but did not serve in the military. Instead, he applied for and received five draft deferments.
So what was Cheney's deferment for Zman? Was it legit?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I watched it, It was a bunch of softball questions nothing real hard to answer and when a question was so eloquently dodged they didn't press for an answer.
I particularly liked when Obama was asked if he would promise to reduce poverty by 50%.....
I was excited when Suzy said he had been asked the questions I had.... Then I read the transcript


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
He wasn't a draft dodger
You may have something there, maybe, it's a new requirement.
A few others never served - I was suprised on how many on FOX and from the far right wing hadn't served ever either.
Pat Buchanan, MSNBC commentator
Ann Coulter, writer & commentator
Paul Gigot, Wall Street Journal editor
Sean Hannity, Hannity & Colmes host
Brit Hume, Fox News anchor
Rush Limbaugh, Radio talk show host
Bill O'Reilly, O'Reilly Factor host
Michael Savage, Radio talk show host
Bill Kristol, of the ultra right
What does this have to do with anything? I'm not really suprised. That argument, oh I've served in the military so I'm going to be a good prez doesn't hold water. (someone should tell mccain that) Kerry ran on his military record. Bob Dole, served. Alot of people have. But that is a non-issue for the most part, McCain might get a few votes from it. And there is a valid argument saying he would have more experience in war than say obama, having served, but that in and of itself isn't going to win him a serious amount of votes. imo

And Bill Kristol is not "the ultra-right" if that is the case McCain is ultra right, and anyone to the right of Liberman is ultra-right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
So what was Cheney's deferment for Zman?
Perhaps, to avoid actually having to personally fight in the war and put life and limb on the line, like other draftees...
I guess you can be for war and not want to personally fight it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Perhaps, to avoid actually having to personally fight in the war and put life and limb on the line, like other draftees...
I guess you can be for war and not want to personally fight it.
Lol, not what I was asking.
What was Cheney given a deferment for?