Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Not exactly a smoking gun..
It's finding any way possible not to serve as so many other true partriot Americans did when they were called. It is what it is - Draft Dodger, period. Every time he came up A-1 he went back to school
, and then a Liberal HARDSHIP request

He said he "never served" because of deferments to finish a college career that lasted six years rather than four, which he attributed to subpar academic performance and the fact that he had to work to pay for his education.
He added that he "would have obviously been happy to serve had I been called."


Active Member
If you are judging military service as a measure of Patriotism then I ask, once again, what branch of the military did Obama serve in?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Ask a real question and maybe I'll answer. If you guys just want to type out right wing rhetoric, you really can't expect an answer.
Make a point worth validating and it could happen. So far, I'll I see you guys type is talking points from Fixed News.
But, really, insulting people doesn't usually result in them talking to you.Make your demands all youwant. Talk civil, maybe you'll get a response.
Like I said, enjoy your trip!

sitting in a Dr. offiice today surrounded by troops I think your mistaken about me making any trip. obama is going nowhere and fast.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama serve in?
I say again, he didn't avoid a draft. Our country didn't request service of him in our military.

What I am using as a measure of Patriotism is running away when they do....
Cheney surely could have finished college after serving

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
One guy who works at Home Depot was able to provide a link connected to some right wing talk radio host.
I did? Please show me when I did this.
And what does myself working at home depot have any bearing on the conversation...Just so we can get that out in the open.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I say again, he didn't avoid a draft. Our country didn't request service of him in our military.

What I am using as a measure of Patriotism is running away when they do....
Cheney surely could have finished college after serving

And Clinton could have served as well instead of dodging....The difference for myself is one did it legally, the other illegally. Neither should be commander in chief of our military forces.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
The difference for myself is one did it legally, the other illegally. ? Neither should be commander in chief of our military forces.
Two questions
1 One did it legally, the other illegally? Both are draft dodgers
2 You didn't know the VP is second in line?
One was President and the other still has a potencial to be President.
You shouldn't have voted for Clinton or Bush then... I did unfortunately vote for Bush's first term and want my vote back. I can admit I pushed the wrong buttom on that one. I won't do it for a third term either...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
And Clinton could have served as well instead of dodging....The difference for myself is one did it legally, the other illegally. Neither should be commander in chief of our military forces.

Why bother arguing with people who don’t have the intellect to make their point without asking someone when they are joining to fight “their” war. Hell they don’t even seem to know the definition of a Draft Dodger.
Last time I looked the military was a voluntary force. If there was a current draft and someone had avoided it illegally (The correct definition of a Draft Dodger) or even legally got out of it like Cheney then they would have a somewhat valid point. That doesn’t change the fact people are still allowed to have an opinion in this country despite the best efforts of the PC thought police.
All this juvenile “so when are you joining” crap makes about as much sense as telling someone they can’t be pro law enforcement unless they become a cop.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Why bother arguing with people who don’t have the intellect to make their point without asking someone when they are joining to fight “their” war. Hell they don’t even seem to know the definition of a Draft Dodger.
Last time I looked the military was a voluntary force. If there was a current draft and someone had avoided it illegally (The correct definition of a Draft Dodger) or even legally got out of it like Cheney then they would have a somewhat valid point. That doesn’t change the fact people are still allowed to have an opinion in this country despite the best efforts of the PC thought police.
All this juvenile “so when are you joining” crap makes about as much sense as telling someone they can’t be pro law enforcement unless they become a cop.
agreed and as I stated earlier Suzy suffers from delusions and hence should not be pushed we all know what happens from INTERNET fights and name calling... 6 girls lure you in while two boys stand guard then they knock you unconscious in their living room and video tape it for "youttube'
I am getting alittle scared so I'm going to bow out and not get my beat down ( u know how them terrorist supporters are.


Active Member
I'm loving Obama, he just keeps putting his foot in his mouth.
And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
Now he is turning me into the victim! That is change I can believe in, the problem is if we are all victims who are we going to blame our troubles on? Jews?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I missed it tonight.
Did obama address his church giving a lifetime achievement award to the known Anti-Christian Farrakhan?
Did Obama address his church promoting the anti-Christian group Hamas?
Did Obama have anything to say to the families of dozens of Christians killed when Hamas took over the Gaza strip?
We've been there and done that... lets move on to the current status of this election. The church is not promoting anyone... neither are they responsible for what Hamas does...nor are they associated in anyway with Hamas. If they were they'd be in jail... The fact you keep bringing these sensational untrue stories up... makes me think you may be "bitter". Lets move past it and talk about what is effecting you and I ...this economy, and national security..among other important issues.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Something democratic candidates have not figured out yet.
One of the most bizar, insulting things ever is watching a major political figure try to drop a scripture or something insinuating they are "people of faith". Or whatever the pc label is.
What I find interesting here is why can't public figures have faith? Why can't they display it... Republicans don't have a lock on faith... So its okay for Huckabee to talk about faith? My point is that you have no idea what a person has in their heart. Now I know some people do it for show ... but this is neither democratic or republican... its about the individual and the relationship they have with God and they type of life they lead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
We've been there and done that... lets move on to the current status of this election. The church is not promoting anyone... neither are they responsible for what Hamas does...nor are they associated in anyway with Hamas. If they were they'd be in jail... The fact you keep bringing these sensational untrue stories up... makes me think you may be "bitter". Lets move past it and talk about what is effecting you and I ...this economy, and national security..among other important issues.
Untrue? Are you denying the church bulletin has contained Hamas materials?
Are you denying the church has given a lifetime achievement award to Farrakhan?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
By that same thinking, should we negotiate with Al Qaeda?
In other threads people who have you same position are not even adamit(spelling?) on going after bin Laden in Afghanistan and al Qaeda leaders. You are more concerned with Iraq.
Obama more than any other candidate has the ability to solve the issues we face with these groups and countries... Since he is the presumptive candidate against McCain... Please tell me how McCain would be better. His solution is war...which is not the answer.. he is known to have a temper... he is known to not work well with people he doesn't like... he is thought of here and around the world to be a continuation of this current administration... These are all negatives


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
In other threads people who have you same position are not even adamit(spelling?) on going after bin Laden in Afghanistan and al Qaeda leaders. You are more concerned with Iraq.
Obama more than any other candidate has the ability to solve the issues we face with these groups and countries... Since he is the presumptive candidate against McCain... Please tell me how McCain would be better. His solution is war...which is not the answer.. he is known to have a temper... he is known to not work well with people he doesn't like... he is thought of here and around the world to be a continuation of this current administration... These are all negatives
The only solution to Al Qaeda is to kill them, obliterate their training camps, and remove any government that supports or hides them.
So, in my opinion, McCain is far better than Obama. Especially if Obama believes like you.
History shows War sometimes is
the answer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Untrue? Are you denying the church bulletin has contained Hamas materials?
Are you denying the church has given a lifetime achievement award to Farrakhan?
As I mentioned .. you failed to state what it said... I also believe this was on a Internet Bulletin in which people can write whatever they want...similar to this one... You mentioned it as not important to what it said...or the relevance it had to the subject matter. Anything and everything can be taken out of context.. if you are going to charge Obama with something (especially something he has no control over)... at least have the proper information to back your claim up.
As far as Farrakhan... lets talk about why he was honored... Farrakhan doesn't have the stigma he has with people like yourself in the black community. We realize he has said some unsensitive things in the past... The whole Jewish came as a result of an attack from Jewish Institutions against Presidential candidate Jackson back in '84.. in which Farrakhan responded... both parties were involved and it was bickering or statements made b/w the two.. Farrakhan has since sought to work directly with Jewish organizations... That is some background.. if you are going to tell the truth ..tell it all.
Now back to the church... Farrakhan has done many positive things in the black community... he was recongized for his prison work and helping ex cons turn there lives around...
this is "typical" america.... we always want to highlight the negatives in a person... we never talk about the good they do or their positive achievements. He did this work in that community.. regardless of his religious belief... or past statements... I have no problem with him being recongized for helping other people.