Obama supporters. I have one question


Originally Posted by Fats71
agreed and as I stated earlier Suzy suffers from delusions and hence should not be pushed we all know what happens from INTERNET fights and name calling... 6 girls lure you in while two boys stand guard then they knock you unconscious in their living room and video tape it for "youttube'
I am getting alittle scared so I'm going to bow out and not get my beat down ( u know how them terrorist supporters are.
Geez, for someone who bowed out, you post a lot!


Active Member
QUOTE=Rylan1;2566492]I didn't say this... don't take my words and twist them... tell your pal " I said what's up brotha.

Those are your words not mine... I said nothing of that sorts, nor did I make that accusation..
I am saying that many black people, who or who may not include your pal, believe that the television most oftem portrays african americans in a certain light... BET once had shows that talked about news and issues invloving the black communtity that highlighted education and impowerment. Now, it is simply a video channel that shows shake your booty videos, instead of more positive videos or messages as it once did. It was once more educational .. but now it is MTV in which many black households have to censure their children from, and their are also many others who have no problem with it.
But look at television over the past 5-10 years.. Images that are now seen, language heard, themes, and etc... it is polluting our youth which is why we see rises in certain behaviors with our children.
This is what you said and I responded too
The pastor hasn't said anything anti-christian... it may be anti-social according to your personal social beliefs... but to many black people this is the thoughts and frustrations they have. There is a clear difference.. I myself were not surprised by the comments... I've heard them before ... its just an eye opening to the frustrations of certain parts of the black community in many ways.
I then stated this which are quotes from the pastor himself
Saying that "Jews are scum" and "Judaism is a gutter religion" which he repeated after his beloved Farrakhan which is anti Christian " lets remember Jews are the chosen people and when you accept Christ as your Lord you become grafted inn by faith making you an adopted Jew"
One more thing whats with the "brotha" coment ? He is your brother but I am not. Seems like kind of a racist remark don't ya think ? We will just call it an "obama" you made an "obama"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Geez, for someone who bowed out, you post a lot!

I will use your political views now. I only meant bow out for the day I guess it was a poor choice of words. Oh wait that was used ten times in the last month by obama maybe I should come up with something more original.
Still waiting for him to blow up and start screamin racial slurs at the press when they catch him again. It is just a matter of time from the gangsta rap listen "whitey, jew, asian hating fella we all know as Obama. Theen maybe his wife would have two things to be happy about in our country int he past 30 years since she has had such a deprived life and nothing to be happy about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
I am not white but Italian American Indian. MY wife is black dutch. I have foster kids of many different races. I am not for white America or black America or Italian America. I am for AMERICA On nation under GOD.
Obama is the wolf in sheep's clothing we have all been warned about.
I am not that fond of McCain by any means I am a Sam brown back man but as he is not in the race McCain is the best choice for the job. I wish I could vote for Mickey mouse honestly with the current choices but that is not an option as far as I know.
I am voting for the most qualified for the job and as I do not think any of them are worth much McCain does hold the highest dollar amount. I am a republican and know McCain to be a Dem in sheep's clothing but he is the best demo publican to choose from.
Why? McCain's ticket is the war... all other issues he is not in tune with what the majority of americans want.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Why? McCain's ticket is the war... all other issues he is not in tune with what the majority of americans want.
start with answering my questions to you and answering the questions about religious statments made by wright that you said he never stated.
I can show you the clip where hee says it go back to the real questions.
Try showing us where he is this great leader your willing to follow as opposed to us showing you the thousands of reasons he is not.
Show me proof answer my questions ? answer journeys questions and many others as opposed to answering a question with a question.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
QUOTE=Rylan1;2566492]I didn't say this... don't take my words and twist them... tell your pal " I said what's up brotha.

Those are your words not mine... I said nothing of that sorts, nor did I make that accusation..
I am saying that many black people, who or who may not include your pal, believe that the television most oftem portrays african americans in a certain light... BET once had shows that talked about news and issues invloving the black communtity that highlighted education and impowerment. Now, it is simply a video channel that shows shake your booty videos, instead of more positive videos or messages as it once did. It was once more educational .. but now it is MTV in which many black households have to censure their children from, and their are also many others who have no problem with it.
But look at television over the past 5-10 years.. Images that are now seen, language heard, themes, and etc... it is polluting our youth which is why we see rises in certain behaviors with our children.

This is what you said and I responded too
I then stated this which are quotes from the pastor himself
One more thing whats with the "brotha" coment ? He is your brother but I am not. Seems like kind of a racist remark don't ya think ? We will just call it an "obama" you made an "obama"
How is that racist? If you have a black wife than you should have a better understanding..... Brotha and Brother have different understandings... you can be my brother in Christ... But I was simply joking..
But now you are combining stuff that wasn't included in the post I responded to... I deeply do not believe Judism or Islam are "gutter religions" .. I believe we are actually (possibably unknowningly) worshipping the same God, we just have different belief structurers.... We all worship the God of Abraham.


Active Member
How about answering why obama sat thruu a sermon where wright said 'quote "GOD "D" AMERICA lets see where that is posotive for our country...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
start with answering my questions to you and answering the questions about religious statments made by wright that you said he never stated.
I can show you the clip where hee says it go back to the real questions.
Try showing us where he is this great leader your willing to follow as opposed to us showing you the thousands of reasons he is not.
Show me proof answer my questions ? answer journeys questions and many others as opposed to answering a question with a question.
I've lost track of what you are asking me.... Are you saying Wright made the scum of the earth statement? .... But I try to respond to all the questions, but when I have 15 different ones to respond to... I let some go... I don't have the time to respond or acknowledge everything.... the conversation moves on.. and I don't go back pages.


I loved the statement in the debates where O was asked if he thought Bill Clinton was tyhe "first black president". His response was classic, paraphrasing " I'd have to see him dance before I decide if he is, indeed, a brutha"!
Obama is a quick thinker, and very witty. He is going to be great in the McSame debates!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
How about answering why obama sat thruu a sermon where wright said 'quote "GOD "D" AMERICA lets see where that is posotive for our country...
I've answered this... listen to the sermon in full... He is taking this sermon from the Bible when the Israelites stop acknowledging God and reprucutions that came as a result.. He is using that story and taking the US and using a comparrison that the USA is taking God out of everything.. our schools, buildings, rights, etc... to not offend people of non or different faiths. We were a nation built on faith and that increasingly God is becoming less important in our lives... and that if we continue on this path... we will face God's absence in our lives... and that the favor we've had will be no more .. and that instead of God Bless America... It will be the opposite. He personally is not saying ---- America.. He is saying we need to bring God back into our daily lives, and stop saying we don't need Him.
this is not an anti-american message.. as some may think.
And for the record... I didn't see Obama in that service... not that it matters


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I loved the statement in the debates where O was asked if he thought Bill Clinton was tyhe "first black president". His response was classic, paraphrasing " I'd have to see him dance before I decide if he is, indeed, a brutha"!
Obama is a quick thinker, and very witty. He is going to be great in the McSame debates!
according to some here is is weak minded.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I've lost track of what you are asking me.... Are you saying Wright made the scum of the earth statement? .... But I try to respond to all the questions, but when I have 15 different ones to respond to... I let some go... I don't have the time to respond or acknowledge everything.... the conversation moves on.. and I don't go back pages.

Take 5 minutes read it and then respond. You responded that "wright" MADE NO ANTI CHRISTIANN STATMENTS i SHOWED YOU where he did and obama sat and soaked it in along withh tons off other racist rhetoric.
Here is soemthing amusing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
according to some here is is weak minded.
If you think making racist remarks such as lemme see him dance then I will see if he is indeed a brutha funny you will love the video...
I personally think that we are all "bruthas" not because of the way we dance but because of Christ making us all equal but hey I guess racists see it differently.


Originally Posted by Rylan1
according to some here is is weak minded.

Consider the source, then remember how he did in college (very high in his class), how he has flourished in his chosen career, and how far he has gotten in his life in politics so far, at such a young age. They really know he is brilliant, but admitting it diminishes their candidate!
What if people start comparing him to Dubbya? He passed through college w a C average, only because his daddy paid 'em off!
Are you kidding me. We still on Obama and Wright. How many pages of this are we gonna go through?That is so played out. We get it, you don't like Obama and you are not going to vote for him. Its okay, I like him and I am going to vote for him.
Power to the People.
OBAMA 2008.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Consider the source, then remember how he did in college (very high in his class), how he has flourished in his chosen career, and how far he has gotten in his life in politcs so far, at such a young age. They really know he is brilliant, but admitting it diminshes their candidate!
What if people start comparing him to Dubbya? He passed through college w a C average, only because his daddy paid 'em off!

You seriously make me lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
I will use your political views now. I only meant bow out for the day I guess it was a poor choice of words. Oh wait that was used ten times in the last month by obama maybe I should come up with something more original.
Still waiting for him to blow up and start screamin racial slurs at the press when they catch him again. It is just a matter of time from the gangsta rap listen "whitey, jew, asian hating fella we all know as Obama. Theen maybe his wife would have two things to be happy about in our country int he past 30 years since she has had such a deprived life and nothing to be happy about.
Why does he have to do some "gangsta rap" ... Why would he disrespect his family by saying "whitey" - This just proves my point that you have some bias against the man... .. This is just as ignorant as me saying McCain is going to sing some folk song about why he wasn't aware of MLK and doesn't deserve a holiday, except my song is fact. .. When I here Obama say he hates a racial group than I will concede your point... until then have no basis for arguement...
I remember you though... you are the person who was trying to argue about "American Gangster" and I told you the whole cd was a story that progressed from track 1-15...similar to a movie..
What you have to realize is that Obama is not against you... and he is not far a war that doesn't make us more safe... Someone probably journey said that this war has made us safer since no attacks since 911. I differ, because even though no attack has been carried out here... others have been in Europe. Secondly, we have uncovered attacks and planted terrorist groups in the USA... the war itself didn't prevent these attacks, did unlawful wire taping?.. maybe that is a more valid arguement... but the war oversees had nothing to do with nothing happening since 911. Furthermore...how long was it b/w 1st and 2nd WTT attacks? al Qaeda is as strong now as they have ever been.
Originally Posted by Fats71
If you think making racist remarks such as lemme see him dance then I will see if he is indeed a brutha funny you will love the video...
I personally think that we are all "bruthas" not because of the way we dance but because of Christ making us all equal but hey I guess racists see it differently.
This remark is one hot mess. I guess the person who asked him is racist too. I guess Im racist because I like Obama. I guess Im racist because I buy my daughter a black doll.


Active Member
Wow Rylan . I can't believe your trying to argue for solidarity between the races and then drop a bomb like that .
I honestly am speachless .